Megas XLR Episode idea scripts. (PG)


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Here is another mini-rewrite for an episode.

The Junkman Returneth

*The episode starts in the Junkyard. Coop is wearing just his T-shirt and Jeans. He is laying down on a workout bench and is doing bench presses. He is bench pressing 250 pounds.*

Coop: ERRGGH! YAAGGH! UURRGGGHH!!! *Coop is also sweating.* Woo! *Coop puts the weights down and grabs a big glug next to him and drinks.* Ahhh. Jamie is next to Coop. Jamie has a bat in his hand. He picks up a rock and swings at it. The rock goes flying. Jamie then picks up a can and swings it. The can goes flying. Jamie then picks up a metal part and swings it. The part goes flying and hits Goat on the head. Goat drops the stuff he was carrying.*

Goat: Ouch! *Shakes his fist and mumbles at Jamie. Then picks up the parts he dropped*

Jamie: Hm. Wonder what he's all worked up about. *Coop gets up and stretches.*

Coop: Search me. *Moves his arms around* I think he's still trying to build his own robot. *Jamie laughs*

Jamie: Are you kidding? There is no way Goat is going to build a robot with parts like that. *Goat picks up a part and keeps walking.*

Coop: Hey! I built Megas with parts like that!

Jamie: He's not you.

Coop: True. Guess I just got a natural talent for it. *Walks up to a giant punching bag with a badly drawn picture of Gorrath and prepares to punch it.* Hold this Jamie. *Jamie does so. Coop grunts as he punches the bag.* You know. Maybe Goat could build a robot with parts with that junk planet.

Jamie: Didn't you blow that planet up?

Coop: Oh yeah. Forgot. You think that one dude survived?

Jamie: You mean the guy with the crazy eye? I doubt we'll run into him any time soon. *Coop does a powerful punch which throws the bag and Jamie onto the ground* WOAH! Easy Coop!

Coop: Sorry Jamie. Guess I don't know my own strength. *Goes to help Jamie up. It then pans up to the sky. The scene shifts to outer space. It pans over to a new junk planet. This one is silver in color. The new junk planet resembles cybertron in a way. An army of junk robots are marching. They stop and turn left. They salute to the Franken. The Franken is newly rebuilt. Fred is sleeping behind the Franken. Inside, is Varsin piloting the Franken. He nowever is a cyborg. The only part of him that is flesh is his crazy eye. His other eye is red. His crazy eye moves around as he looks at his army.*

Varsin: My loyal Junkbots! Today we have completed the first phase of my grand master plan! Heh heh heh heh. Not only were we able to rebuild our junk planet piece by piece, but with extra parts left over, I was able to create a new body for myself! Now we must move onto phase 2! I still have a score to settle and with your assistance we shall triumph! Heh heh heh heh. I'm sure you are all aware that awhile back, a human being and his robot destroyed our planet and nearly left us to die! Now it's our turn to repay the favor! With the enhancements I have made to our planet, I shall get my revenge! Not only will I destroy the Earther who did this to us, but his entire planet as well! Heh heh heh heh! Now my junkbots! Let us make our way to planet Earth so that we may destroy it! *The Franken pulls a giant lever. On the other side of the planet are gigantic engines. The thrusters activate and the planet starts to move. The planet itself is moving to Earth.*

*Title Theme plays*

The Junkman Returneth

*Back at the Junkyard, Goat is picking up parts to work on his robot. He walks to a giant part and looks at it. Then he picks it up.*

Goat: Hm. This should work. *The entire part breaks apart* Oh man! *Goat goes looking for more parts. Meanwhile, Coop is still working out. He is holding Jamie in the air and holds him in the air with ease. Coop is standing. Jamie is rather relaxed for what is happening to him.*

Jamie: So Coop. You think Goat has a chance of making his own robot?

Coop: I doubt it. But you gotta hand it to the guy. He ain't gonna give up. *Coop sees Goat in the distance* Yo Goat! Come on man! There ain't no way you are gonna build a robot! Give it up!

Goat: Oh yeah! Just you wait Coop! When my robot is ready he's gonna kick your butt! *Grabs a part and dusts it off* You'll see!

Coop: Let me just build you a robot! It won't take me that long!

Goat: I don't need your help! I can do it myself! *Goat walks off. Coop puts Jamie down gently. Jamie grabs his soda and drinks from it.*

Jamie: Hey. Wasn't Kiva supposed to meet us here? I thought we were supposed to go into outer space and look for more junk or something.

Coop: She got someone else to take her.

Jamie: Not that I'm complaining, but why didn't she have us do it. Aren't we like her only mode of transport?

Coop: She said she doesn't trust me enough to take her without me accidently destroying something.

Jamie: Knowing your track record, I wouldn't trust you either. *Coop stares at Jamie* So who did she bum a ride off of? Jenna & Rachael?

Coop: Nah She got my cousin Skippy to take her in his robot. *Jamie spews his drink*

Jamie: That little snot!? How did Kiva manage that!?


*Kiva is at Skippy's house. Skippy and Kiva are out on the front lawn.*

Skippy: So let me see if I got this straight. You want to go into outer space so you can find parts or something, but you don't trust Coop enough to have him take you. In turn, you want me to take you instead. *Kiva nods* Sure I'll take you. *Smug grin* But first, you gotta do some things for me! *Closes up on Kiva's face. She raises an eyebrow. The scene shifts to Skippy relaxing on a lawn chair. He is drinking a mega-slush. Kiva is mowing the lawn for him. She grunts as she trudges through the yard. She angerly looks at Skippy. Sweat runs down her face.* Once you're done with that, you can take out the garbage, clean up my room, then finish my homework. Then we'll go. *Kiva sighs and continues what she was doing.*

*Back to reality*

Jamie: Ouch. I would think Kiva's better off going with you.

Coop: Still. It's upsetting that she don't think I could take her without getting into some kind of trouble. I mean sure, maybe I blew up a few planets.

Jamie: A few? More like many. Heck. I'm surprised you haven't even destroyed Earth yet.

Coop: Oh come on! I can't be that bad. Can I?

Jamie: I bet Goat could pilot Megas better than you. *They both look at each other, then at Goat who is picking up parts.*

Coop/Jamie: Nah! *Goat puts the parts down and runs up to Coop and Jamie.*

Goat: Yo guys! I did it! I got all the parts I need to make Darlene!

Coop: Really? Heheh! This should be good. *They all go to the part of the dump where all the parts are laid out. It does the shing noise but the sound is warped as it shows some of the parts.*

Goat: As soon as I get this baby operational, I'll take you guys on in a sparring match! You think you can handle the junkyard fury!? *Goat punches the air as if he was fighting someone. Coop and Jamie look at each other.*

*Day Dream*

*Megas and Darlene are looking at each other. Megas walks up to Darlene and touches it gently. The entire robot falls apart. Goat is holding a stearing wheel as he falls down with the robot.*

*Back to reality. Coop and Jamie are still looking at each other and start to laugh.*

Coop: You have GOT to be kidding me. You think THAT is gonna beat Megas!? Hahahahah!

Goat: You won't be so arrogent once I mop the floor with you! Then Kiva will count on me to save the world! *Looks around* Say where is Kiva anyway? I wanted her to see this!

Jamie: She went planet exploring.

Goat: Without you guys? How?

Jamie: She got another ride.

Goat: She could of at least waited for me. Once I have Darlene up and running, we could of went together. We could of been something!


*Darlene is running in a giant field of flowers. Inside, Kiva is leaning on Goat. Goat is petting her hair. Goat winks at us.*

*Back to reality*

Coop: Goat. Even if you had a giant robot, Kiva would never date you. She thinks you're a total creep! Everyone thinks you're a total creep!

Goat: Oh yeah well what about you?

Coop: I already got a girlfriend!

Goat: Oh yeah.

Jamie: Don't feel too bad Goat. I don't have a girlfriend either. Well not yet anyways.

Goat: I'm not worried. *Puts his arm around Jamie's shoulder* You see Jamie! One day you and I will find true love. Sure it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, it may not even be three weeks from now! But out there. Somewhere. There are girls who want us. *A huge shadow looms over them all.* Woah. It shouldn't be getting this dark early.

Coop: Yeah it's only *Looks at his watch* 5:00 in the afternoon.

Jamie: *Looking at a giant planet block the sun* Uh don't supposed that giant rock blocking the sun has anything to do with it do you? *They look up and see the giant planet blocking the sun.*

Coop: Woah! When the heck did that get there!?

Goat: Just now I guess. Must be one of them solar eclipses. *A loud crash is heard. Coop, Jamie, and Goat turn around to see a junk robot stand up and tower over them.*

Jamie: I don't think a solar eclipse has one of those on board! *More junk robots drop down and surround the junkyard. Then in the middile, the Franken comes down. Varsin is laughing. Coop, Jamie, and Goat look up shocked to see him.*

Varsin: Finally! I have you right where I want you! Didn't think you'd see the last of me did you? Well now that I'm here there is nothing you can do to stop what's coming! Heh heh heh heh heh. *Coop just looks at Varsin like an idiot.*

Coop: Huh?

Varsin: You don't remember? You destroyed my planet! *Pause* You stole my robot's photonic stabilizer!

Coop: *Pause* Oh yeah! It's all coming back to me now. Who are you again? Varsin?

Varsin: That was years! Years of hard work collecting junk througout the universe! AND IN 5 MINUTES YOU CAME ALONG AND DESTROYED EVERYTHING! *Calms down* However thanks to my resourcefulness I was able to build a new junk planet! And as you can see, gave my own body an upgrade! *As he laughs his eye moves in several directions.* Now I'm going to make sure that you can never ruin my junk collection again! *Laughs more* Oh and also I'm going to blow up your planet and pillage the debris!

