Team Wolf Brothers!
In yesterdays podcast, Butch talked about Crash Nebula:
I wonder if that rejection caused Hartman to stop using the other characters?and one with each episode focusing on a different character.
It's a shame since Crash Nebula looked very good.In yesterdays podcast, Butch talked about Crash Nebula:
Again, Hartman and his obsession with Mr. Crocker. The idea of using different FOP characters sounds like a fantastic idea. Hartman could've done that with FOP and kept the show's writing fresh or at least decent. But of course if Hartman's different FOP characters show had gone through, he would've had excuses to shove the overused characters like Crocker,Cosmo, and/or Mr. Turner in every episode he could.
Spellementary School was also meant to be a pilot for a spin off
In yesterdays podcast, Butch talked about Crash Nebula:
Is no Network willing to take this guy on or something?