Panels of the week (ongoing discussion)


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May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Panel from Pierrda Verlag's Baker Street issue 1.

As a licensed property, I'm pretty sure DC did not acquire Bionic Woman when they bought the Charlton characters.
Correct. The rights lapsed in the Eighties before Maximum Press acquired in 1995 but their miniseries that featured her never materialised and the rights are now under Dynamite.


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Alex Dudley's DToons YouTube channel is back after being hacked a couple of weeks ago. Good news.

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Rebecca and Ian are LEGENDS!
If you want an example of what truly all-ages animation is, I can't think of a better recent example than Bluey's "The Sign". I have more to say, but you'll be hearing from me again ;)
aegisrawks wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
I loved your post in that Nick thread. I really dislike Nick's mentality of "It didnt outdo the Super Bowl, CANCEL IT NAO" and I am so glad you agree, even if you are more realistic and more wise.
It seems evidently that, despite being completed, ''Walpurgisnacht Rising'' hasn't been released yet. What do you think?

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