Coop: Oh no. I ain't letting some cyborg alien freak blow up MY planet.

Jamie: Why have him do it when you can do it yourself?

Coop: Shut up Jamie.

Varsin: Now if you would be so kind. Please hand over your robot and its time drive before I destroy the Earth. I don't want to end up destroying it in the process!

Coop: Look buddy. I'm sorry about destroying your planet! Really I am! But I ain't just gonna let you have Megas without a fight! *Coop, Jamie, and Goat get inside Megas.*

Varsin: Good. I was hoping you would say that. *The Franken points to Megas* Junkbots attack! *Varsin laughs some more as the Junkbots slowly walk towards Megas. However they are really really slow. Coop and Jamie look at each other, then at the robots. The robots slowly approach Megas.*

Goat: Are they supposed to be this slow? *The robots lumber towards Megas. Coop just looks at Jamie and at Goat. Coop shrugs. Megas starts to walk. Megas passes a robot, grabs it and rips its head off. Megas drops the head and keeps walking. Megas punches a robot down and rips out its arms. Megas drops the arms and keeps walking. Megas passes another robot, rips out its leg and bashes the robot with its own leg. Megas drops the leg and keeps walking. As Megas passes a robot, Megas beats the robot up and destroys it. Megas just then keeps walking. Megas eventually walks out of the junkyard and into the city. Varsin scratches his head*

Varsin: After him! Don't let him get away! *The robots slowly chase after Meags. Megas casually keeps walking.*

Jamie: Looks like they're still after us.

Coop: Eh! I'll only be a few minutes. *Megas continues to walk into the city while the robots give chase. However Megas is faster and disappears from view. The junk robots start scratching their heads. At the Speedymart, Coop is online to pay for food. Jamie and Goat are with him.* You guys take cards? *Back at the Junkyard, Varsin is tapping his foot and whistling while waiting for Megas. Eventually Megas returns. Inside, Coop is eating a philly cheesesteak and drinking a Mega-Slush. Jamie has a bag of chips and a big glug. Goat is eating some Jerky and drinking a soda as well. Megas passes another robot and gives it an elbow smash. Then Megas punches it and rips out wires. Megas then passes another robot and shoots a laser blast at it. Megas then goes to the last one and fires a fist at the junkbot.* Heh. That wasn't so bad.

Jamie: Nice.

Coop: *Via Varsin's monitor* That all you got Junkman? Come on! I know you can do better than that!

Varsin: Oh I have more in store. Perhaps I should of mentioned that my robots never die. They can rebuild themselves with new parts! Observe! *The junkbots slowly move and start rebuilding themselves. A robot that was cut in half, moves with his arms and goes to his legs. He connects his legs so he can move again. A robot goes to pick up its head and screws it back on. A robot helps another robot put its arms back in.* Now let's see if you can do it again and again! Heh heh heh heh heh! *Coop looks at Jamie and Goat. Then looks in front of him.*

Coop: *Shurgs* Ok. *Megas grabs 2 junkbots and makes them butt heads. Megas punches a robot and rips its head off. The robot tries to get his head back, but Megas plays keep away with it. The robot wanders about aimlessly trying to get his head back. A robot hits Megas from behind. Megas just turns around and pushes the robot down and steps on its head. Megas grabs a wrecking ball and wings it like a ball and chain. Megas tosses the ball and chain into a robot knocking its head off. The robot goes to pick up its head.*

Goat: Sweet! *Megas jumps to a giant pile of junk. Megas then grabs a huge pipe and a giant sattelite dish that sports a POP TV logo. Megas puts the dish on the ground and jumps on it. Megas slides down the junk pile.*

Coop: WAAAHHHH!!!! *As Megas slides down, it smacks the junkbots using the giant piple.*

Jamie: Coop! Hit that robot's head off! *Coop sticks out his tounge and concentrates. It shows the robot looking at Megas. As Megas passes by, it knocks the robot head off. The head goes flying. It goes into a window breaking it. Megas jumps into the air and kicks the dish sending it flying. It cuts a line of robots in half. Megas lands at the bottom of the junkpile and twirls the giant pipe it was carrying. A robot picks up another robot's head and throws it to the robot so he can put it back on. However Megas gets in the way and swings at the head. The head goes flying. Megas then runs around the junkyard like it was a baseball diamond. Megas slides on the ground and sends many junkbots in the air. Megas gets up and turns around.*

Coop: Man. I wish everyone we fought was this easy. *To Varsin who appears on the monitor* You'll be next Varsin if you don't take your giant planet and move it!

Varsin: Heh heh heh heh heh! I don't think you're quite done yourself yet! *Points to the junkbots rebuilding themselves. Now they are taking parts from Earth and putting it on them. A robot takes a damaged car and puts it on his head. He bashes his head a bit and the car lights go on. Another robot grabs an abandoned POP TV tower as well as the sattelite dish Megas was using. The robot uses them like a lance and shield. A robot with its top half gone walks around. He finds a giant mascot from one of those burger joints. He puts the top half of that on his body.*

Coop: *Sighs* You know what. This is sad. I mean REALLY. This is sad. In about 5 seconds I'm gonna blast them and they'll just fall apart. Watch. *Megas opens up to reveal many blasters. Megas shoots at the robots making them fall apart. Then Megas shoots at them again just to add insult to injury.* See. What did I tell you? 5 seconds. I don't think you really thought this whole "Revenge" thing through did ya? *Varsin points to the robots as they repair themselves again.*

Jamie: Coop.

Coop: Right. Time to end this. *Megas puts its arms together. The hands go inside Megas. Megas fires a super powerful blast incinerating the robots completely.*

Varsin: NO!

Coop: Hahahahah! Ok Junkman! Let's see your junkbots repair that!

Varsin: No matter! I still have plenty more where those came from! *More Junkbots decend onto the planet and surround Megas.* You might knock down 50 of my loyal solders, but 50 more will take their place! You can't possible defeat my army of junkbots! Heh heh heh heh heh! *Megas just does the same attack it did before destroying those robots completely.* All right then! How about taking on a hund- *Megas once again does the same attack at the robots that land on the planet.* Perhaps TWO hundr- *Megas once again does the attack destroying the robots. This however is shown off screen as Varsin is talking.* Five hundred? *Megas does the attack again destroying the robots. Again it just shows Varsin's face.*

Coop: Ok Varsin look. I realize you might not all be there, so I'm gonna be leinent. I'll give you two choices! You could either A: Take your giant rock and leave, or B: Keeping attacking and I'll just kick your butt all over Jersey. I really hope though that you go with the latter! *Varsin looks at Megas, then looks down on his monitor. It shows a bar filling up. When the bar is full it says "Planetary Boosters: FULLY RECHAGED". Varsin smiles*

Varsin: *His crazy eye moves alot* Hah hah hah hah hah! Oh you think you're so clever do you!?

Coop: Well I ain't the one that's getting his butt kicked!

Varsin: You fool! I've been toying with you this whole time! *Coop is surprised then gets angry*

Coop: Oh yeah! Well I've....been toying with you too!

Jamie: No you haven't.

Coop: Hey! If you can think of a more witty comeback, then I'd love to hear it!

Varsin: Why don't you take a look above you! *Coop, Jamie, and Goat look up to see the giant planet.* That up there is my newly rebuilt junk planet! A junktopia of sorts! I've been able to find many things to enhance my junk planet. Including a gigantic planetary engine! With it I'm going to CRASH MY PLANET INTO THE EARTH! And then there will be nothing left but junk for me to collect! The boosters are fully charged now and all I have to do is start the engine myself! My junkbots were just a destraction while the boosters recharged!

Coop: No way! I ain't gonna let you fly your planet into mine!

Varsin: You'll have to catch me first! *The Franken flies away* Hah hah hah hah hah!

Coop: Oh no you don't! *Megas flies after the Franken. Varsin presses a button. On the monitor are an army of junkbots.*

Varsin: After him! Don't let him reach the planet! *The Junkbots jump down from the planet and head for Megas. The robots pass Varsin and fall by Megas.*

Coop: Woah! *Megas dodges, more robots fall at Megas*

Jamie: It's raining robots! *Megas keeps dodging the robots as they fall. A loud sound is heard. A robot grabs Megas by the leg and is being carried by Megas.*

Coop: Hey! Get off my robot! *Megas shakes its leg causing the robot to fall. 4 to 5 robots land on Megas and hold on to it. Megas slows down* I said get off! *Megas spins around as it flies to shake the robots off.*

Goat: He's getting away!

Coop: Not for long! *Megas speeds up and keeps flying towards Varsin. More robots try to fall on Megas. The car headlights fire beams and blast the robots as they get close. On the monitor it shows Coop playing an asteroid game. Wherever the character goes, Megas goes. The asteroids resemble the falling robots.* Bew bew bew! *Megas continues to dodge the robots and shoot at them. 2 robots fall past Megas and grab Megas by the legs again. Coop looks down and grrs. Megas clicks its heels together causing the robots to smash into each other. Those robots let go and fall down to Earth. Coop keeps looking down. A crash is heard. Coop looks straight and gets worried.*

Jamie: aaaAAAAAaaaahh!!! *More robots land on Megas and hold it down. Soon Megas starts to fall back to Earth.*

Goat: We're falling dude! *Megas powers up and blasts the robots off of him. Varsin manages to make it to the junk planet and land on the surface.*

Varsin: Soon very soon! The Earth shall be nothing but rubble! Rubble which I shall create to build an even better junk collection! Heh heh heh heh heh! *Varsin uses the franken to pull some levers, press some buttons, and switch ports. The planentary boosters activate and the planet slowly moves towards Earth. Meanwhile, Megas has entered outer space. More junk robots land on Megas and try to weigh him down. Megas goes into overdrive and the heat from the thrusters melt the robots off of Megas. Goat looks up at the planet.*

Goat: Is it me or is that planet getting bigger?

