Missing Computer Colorized Looney Tunes Shorts


New Member
Jul 9, 2021
I (and 2 other people) collect computer colorized shorts to preserve them. These shorts, however, are currently lost, and I was wondering if any of you had them in any form.

Missing shorts, excluding the unaired ones:
Boom Boom (1936)
Westward Woah (1936)
Porky's Railroad (1937)
Porky's Phoney Express (1938)
Porky at the Crocadero (1938)
Porky in Egypt (1938)
Injun Trouble (1938)
Chicken Jitters (1939)
Kristopher Kolumbus Jr. (1939)
Polar Pals (1939)
Scalp Trouble (1939)
Porky's Ant (1941)
Meet John Doughboy (1941)

Please let me know by replying, if you have these shorts in computer colorized form.

June 27, 2021


Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
I'm hoping one day WB can release computer-colorized versions of all the B&W cartoons in their possession. The ones that already have such versions won't get new versions, only those that don't have such a version yet.

And this would not only encompass Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies, but also Popeye and any B&W MGM cartoons they have.

I think I speak for everyone when I say computer-colorized B&W cartoons are much better than redrawn colorized versions.


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