Jamie: Not it's not! It's getting closer!

Coop: *Grrs* Don't worry! I won't let it reach Earth! *Megas heads for the Junk planet. The planet itself fires lasers at Megas*

Jamie: Look out! *Megas dodges the beams* Great now the planet's firing at us! *From the planet's surface, junkbots grab giant debris and toss it at Megas. Megas dodges the lasers and the giant debris. The Franken grabs a huge barrel at throws it at Megas. Megas gets hit and falls back down to Earth. Megas however recovers and keeps flying. More debris is thrown at Megas.* Uh Coop? *Coop activates the targeting system and locks on to the debris. Coop flips a switch and Megas opens up to reveal a ton of missiles. As Megas flies, it fires the missiles at all the debris blowing it up.*

Coop: Almost there guys! *Megas fires more missiles at the laser turrets firing at Megas. Megas then lands on the planet.*

Varsin: You're too late! My planet is already in motion! You can't stop it! You can however keep my junkbots occupied! *Points to Megas* Destroy it! *The Junkbots slowly stagger towards Megas. Coop, Jamie, and Goat are unphased.*

Coop: Man when is he gonna realize that these junkbots can't do a thing! *Megas flies into the air. Then Megas lands on the ground super hard creating a powerful shockwave. All the robots in the area fall apart. Varsin's crazy moves and spots Fred sleeping. The Franken turns around to Fred.*

Varsin: After them Fred! *Fred wakes up and digs into the ground. Megas looks around. Fred comes up from behind.*

Coop: Woah! *Megas jumps in the air to get away. However Fred bits Megas on the leg and starts tossing it around like a ragdoll*

Coop/Jamie/Goat: AAAAAAAHHHH!!! *Fred throws Megas onto the ground.*

Goat: Man! Now I know what a doggie chew toy feels like! *Megas gets back up*

Jamie: Coop forget him! The planet is gonna crash into Earth! *Coop looks at the monitor to show the progress*

Coop: I've got time! Just let me put Fred on his leash! *Megas fires a missile at Fred. Fred digs underground and the missile instead hits some junk in the distance. Coop looks for Fred. Fred comes up and bites one of Megas's legs again. Megas flies into the air carrying Fred with it. Fred lets go and falls to the ground.* All right! Finally a real fight! *Megas comes down with a powerful elbow. However Fred digs underground to avoid the attack. Megas gets up and looks around* Where did he go? *Fred emerges again.*

Jamie: Behind us! *Megas turns around and punches Fred. Fred goes flying. He gets up and grows at Megas. Megas does the bring it pose. However hands emerge from the ground and grab Megas. Out come Junkbots that were hiding underground.*

Coop: Hey what give!? *Fred wraps around Megas and squeezes*

Jamie: He's got us!

Coop: *Tries to break free* I can't get loose! He's got us too tight! *Beeping noises are heard.* This ain't a good time for Megas to malfunction! *Megas continues to try and unwrap Fred from itself but no luck. Fred tightens his hold.* Come on! Come on! *Megas starts to electrocute*

Jamie: Coop hurry!

Coop: I'm trying! *Megas then just shuts down. Jamie stares at Coop* Hey. I tried. *Fred unwraps himself from Megas. Megas falls down to the ground. Junkbots and the Franken surround Megas.*

Varsin: Heh heh heh heh! Excellent work Fred! *To the Junkbots* Take this robot to the lab. While we wait for my planet to crash into Earth! I get the liberty of taking its time drive! *The robots pick up and carry Megas*

Goat: Great this stinks! And I never got my second chance to build a new Darlene!

Jamie: Coop get us out of here! *Coop tries to use Megas but nothing works.*

Coop: I got nothing. The power is still on temporary shut down. Maybe Kiva would know something. *Goes to contact Kiva but Jamie stops him*

Jamie: No way! If she finds out what happened she'll never leave us alone again!

Coop: And if I don't then a giant planet of junk is gonna crash into Earth! *Coop presseses buttons. Jamie tries to stop him. They both struggle. Then Kiva appears on the monitor* Kiva!

Kiva: What's up guys?

Coop: Look I've got a pro *Jamie covers his mouth and talks*

Jamie: Nothing! Just seeing what you were up too!

Kiva: I was kinda busy at the moment. I'm still trying to find a way to fix the time drive when you called me. Is everything all right?

Jamie: Oh yeah! Everything's fine! Couldn't be better! Heh heh. *Coop muffles and stuff. Kiva sees this and raises an eyebrow*

Kiva: Yeah. Whatever. Look. Don't call me unless it's something really important.

Jamie: Will do! Good luck on the time drive thing!

Kiva: Thanks.

Skippy's voice: Are we done yet? I wanna go home!

Kiva *To Skippy* We'll be done soon! Quit whinning! *To Coop and Jamie* I have to go now. I'll talk to you when I get back to Earth! *Transmission ends. Coop bites Jamie on the hand.*

Jamie: Ouch!

Coop: Did ja da dude! Why did you do that!? Kiva could of helped us!?

Jamie: Is it worth getting "Triple Training!?" *Coop's eyes widen*

Coop: Oh yeah. You're right.

Goat: *Looks outside and sees some parts* Looks like it's time for old Goat to save the day again! *Goat opens up the car door and gets out*

Coop: Hey Goat! Come back!

Goat: Don't worry! I got a plan! *Runs away*

Jamie: Great. He runs off like a coward.

Coop: You'd do the same thing.

Jamie: I would. But right now I'm too scared too. *The robots throw Megas onto a giant conveyer belt. Wires trap Megas.*

Varsin: Once I get your time drive, then I can build the biggest collection of junk, the universe has ever seen! Then with the time drive, I can do it all again! *His eye moves like crazy* Heh heh heh heh heh!

Coop: Incase you forgot pal, my time drive is broken!

Varsin: So! I can fix anything!

Jamie: Uh yeah. I got a question. If you're gonna cut up Megas? Do we have to be inside it!?

Varsin: All part of the revenge plan! *Presses some buttons, plugs in some ports, and does other things. The conveyer belt starts to move forward. Out come saws and drills at the other side.* Don't worry. It will hurt for the first few seconds. Then you'll feel nothing at all! Heh heh heh heh heh!

Jamie: Great. So this is how it ends. We get cut open and our planet collides with his. I sure hope Goat does something soon. *A fist hits a saw changing its position. This frees Megas. However Megas can't move. Megas is headed for the giant drill at the end.*

Varsin: What!? *It shows a sillouete of a heroic mech. When it goes to normal, it shows a broken down Mech. It does the shing noise but with warped sound as it shows parts of the mech.*

Goat: Allow me to show you Darlene 2.0! Now with added features! *Varsin laughs. His eye moves like crazy.*

Varsin: You think that hunk of junk can stop me!? *Points at Goat's mech.* Junkbots! Attack! *The Junkbots slowly walk towards Darlene 2.0. However Goat's mech has spring legs that let it jump. It jumps towards Megas. The robots stagger towards Goat and Megas.*

Jamie: Nice plan!

Coop: Now if you can just help me energize Megas, we can escape before the giant drill gets us!

Goat: Leave that to me! *Darlene 2.0 holds 2 giant clamps and puts them on Megas. Goat sees a giant electric box* This will do nicely! *Goat puts the other clamps onto the box and flips the switch. Megas re-energizes. However, Darlene 2.0 was near the electric box and it electrocutes. Darlene 2.0 blows up.* Goat goes flying and lands on the hood of Megas. Goat gets in. He coughs out smoke.* Ugh. Remind me to never do that again!

Coop: Thanks Goat! *Megas gets up and rips out the giant drill. Megas stands proudly.*

Jamie: Uh guys? *Points to the Franken and the army of junkbots headed for Megas*

Coop: Ok you freakshow from deliverance! You come back to my planet, try to take my time drive....again! And now you want to smash your planet into mine!? Looks like I'm gonna take out the trash! *Megas flies towards the Franken. Megas punches the Franken, but it does nothing. The Franken just clobbers Megas with its huge arm. Megas falls down onto some barrels. Megas picks up a barrel and throws it at the Franken. Before it hits however, Megas fires a blast at the barrel. The barrel explodes. The Franken goes flying into a bunch of junk. Junkbots creep towards Megas.

Goat: Behind us! *Megas turns around and grabs a huge tower. Megas lifts it into the air and smashes it down onto the junkbots. Megas gets hit from behind by a barrel. The Franken is back up and walks towards Megas. Behind Megas is a view of Earth getting closer.*

Varsin: Fool! Fight me all you want! But it won't matter! Even as we speak my planet is speeding towards Earth! Better do something quick before it crashes! *His eye moves like crazy* Heh heh heh heh heh!

Jamie: Forget Varsin! We gotta stop his planet from crashing into Earth! *Coop looks on the monitor to see how close Varsin's planet is to Earth.*

Coop: Woah! *Megas gets hit by the Franken. Megas goes down and looks at the Franken*

Varsin: Don't leave just yet! I'm not done playing with you! Heh heh HAH HAH HAH!

Coop: *Coop grrs. Then pings. He gets an idea.* I got it! *Megas flies into the air.* If destroying planets is my specialty, then I guess I'll just have to do what I do best! *Megas spins really fast and flies into the Junk Planet.*

Varsin: What do you think you're doing!? *Megas spins through the planet and comes out on the other side. The planet goes critical. Explosions are seen everywhere. The Franken stumbles and falls.* No! *Via the monitor* What have you done!?

Coop: Game over Junkman! I just caused your planet to go kablooie! Looks like I win. *Jamie and Goat look at Earth which is dangerously close*

Jamie: Uh Coop. When this planet explodes....IT'S GONNA TAKE EARTH WITH IT!

Coop: Oh. I hadn't count on that. *Varsin appears on the monitor laughing*

Varsin: Not quite the turnout you wanted eh? No matter! I can rebuild my planet again! You on the other hand won't be able too!

Jamie: Coop do something quick! *Megas looks around and sees the giant boosters near it.*

Coop: I got it! *Megas flies over to the giant thrusters and starts to push. The planet slowly turns.*

Jamie: It's working! *The Franken shows up and smashes Megas away. Megas gets up and looks at the Franken*

Varsin: If I lose my planet, you lose yours too! *Megas and the Franken Grapple. The Franken picks up Megas and throws him. Megas fires a missile at the Franken and it stumbles back. Megas goes up to the Franken and pushes him down. Megas continues pushing the thruster to turn the entire planet. It veers off course and starts to fly away from Earth.*

Goat: You did it! *Explosions occur near Megas.*

Jamie: Yeah and we better get out of here before we go with it! *Megas flies away. Coop however looks back down on the planet.*

Varsin: No! I can't lose my junk planet a second time! *He breaks down and cries.* Why!? Why me!? *Coop grrs and turns around to fly back.*

Jamie: Coop! Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?

Coop: I gotta rescue him!

Jamie: Forget it! He tried to destroy us again!

Coop: Well he may be a big jerk! But he's still a person! Besides, I have my own reasons! *Varsin gets out of the Franken and runs. Megas flies down and grabs him. Megas is holding Varsin in its hands.*

Varsin: Let go of me!

Coop: Hey pal! Is this anyway to thank the guy saving your pathetic life!? *Megas flies out into outer space. The Junk Planet goes critical and explodes. Debris goes everywhere. Megas dodges some of the debris. Then in another part of Space, Gigas is flying about. Skippy is disgruntled. Kiva is upset.*

Skippy: Well that was a big waste of nothing! We didn't even get to fight anybody!

Kiva: Ugh. If you don't shut up. I'm going to- *Beeping is heard.* Skippy! Incoming asteroids! *Several giant junk clusters head for Gigas*

Skippy: Woah! *Gigas dodges some of the clusters. Gigas then fires at some to destroy them.* Wonder where those things came from! *Kiva has an annoyed look on her face*

Kiva: Coop....*Back on Earth, Coop, Jamie, and Goat are chilling out at Coop's house. They are outside. Coop is lifting weights. Jamie is playing a hand held game. And Goat is sitting down reading a chick magizine. In the sky, there is debris of the planet landing on Earth.*

Coop: All right. Just how we planned. Hopefully Kiva won't know a thing. *Jamie looks up in the sky.*

Jamie: Here she comes now. *Gigas lands Kiva gets out and crosses her arms. She looks at Coop. She is annoyed.*

Coop: Kiva. Welcome back! Did you find what you were looking for?

Kiva: No. But we almost got hit by the remains of a giant planet! You wouldn't know anything about this would you?

Coop: I don't know anything! *A giant part of the planet lands on a house nearby. Everyone looks at it, then Kiva looks at the guys.* Must be a meteor shower. *Kiva sighs*

Skippy: I can't believe you guys blew up a planet without me!

Kiva: Ugh! *To Skippy* Isn't it about time you went home Skippy!? *Skippy goes back into Gigas and flies away. To Coop* I can't even leave you alone without you cuasing uneccessary destruction. What did you do!? *Coop is about to answer but Kiva stops him* No forget it! I don't want to hear it. I had a rough day going on a wild goose chase! I'll deal with you later! *Kiva opens the door to go inside. She looks to see Varsin tied up in chains. He is also gagged. Kiva looks at Varsin, then at the guys.*

Coop/Jamie/Goat: He did it! *Kiva ungags him*

Varsin: You'll all pay for this! When I get out of here I'll build an even bigger junk planet! Then I'll destroy you all! DESTROY YOU ALL!!!! *Kiva regags him*

Kiva: Fair enough. *Goes inside.*

Jamie: Nice!

Coop: Told you it would of worked!

Jamie: So what now.

Goat: Hey you guys can help me work on Darline MK3! I can use some of the parts from those junkbots as spare parts. I'm telling you once Darline is finished she'll be the best robot ever. *He goes on and on. Coop and Jamie just laugh.*

Ending Credits: *Varsin is being forced to do community service and pick up the planet debris of his planet that hit Earth, meanwhile Kiva is drinking a soda*

The End


Coop: David Deluise
Jamie: Steven Jay Blum
Goat: Scott Reinecker
Cyborg Varsin: Rob Paulsen
Kiva: Wendee Lee
Skippy: Frankie Ryan Manrequez

Production Music Used

Hubba Smubba: Extreme Music X-Series
Hollow: Non-Stop Production Music
Viper Room Rumble: Universal Production Music
Double Bomb: Extreme Music X Series
Soft Winds: Universal Production Music
Hammer of the Witches (B): KPM Music
Freestyle Hombre* Extreme Music X-Series
Banjo Stomp* CPM Music (Formerly Carlin)
Uranium 236 - De Wolfe Music
Earth Invasion* Universal Production Music
High Plains - Non-Stop Production Music
Intrepid - Non-Stop Production Music
Larger Than Life - Universal Production Music
Berzerker - Extreme Music X Series
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Ultimate Menace - Non-Stop Production Music
Galaxy Troopers - Universal Production Music
Appalachian Banjo Duel - CPM Music


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Hello. Here is a mini rewrite for the next episode. Ultrabot Zeo.

Ultrabot Zeo

*The episode starts in a futuristic city. The words "Year 41XX" flash across the screen. "The future" then flashes across the screen. It shows a giant city being destroyed. There is fire everywhere. People are running for their lives. Several bioloids march into the city and begin shooting innocent humans and bioloids. One of the bioloids is holding a laser cannon. It charges it up and fires it at another bioloid destroying it. A little girl is running from several bioloid solders. She trips and falls. The bioloids aim at the little girl. From out of nowhere they are shot at. The bioloids are destroyed. A bioloid who looks like Axl from the Mega Man X series appears and helps the girl up. The little girl smiles and he smiles back. The little girl then runs away. A huge flash occurs and the bioloid looks into the city. There are multiple explosions. Now there are giant mechanoids which resemble the Carnage Force 0 from "Mega Man Zero 4". One of the giant mechanoids shoot lasers into the city. A beam travels along the ground and up a building. This causes many explosions as the giant building blows up. Debris falls everywhere. Another mechanoid pulls its giant fist back and punches a building blowing it up. The bioloid who rescued the girl from before shoots at the giant mechanoid. However his attack does nothing. The giant mechanoid aims at the bioloid and fires its fist. A look of horror is on the bioloids face. Then it pans out to show an explosion. The bioloid is destroyed. As people run out of the city, there is a huge bioloid that is hovering over the outskirts of the city. He looks alot like Omega from "Mega Man Zero 3." He raises his giant sword into the air.*

Kappa: OOUUMM!!! *Puts his blade onto the ground. This causes the Earth to shake and open around him. Many humans and bioloids fall to their death. The Earth then closes around him. More humans and bioloids run away. However other bioloids shoot them down. It then pans away from the city to show a huge floating fortress. In one room, is a giant lab. An old man with a long pointy nose is watching the fight. He grins evily. Behind him is Uno, who is being held by energy bands.

Dr.Beal: *Voice actor is Richard Epcar* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! That's it! Go forth my minions and destroy all that lies before you! Show no prejeduce and make every human and bioloid pay! With your help I will pave over the old world and create a new world from the rubble!

Uno: You'll never get away with this Dr.Beal! You might have me, but Ultrabot Z will stop you!

Dr.Beal: Fool! Don't you realize that it's impossible to defeat me! I have you here, and Ultrabot Z is no doubt being ripped apart by my robots! It was all too easy for me to take over Zeo Arcadia! The trusting fools just put all the control in my hands! Now I shall make them pay for my exlie of long ago! *He then goes up to Uno and puts his foot on his armor. Uno grrs angerly* Do you know what the best part is Uno? You and Ultrabot Z can't do a thing to me. Do you know why? Because I am a human and you are a bioloid! And you know the laws of robotics right!? A robot cannot harm a human being! Therefore you are powerless! *Cackles* Being a human sure has it's advantages doesn't it Uno!

Uno: Go die in a fire!

Dr.Beal: Is that all you can do? Spout insults at me? *Uno hocks and spits on Dr.Beal's lab coat. He looks annoyed and wipes the spit off.* How immature. But no matter. I am the world's supreme ruler! I'm sure Ultrabot Z is going to rescue you. When he does, I'll be wating for him! And if he doesn't show up, I get to have my way with you! Either way I win! *The monitor shows the city in flames.* Even as I speak, my army is destroying every city in the world. By the end of the week, the planet will be cold and barren! Then I will rise up and take control! Those who manage to survive will fear and bow before me! But fear not Uno. I have a special place for you in my new world order. Once I re-program you into my servant of course.

Uno: We will defeat you Dr.Beal! One way or another!

Dr.Beal: Oh? And how so? I have you here, and Ultrabot Z would dare not to harm me for he would be in direct violation of the laws of robotics! My victory is ensured! Now why don't you sit back, relax, and watch the destruction of the old world together! Hahahahahahahaha! *Back the city, many explosions occur. It pans away from the city to a giant cliff. Ultrabot Z is looking at the city. His armor is cracked and he looks very bad.*

Ultrabot Z: Uno. I'm sorry. I tried. Dr.Beal's army is too strong for me. Even when I destroy a bioloid or a mechanoid. More will come and destroy me. I can't fight anymore. And I can't do this alone. *Pings* But maybe I won't have to! *Ultrabot Z shoots something in front of him. It opens up a time portal.* I know what I must do. Don't worry Uno. I'll be there for you. Just hold on for a little longer! *Goes into the time portal. It closes behind him.*

*Title theme Plays*

Ultrabot Zeo

*Now it is the present. It pans to a beautiful tropical island. Megas is standing by the sandy shore. Water crashes onto the beach. There is a palm tree and a seagull lands on it. Jamie is laying down in a lawn chair. He is only wearing a bathing suit. He has sunglasses on too. He takes a sip of his Mega-slush and relaxes. Coop comes by with his own Mega-Slush. He is also only wearing a bathing suit. He sits next to Jamie in the other lawn chair. He takes a sip of his Mega-Slush.*

Coop: Ah. Isn't this great?

Jamie: Yeah. Just the two of us on our own private little island. You couldn't ask for a better day! *It's sunny outside.*

Coop: Yeah you said it! *Stretches* This new Coconut-Banana flavored Mega-Slush hits the spot! *Coop then gets up.* Well time to go back home!

Jamie: Why?

Coop: Kiva wants to start training at 8!

Jamie: Oh man. But I was just getting comfortable!

Coop: Sorry Jamie. But you know Kiva.

Jamie: Wait. Maybe we don't have to train.

Coop: What do you mean?

Jamie: I got an idea. *A close up on Jamie's face. Kiva then appears on the monitor*

Kiva: Coop! Where are you!? You were supposed to be here 5 minutes ago. What's taking you so long?

Jamie: Oh! Kiva!

Kiva: Jamie! Where's Coop?

Jamie: Uh. Coop can't come right now. He's not feeling good. *Jamie looks at Coop who is laying in the back seat. Jamie winks. Coop then winks. Coop then fakes coughing and hacking.*

Kiva: He sounds awful.

Jamie: Yeah. So, I'm gonna just take him to the doctor.

Kiva: In Megas? If Coop's sick, then I don't think he's capable of operating Megas.

Jamie: No worries. Coop's gonna walk me through it. I'll take him to the doctor!

Kiva: Maybe you should let me do it.

Jamie: No! You don't want to be here Kiva. Especially when Coop is sick. *Jamie looks at Coop again. Coop nods and pretends to throw up. Kiva is weirded out.* Oh man Coop! That reeks! Just how much stuff did you eat!? *Turns back to Kiva* Gotta go Kiva! See you later! *The transmission ends. Coop gets back up.*

Coop: So did she fall for it?

Jamie: *Smug grin* Hook line and sinker. *Coop gets back into the front seat*

Coop: Nice! *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose thing*

Jamie: So now we've got the rest of the day to ourselves. I'll just tell Kiva that you're gonna rest at my place for a while, then we should be in the clear.

Coop: I hope. *Coop and Jamie knock their cups together and drink.*

Jamie: I don't think anything can ruin this perfect day. *A bright flash occurs.* Huh!? *Static appears as well as multiple flashes. A time portal opens up. Ultrabot Z falls through and lands. He is electrocuting badly.* Except for that. *They see Ultrabot Z is nearly destroyed* Hey Coop. Isn't that the robot dude from the future? Ultraguy J or something?

Coop: Woah. He looks pretty banged up. *Ultrabot Z is unconsious.*

Jamie: What should we do Coop?

Coop: Fix em up I guess.

Jamie: Uh how? It's a robot.

Coop: *Coop goes into Megas and brings out tools.* Hey! You're talking to the guy who made Megas what it is today! I'll patch this guy up on no time! *Coop starts fixing up Ultrabot Z. He uses a wrench, hammer, a blow torch, and other stuff. Also Coop and Jamie have their normal clothes on. After a montage of Coop working on Ultrabot Z, it shows Ultrabot Z is repaired.* All right! He should be good as new. *Ultrabot Z slowly wakes up.*

Ultrabot Z: Co...Coop. Is that you? *Ultrabot Z gets up.* My body. It's fully repaired! Did you do this?

Coop: Yeah. You looked worse for wear! So Jamie and I fixed you up.

Ultrabot Z: Thank you.

Jamie: So what brings you here?

Ultrabot Z: I need your help Coop. The future is in utter chaos. An evil scientist known as Dr.Beal has taken over Zeo Arcadia. He's destroying the world so he can make a new world in his own image. He captured Uno and has him held in his fortress. Many bioloids perished fighting Dr.Beal. But he's just too strong.

Jamie: So why didn't you just go and kick his butt?

Ultrabot Z: *Lowers his head in shame.* Unfortunatly he is a human. Bioloids are forbidden to harm a human being. No matter how much they deserve it.

Jamie: Sucks to be you then doesn't it.

Ultrabot Z: Coop. Please. Come with me into the future. Help me destroy Dr.Beal. Because you're a human, you can fight him without breaking the laws of robotics. I've given a special time drive which has been modified to allow both humans and bioloids to travel through.

Coop: Sure! Just let me contact Kiva, then we'll- *As Coop goes to contact Kiva, Jamie smakes his arm away.*

Jamie: No wait!

Coop: What's up Jamie?

Jamie: If Kiva finds out what we are doing, she'll try and take Megas back to the future! Not to mention she'll know we lied about you being sick!

Coop: Oh yeah. I forgot. But she has to come. No one else knows how to use the computer in the back.

Jamie: What about Ultradude...whatever he is? *Ultrabot Z is annoyed that Jamie can't get his name right.* He did turn into that awesome mini version of Megas.

Ultrabot Z: Well techinally since I have absorbed data on Megas, I know how everything works.

Jamie: Perfect! Then we don't need Kiva!

Coop: I know Kiva ain't gonna like this.

Jamie: I'd rather face a horde of killer death bots then one of Kiva's lectures anyday.

Coop: Well I got nothing else to do and it could be fun seeing what the future's like. I'm game! *Coop and Jamie get into Megas. Ultrabot Z gets in and sits in the back.* You might want to download Megas's data again. I added a few extra things since our last encounter.

Ultrabot Z: Acknowledged. *Puts his hand on the main computer and downloads the information into his databank.* I have updated by data bank on Megas. *Ultrabot Z gets out of the car and fires a blast which turns into a time portal.* I have set the time portal to the year 41XX. Be warned however. What you find in the future, you may not like.

Jamie: I'm sure it can't be all bad. *Ultrabot Z once again lowers his head in shame and nods yes.*

Coop: Let's go! *Megas walks into the portal. The portal closes. Back in the year 41XX, the portal opens up and Megas walks out. It shows an entire city ravaged. It's Jersey City in the future. Coop and Jamie are shocked to see this. There is destruction everywhere. There is a statue of Coop half buried in the ground. Next to it is a stone that says "Earth's Greatest Hero". There is also a destroyed POP TV building and other stuff.*

Jamie: Woah. I guess you weren't kidding. The future is pretty much a train wreck! *Megas leans on a building. The building falls apart. Megas looks at the building.*

Coop: What the heck happened!?

Ultrabot Z: All this senseless destruction is the work of Dr.Beal. He is a bitter human who was exiled years ago for his attempts on world domination. Now he has returned with an army of highly dangerous bioloids who do his bidding. All attempts to stop him thus far is in vein. And now my best friend Uno has been captured. Many of my comrades have died during these wars. But with you here, we have an edge! You can stop Dr.Beal and his madness! *Jamie looks up and sees a giant fortress overhead.*

Jamie: What's with the floating fortress?

Ultrabot Z: That's Zeo Arcadia. It was once a utopia for humans and bioloids. But now it's nothing more than a sadistic lab where Dr.Beal conducts his vile experiments. I can't even get close without being ripped apart by his minions.

Coop: Well now you got me! I say we go up there, blow the place up, and kick this Dr.Beal's butt! *Coop steps on the gas, the engine revs up.*

Ultrabot Z: No! The safety of humans and bioloids come first! We have to destroy Dr.Beal's army. *Using the computer in the back like Kiva would.* They were programmed to destroy everything. This includes innocent humans and bioloids. We have to rescue the survivors and destroy Dr.Beal's army. Once they are destroyed. We can take the fight to Beal himself. *Uses the computer again.* Dr.Beal's army is on the move! They're headed for Ultralopoilis!

Jamie: Can't we just go after Dr.Beal first? I mean he would be easier to beat than a bunch of giant robots.

Coop: But beating up giant robots are fun!

Ultrabot Z: And the safety of humans and bioloid are more important. We need to concentrate on Beal's army first.

Coop: Looks like you're outvoted Jamie. Let's get cracking! The sooner I smash these 2nd rate tin cans the sooner I can defeat this Beal guy and get back to my time and relax! *Megas flies into the air and heads for Ultralopolis. At Ultralopolis, many humans and bioloid are running from Beal's solders. As they continue to march into the city, a laser line blast hits the ground. The solders stop. Megas lands infront of them.* You guys wanna pick on someone? Well how about picking on me!? *The giant mechanoids look at each other, then at Megas. A giant mechanoid fires a fist at Megas. Megas gets hit and falls down. Megas gets back up.* Oh yeah!? Two can play at that game! *Megas fires its own fist at the giant mechanoid. However the fist misses and it instead hits a futuristic POP TV building. The building falls over. Ultrabot Z, Coop, and Jamie look at the building fall down.* Whoops. *Another fist hits Megas and Megas goes flying.*

Ultrabot Z: Coop are you all right!?

Coop: Yeah. I'm good. *Megas gets back up. The shoulder blades of Megas turn around and fire 4 small missiles at the mechanoid that hit Megas. They hit the mechanoid destroying it. The mechanoids look at their fallen comrade, then at Megas.* Any of you other chumps wanna throwdown? *The mechaniods all aim at Megas.* Oh boy. *A ton of missiles fly into the air and all head for Megas. Megas gets hit and there is a ton of smoke. When the smoke clears, Megas is standing proudly.* That the best you got? *Megas gets punched from behind and falls on its stomach. Megas gets up to find itself surrounded by giant mechanoids. It pans out 3 times and does the shing noise.*

Jamie: I don't think the odds are in our favor. *A different mechanoid that has spiked balls for hands tries to clobber Megas with it's spiked hand. However Megas ducks and punches the mechanoid in the stomach. Megas then picks up the giant mechanoid and throws it onto several other mechanoids destroying them. Megas moves its hands to signal a job well done. Coop is doing the same.*

Coop: Oh yeah! There ain't no one! Past, present, or future who can take down Megas!

Ultrabot Z: Incoming!

Coop: Huh? *A giant mechanoid fires at spiked ball at Megas. Megas gets hit and goes flying into a building. The building falls on Megas. Megas gets up and looks at all the robots.*

Jamie: The future begs to differ. *Ultrabot Z gets ou of the car*

Coop: Hey where are you going?

Ultrabot Z: Coop. Dr.Beal's mechanoids are programmed to attack me on sight! If I can divert their attention to me, you can fight them better! *Ultrabot Z jumps into the air. The techno music from "Ultra-Chicks" plays. The background flashes colors. Ultrabot Z transforms himself into a mini version of Megas. Ultrabot Z flies in the air and confronts the robots.* Yo chumps! *The mechanoids look at Ultrabot Z* You want me!? Well here I am! *Ultrabot Z does the bring it on pose. The mechanoids fire beams at shots at Ultrabot Z. Ultrabot Z flies away. Half of the bioloids pursue Ultrabot Z. The other half stay with Megas.*

Coop: Woah. *Megas looks around and sees many giant mechanoids. Coop and Jamie look at each other. Coop grins.* Smashy Smashy! *Megas punches a giant mechanoid in the face. Megas then kicks another mechanoid down. It does a triple split screen of the following. 1: Megas giving a pump handle slam to a mechanoid. 2: Megas stepping on the head of another mechanoid. 3: Megas slams part of a building onto another mechanoid. A mechanoid fires a spiked ball connected to a chain. Megas catches the spiked ball. Megas then lifts it into the air and throws it back at the mechanoid. It lands on the mechanoids head crushing it. Megas then grabs the chain and swings it like a morning star. Megas swings it into the head of another mechanoid destroying it. Megas then jumps into the air and gives several mechanoids the elbow.* REEAYYAAAHHH!!! *Megas comes down hard creating explosions. When Megas gets up he is carrying another mechanoid. He throws the mechanoid in a building. The building explodes. Megas turns around to see a giant mechanoid firing a fist. Megas opens up its chest and fires a giant missile. The missile blows up the fist. The giant mechanoid covers its eyes since the smoke and flashes make it hard to see. From the smoke, Megas's arm emerges and aims at the mechanoid. Megas has its hand open palmed. A bright light flashes from the hand of Megas. It fires a blast the mechanoid destroying it. Megas then grabs another mechanoid and flies into the air. Megas gives this mechanoid a piledriver. Megas gets up and stands proudly.* Hahahahahahahah! *Megas gets hit from behind.* Woah! *Megas falls down on the ground. Megas gets up and looks at the mechanoid that fired at it.* You want some too? Here! *Megas opens up to reveal many missiles. Coop presses a button and the missiles fire at the mechanoid. The mechanoid is destroyed.*

Jamie: Look out! *Another mechanoid fires a morning star at Megas. Coop sees this.*

Coop: Woah! *Coop turns the steering wheel and Megas dodges the morning star. The hand of Megas goes inside itself and out comes a giant chainsaw. Megas cuts the chain the morning star was connected to. Megas then stabs that mechanoid in the stomach and goes upward slashing the mechanoid.* Is that all you losers got!? *Megas gets hit by a fist.* Hey! *Megas turns around to see a mechanoid laughing at it.* You think that's funny? I dare you to try it again! *The mechanoid aims and fires a fist. Megas catches the fisty with both hands. Megas then flies into the air and comes back down onto the mechanoid with the fist.* WAAAAAH!!! *Megas dives into the mechanoid fist first. The mechanoid gets destroyed. Parts go everywhere.*

Jamie: Cool *Meanwhile, Ultrabot Z is flying in the air. He is being chased by a wave of bioloids. They fire their blasters at Ultabot Z. Ultrabot Z dodges the attacks. Another bioloid comes in with a giant rocket launcher. He kneels down and aims at Ultrabot Z. The launcher beeps and fires a rocket at Ultrabot Z. Ultrabot Z gets hit and goes down into an abandoned building. The bioloids slowly walk towards the building. Inside, Ultrabot Z is hurt and he slowly gets up to see bioloids aim at him. He looks worried. The bioloids fire into the building. There is alot of smoke. One of the bioloids signal to the others to hold their fire. They slowly walk up to the building. A shadow of Ultrabot Z is seen getting up. He walks out of the smoke unharmed. The bioloid tells the others to fire again. But Ultrabot Z aims at the bioloid. Like Megas, the hand goes inside Ultrabot Z. Ultrabot Z charges up and fires a powerful blast at the bioloids destroying them. Energy shots are fired from the sky. Ultrabot Z looks up to see 2 giant helicopter mechanoids firing at him. Ultrabot Z fires a shot at one of the mechanoids destroying it. The rotor blade from that mechanoid crashes into the other mechanoid destroying it as well.*

Ultrabot Z: Nice! *Meanwhile, Megas is surrounded my many giant mechanioids. Coop and Jamie look at each other, then at the mechanoids. They all look at Megas.*

Jamie: Man there's no end to these things! Coop do something crazy and use an attack to destroy them all. *Coop smiles*

Coop: Way ahead of you buddy! *Coop presses a button. Megas opens up and out come a ton of blasters and missiles. The computer looks for targets and lock onto the mechanoids. Coop puts a key into a slot and turns it. This raises up a small platform with a single button on it. Coop presses the button. Megas fires a ton of missiles and blasts at the giant mechanoid. The blasts are so bright, that the viewer sees nothing but white. When the flash dissapears, parts of mechanoids fall all over the place. The entire city and the mechanoids are destroyed. Megas is standing proudly.* Hahahahahah! Never saw it coming! *Ultrabot Z appears on the monitor.*

Ultrabot Z: Coop how are you handling?

Coop: *Looks at the destruction.* Well the good news is that Dr.Beal's army is destroyed. *Ultrabot Z looks at Coop annoyed.* But I kinda went overboard and destroyed the city. *Ultrabot Z facepalms*

Ultrabot Z: Luckily everyone got out safe. I'll be back as soon as I finish up here. *Meanwhile in Zeo Arcadia, Dr.Beal is on the giant computer checking out stuff.*

Dr.Beal: My army should of destroyed the next city by now. *The monitor shows his entire army destroyed.* What!? My army is destroyed? How!? *It goes to a screen showing Megas standing proudly.* Hm? Just what is that metal monstrosity? *Uno laughs*

Uno: That's my friend Coop. And his robot Megas. I suggest you surrender now cause once it gets a hold of you, you'll be begging me to put you away!

Dr.Beal: That robot can't do a thing to me! Or did you forget that a robot can't harm a human being!

Uno: Joke's on you Beal. Megas's isn't exactly a robot. It's a mech. And guess what the pilot is. A human being! That means you're fair game! *Dr.Beal gulps*

Dr.Beal: I-I'm not afraid. Even if my army is destroyed I still have my stronghold. Not to mention my greatest creation: Kappa! *Back down below, Kappa is hovering towards another city. He raises his blade into the air. He prepares to strike the blade into the ground. However Dr.Beal's voice speaks to Kappa.* Kappa! I have a new mission for you! Drop whatever you are doing and concentrate your attack on the blue robot behind you! *Kappa turns around and sees Megas in the distance.*

Kappa: Owum! *Kappa hovers towards Megas. At Megas, Ultrabot Z lands near the car. Coop opens the window to talk to Ultrabot Z.*

Ultrabot Z: Now that we destroyed Beal's army, it's time to take the fight to Beal himself! *A laser blast hits Ultrabot Z. Ultrabot Z falls off of Megas and crashes into the remains of a building.* Omf!

Coop: What the heck!? *Coop turns around to see Kappa hovering over them.*

Jamie: Aaaah!

Kappa: Owum! *Ultrabot Z gets up and sees Kappa.*

Ultrabot Z: Kappa! *Megas backs away a bit.*

Coop: You know this guy!?

Ultrabot Z: That's one of Dr.Beal's most powerful creations! If he's after us, that can only mean Dr.Beal is watching!

Coop: Heh! He doesn't look so tough. *Kappa fires a blast at Megas. Megas falls into a building. *Megas looks up at Kappa.*

Ultrabot Z: Coop! You take care of Kappa! I'm going to rescue Uno! *Ultrabot Z flies away. Megas gets up and stares down with Kappa.*

Kappa: Owum!

Jamie: Oh man. He's huge!

Coop: Don't worry. This guy will fall just like the others! *Megas punches Kappa in the chest. Kappa slowly falls down. However Kappa gets back up and fires his fists at Megas. Megas gets hit and falls back. Megas then jumps into the air and tries to pump handle slam Kappa.* WAAAAAAAHHH!!! *Kappa however puts his sword above him. Megas instead pump handle slams the sword. Because the sword is so strong, it doesn't break.* What! *Kappa then uses some special energy to push Megas back. Kinda like a psychic field.* Grrr... *Kappa uses his sword to slash Megas. Megas jumps out of the way.*

Kappa: Owum! *Kappa fires a blast at Megas. Megas flies out of the way. Megas puts its arms together and creates the cool energy sword. Megas comes down and tries to slash Kappa. Kappa just puts his sword in the air to counter Megas. Both Megas and Kappa blade clash for a bit.* Owum! *Kappa then fires a bight flash of light at Megas. Coop and Jamie can't see. Kappa then punches Megas. Into another building. Kappa slowly hovers over to Megas.* Owum! *Megas emerges from the rubble and tackles Kappa. Both Megas and Kappa go flying.*

Coop: WAAAAAAHHH!!!! *Both Megas and Kappa crash into a building. Megas gets up and starts to pummel Kappa. Kappa uses psychic energy to push Megas away. Kappa gets back up.*

Kappa: Owum! *Kappa raises his sword into the air and strikes the ground. The ground opens up and energy comes from the ground below. Megas gets swallowed up and falls down. However Kappa closes the ground leaving Megas trapped.*

Jamie: Not cool! Not cool! *Kappa hovers over to Megas and raises his sword into the air.* He's gonna impale us!

Coop: REYAAHH!! *Coop headbutts a button. The car lights fire a beam at Kappa. Kappa backs away as to not get hit. Megas then breaks the ground around him and gets up.* You think that was bad! Well try this on for size! *Coop presses a button labeled "This is gonna hurt...". The chest of Megas opens up to reveal the Ragnarok from "Mega Man Zero 4". It charges up energy and fires a huge beam at Kappa. Kappa gets carried with the Beam.*

Kappa: OOOWWWUMMM!!! *Kappa goes flying through the city. When the beam dissapates, there is a huge line residue where Megas fired the shot. Most of the city is smoking too. When the smoke clears it shows Kappa down.*

Jamie: Nice! *Kappa however slowly gets up.* Huh!? *Kappa's armor is cracked and he is also electrocuting.*

Kappa: Owum! *Kappa fires another blast at Megas.*

Coop/Jamie: AAAAHH!! *Megas falls down and gets back up. Kappa then aims in the air.*

Jamie: Now what is it doing!? *Kappa fires a huge blast in the air. It explodes and it rains down small blasts which home in on Megas.* Incoming Coop! *Megas dodges the blasts and flies in the air.* Dude he's too strong!

Coop: I ain't giving up yet! There ain't no one who can beat Megas! *Both Megas and Kappa charge at each other. Meanwhile, Ultrabot Z is flying towards Zeo Arcadia. Inside, Dr.Beal sees Ultrabot Z coming.*

Dr.Beal: Hahahahahaha! So Ultrabot Z thinks he can rescue you eh Uno? Well then. I guess I better give him a warm welcome! *The defense turrets all aim at Ultrabot Z. They fire at Ultrabot Z. Ultrabot Z gets O.O eyes and doges the attacks.*

Ultrabot Z: If Dr.Beal thinks that this is enough to stop me, then he has misjudged my power! *Like Megas, Ultrabot Z opens up and fires a bunch of missiles at the turrets. at various parts of Zeo Arcadia, it shows missiles in the sky and they hit part of the fortress creating explosions. Dr.Beal stumbles and falls.*

Dr.Beal: Woah! *He looks at the monitor and shakes his fist.* Cursed Bioloid!

Uno: It's not too late Dr.Beal! If you let me go and surrender, we'll turn you in peacefully!

Dr.Beal: Ha! Don't make me laugh! *He contacts bioloids that are in his fortress* Bioloids! Attack! *Bioloids start heading outside, they see Ultrabot Z and fire at him. Ultrabot Z fires shots at the bioloids destroying them. Ultrabot Z then lands. Several Bioloids gang up on him and hold him down. Ultrabot Z powers up and sends them all flying. Ultrabot Z punches a bioloid in the face, then fires a shot into another. We get a split screen of the following. 1: Ultrabot Z firing shots. 2: A bioloid getting shot in the chest. 3: Ultrabot Z throwing another bioloid over him. 4: Ultrabot Z snaps the neck of another bioloid. Several bioloids in ride armor appear. One of them tries to bash Ultrabot Z with an arm. However Ultrabot Z catches the arm before it can hit. Ultrabot Z grins evily. Then shoots a hole in the bioloids armor. The other armor hits Ultrabot Z from behind. Ultrabot Z turns around. The bioloid in ride armor does a dash punch attack. But Ultrabot Z grabs the mecha by the arm and throws it over him. Then Ultrabot Z fires metal blades which cut the arms off. Ultrabot Z then flies into the air and dives down onto the bioloid*

Ultrabot Z: WAAAAAHH!!! *Ultrabot Z flies through the armor and it explodes. More bioloids come and use blasters on Ultrabot Z. The shoulder things on Ultrabot Z turn around and fire shots back at the Bioloids destroying them. Back down below, Megas and Kappa grapple. Megas picks up Kappa and throws him down. Then Megas jumps into the air and gives Kappa a body dive.*

Coop: Waaaahhh!! *Megas hits Kappa. His armor cracks even further.*

Jamie: Finish him off! *Megas steals Kappa's sword. Megas holds it into the air. Then it stirkes Kappa with its own sword. Light shines through Kappa and Kappa explodes.* Man. Who knew the future could be so destructive? *They show the entire city destroyed.* So now what?

Coop: We go give the "good doctor" a house call! *Coop reves the engine. Megas flies into the air and heads for Zeo Arcadia. Meanwhile at Zeo Arcadia, Ultrabot Z fires missles out of his buster and destroys more bioloids. Then a bioloid with some kind of cannon aims at Ultrabot Z. It fires an electric blast which hits Ultrabot Z. He goes down. His body short circuits and none of his weapons work.*

Ultrabot Z: Crud! *The bioloids aim at Ultrabot Z. Then a huge shadow appears over the bioloids. The bioloids turn around and get O O eyes. Megas is standing over them. The bioloids aim at Megas and fire at Megas. Coop and Jamie just smile and look at each other. Then they look at the bioloids. The attacks do nothing on Megas. Megas slwoly bends down and finger flicks one of the bioloids. The bioloid goes flying into a tower, which topples and falls. The other bioloids look at Megas and retreat like cowards. Both Coop and Jamie laugh. Ultrabot Z manages to return to normal and he gets into Megas.*

Coop: You ok?

Ultrabot Z: I'm fine. Thanks. *Ultrabot Z gets into the back.* Dr.Beal is in that giant tower at the center of Zeo Arcdia! No doubt Uno is there too! Let's hurry!

Coop: Right. *To Jamie* I've got little surprise for the "good doctor!" Megas flies towards the center tower. Dr.Beal sees this and he is quite worried.*

Dr.Beal: No! This isn't happening!

Uno: Time to pay for all the suffering you caused! *A giant fist punches the monitor and hits Dr.Beal. It's Megas. Dr.Beal goes flying into the back of the lab. Stuff falls on him. The fist turns around and opens up. Ultrabot Z was inside the fist. He gets down and goes to free Uno. He shoots a device next to where Uno was being held. The energy bands dissapear and Uno gets down.* What kept you? *Smiles*

Ultrabot Z: Just had to pick up an old friend. *Coop and Jamie wave. Ultrabot Z and Uno get back in.*

Coop: Well that was easy. *Smiles at Jamie.* I guess behind all those robots the doctor is nothing more but a shriveled up man! Well we don't need to be here anymore. *Megas starts to fly away. But Dr.Beal appears on the monitor.*

Dr.Beal: Fool! Don't think you've finished me off yet! *A force shield appears around Zeo Arcadia. Then the entire place starts to fall apart.*

Jamie: aaaaAAAAAaaahh!!! *Everything in Zeo Arcadia is destroyed. Dr.Beal is in the middle. A split screen of Coop, Jamie, Ultrabot Z, and Uno are surprised. It shows Dr.Beal is an android.*

Dr.Beal: Now you shall bear witness to my ultimate power! *A huge flash occurs. The destroyed rubble floats in the air and surroundes Dr.Beal. It merges with his body and transforms him into a giant mechanoid. Dr.Beal looks like the final boss in "Mega Man Zero 4." The only thing that's left of Zeo Arcadia is the giant gravity platform.*

Jamie: Dude! That's the ugliest looking, whatever it is I ever saw!

Coop: I don't know what it is, but it's going down! *Megas powers up and flies into the air. Megas opens up and fires a barage of missiles at the center where Dr.Beal is. However Dr.Beal raises a giant shield which protects him.

Dr.Beal: Hahahahaha! Your attacks are useless! *Dr.Beal fires a ball of energy which traps Megas. The energy ball lifts Megas into the air and causes Megas to crash back down. Megas gets up and looks at Dr.Beal* I am all powerful! No aincent relic from the past could defeat me!

Coop: Oh yeah? Well have some of this! *Megas jumps in the air and creates the cool energy sword. Megas strikes Dr.Beal but the shield protects him. Dr.Beal let's out an energy pulse which sends Megas back. Then from the core, Dr.Beal fires a powerful laser which goes straight for Megas. Megas gets hit and goes for the ledge of the platform. The force shield prevents Megas from falling. Megas gets back up and looks at Dr.Beal. Megas flies towards Dr.Beal. Dr.Beal fires a green ball which turns into a giant energy web. It grabs Megas.* Hey!

Ultrabot Z: He's got us trapped!

Dr.Beal: It seems that I've caught an annoying little fly in my trap! *Dr.Beal charges up a powerful laser blast and fires at Megas. Megas manages to break free at the last second. The beam misses Megas. Megas puts its arms together. The hands go inside and Megas fires a powerful blast at Dr.Beal. However Dr.Beal is protected by his shield. Dr.Beal counters by firing missiles at Megas. Megas puts its arms in an X like position to buffer the attack. When the smoke clears, Megas is electrocuting.*

Jamie: Coop we have to do something before that thing kills us!!! *Dr.Beal fires a spike missile from the bottom of his body and it tries to hit Megas. Megas jumps out of the way then it returns to Dr.Beal. Then Dr.Beal Fires another beam at Megas and it hits Megas dead on. Megas goes flying and hits the force shiled. Megas falls on its stomach.* Next time, try something that works.

Ultrabot Z: *Using the computer.* Energy output at 10%. If Megas gets hit again it will be destroyed! We need more power!

Coop: *Coop grrs.* Man what else can I do!?

Jamie: Hey wait a minute! Didn't Megas merge with those two guys!? *Pointing to Ultrabot Z and Uno.*

Uno: That's right! We can give you more power Coop! It should be enough to defeat Dr.Beal! *Ultrabot Z and Uno get out of the car and jump into the air. They transform into Live metals. Megas grabs both and transforms into Megas Omega.*

Dr.Beal: What!? How did you do that!?

Coop: Listen up you Cool-Aid wearing Future destryoing freakshow! You make me miss quality beach time, you destory my future even further than the Glort already have, and you kidnap my friends!
Now I'm gonna show you just how the future rumbles with the past in the present! *Dr.Beal fires a blast of energy. It hits Megas Omega. It just pushes Megas Omega back a bit. When the blast dissapears, Megas Omega is still standing. The mech sparkles.* Impossible! *Megas takes the Uno arm and rips the shield out from Dr.Beal's giant form.* My protective Shield!

Coop: And now it's your turn! *Using the Ultrabot Z arm, Megas Omega charges up a powerful shot and fires at Dr.Beal.*

Dr.Beal: No! NOOOOO!!! *Dr.Beal gets hit. His entire form explodes. His head rolls along the ground and lands by Megas Omega. Megas Omega crushes his head. Megas Omega flashes. Ultrabot Z, Megas, and Uno return to normal.*

Uno: We did it. We finally stopped Dr.Beal.

Ultrabot Z: Now we can finally rebuild our world. *It shows most of the cities destroyed.* Yeah. This might take awhile.

Coop: I have a better idea. While you send us back home, you guys go a bit forward in time and make sure this never happens again. *Both Ultrabot Z and Uno look at Coop.*

Uno: That's not a bad idea. You go send them home. I'll go fix this. *Uno opens a time portal and uses it and goes in. Then Ultrabot Z activates his and it opens up.*

Ultrabot Z: Well you guys better get going. *We see Megas walk up to the portal.* Thanks for all your help Coop!

Coop: No problem! You guys take care and rock on! *Megas walks into the portal Megas returns to the present time. Megas lands near Coop's house.*

Jamie: So. You think Kiva ever found out what happened?

Coop: I hope not. *Kiva ahems.* Coop and Jamie turn around to see Kiva upset. She's tapping her foot and has her arms crossed. She is angry.*

Kiva: Care to explain where you've been?

Coop: Kiva! Good news! Just got over my cold.

Kiva: Don't insult my intellegence. I know what you did.

Jamie: I'm guessing you're mad aren't you?

Kiva: You like to me about being sick, ditched training to go relax, then went into the future without me, thereby preventing the only chance I had to return to my time and save the future from the Glorft! Oh yeah. I'm mad. *Kiva smiles* But it's understandable.

Coop: Huh!?

Kiva: I'm not surprised that you wouldn't of told me. Afterall if I did get the chance, I would take Megas back with me. But I've been thinking. Coop. I want you to know that when I go back to the future, you have to come with me. You're the only one who knows how to pilot Megas. Together we can defeat the Glorft for good. I'm dissapointed that you didn't tell me, but I can forgive you. Oh. Word of advice. If you want to pretend to be sick, don't throw up. You never throw up. Ever!

Coop: Oh yeah. Heheh.

Kiva: Well seeing as you guys were busy, I'll give you the rest of the day off. But tomorrow there is going to be triple training! And there will be no breaks! I suggest you get a good night's rest. Cause tomorrow at 6AM will be out in space! *Kiva goes back inside.*

Coop: Oh man. Triple Training? This stinks! *Sigh* But then again it was worth it!

Jamie: So now what?

Coop: Well. Now that we don't got to train, I say we go back to the Beach for some quality beach time! *Thunder and lightning. It rains hard.* Oh we could just go back inside and play video games!

Jamie: I'm all down for that! *Coop and Jamie do the pose thingy. Then they walk inside the house to play.*

End Credits: *Megas is out in space doing training. Coop and Jamie are tired. They look at Kiva. Kiva points to more asteroids. Coop and Jamie sigh. Megas goes back to training.*



Voice actors:
Coop: David Deluise
Jamie/Bioloid #1/Jaxel: Steven Jay Blum
Ultrabot Z/Bioloid #2: Cam Clarke
Uno/Kappa: Joshua Seth
Dr.Beal: Richard Epcar
Kiva/Girl: Wendee Lee

Production Music Used

Life Flight - Non-Stop Production Music
Towards The Edge - De Wolfe Music
Ska Rats* Extreme Music X-Series
The Conqueror - Non-Stop Production Music
High Plains - Non-Stop Production Music
Final Verdict - Extreme Music Directors Cuts
Blood Shot - Extreme Music X Series
National Mission - Megatrax The Scene
The Search - Non-Stop Production Music
Orchestral Horror - Non-Stop Production Music
Ro-Sham-Bo - Extreme Music X Series
Intrepid - Non-Stop Production Music
Into The Flames - Megatrax The Scene
Midnight Rodeo - Universal Production Music
Triumphant Reunion* - Non-Stop Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
Blue Danube Waltz - CPM Music (Carlin)


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Merry Christmas everyone. Here is the next rewrite. This one is a major overhaul. Since it's too large I created a PDF for it. The episode is called Violent Valentines Day. Here are the notes of the episode.

Voice Actors:

Jenna/Woman: Jennifer Hale
Racheal: Danielle Harris
Kiva/Nexia: Wendee Lee
Coop/Alien #4: David Deluise
Jamie/Space Bigfoot#1/Beast #1: Steven Jay Blum
Goat/Alien 3#: Scott Reinecker
Man/Alien 2#/Space Bigfoot #2: Kevin Micheal Richardson
Robot #1/Alien #1/Beast #2: Fred Testiacore
Florxin/Tolbit/Robot #2: Wally Wingart
Beast #3/Robot #3: Dee Bradly Baker

Production Music Used

You Know It Makes Sense: Bruton Production Music
Invaders From Space*: Universal Production Music
Frenzy: KPM Music
Double Bomb: Extreme Music X-Series
Teenage Villian: KPM Music
Collision Course: Non-Stop Production Music
Gangsters: Amphonic Music
Ska Rats: Extreme Music X-Series
Breaths And Whispers: Universal Production Music
Can't Hide: Non-Stop Production Music
Prey*: Non-Stop Production Music
Cecil Percussion: Non-Stop Music
Hot Konga: Extreme Music X Series
Force of Darkness: Dewolfe Music
Orchestral Horror: Non-Stop Production Music
Bloodshot: Extreme Music X Series
Intrepid: Non-Stop Production Music
Relentless Power: De Wolfe Music
Air Check: Extreme Music X-Series
Short Hair: Universal Production Music
Viper Room Rumble: Universal Production Music
Menuet 1: Selected Sounds Music


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Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Here is the next episode. Jamie and the Beanstalk. This one is a major overhaul rewrite which I just worked on this week.

Jamie And the Beanstalk

*The episode begins at Coop's house. In the basement, it shows Jamie is laying down on the couch. He is reading a chick magazine. Coop is sitting on the floor, playing what appears to be a fighting game. His character beats up another character.*

Coop: Ooo yeah. Take that. Nice try. Gotcha. *As he talks, he is pressing buttons and stuff. Atari sounds are heard. Suddenly, the phone rings. Coop pauses the game and picks up the phone.* Hello? Oh! Hi Mom! Everything's fine here! Jamie and I got everything under control! *As Coop speaks, Jamie sits up. He puts his magazine away. He then walks over to Coop and sits in the recliner next to him.* You and Mrs. Haley enjoying the resort spa? Nice! My chores? *It shows Coop grab a piece of paper from his pocket. He opens it up to show a list of chores.* Oh yeah! We took care of em! *It zooms in on Coop*


1: On the list it says "Get Groceries". It shows Megas in the parking lot of the market. Coop and Jamie look around and are worried. There is a huge crowd at the market. The scene shifts to the inside of the market. Coop and Jamie head to the snack aisle. They look and see all the good snacks are gone. As it shows empty shelves, a warped shing noise is made. The only snacks left are organic health food snacks. Coop and Jamie, go to another aisle for meat. There is not much there. There are, however beyond meat-by products. Coop and Jamie look at each other. Then they both smile. The scene shifts back to Coop's basement. He takes his market list, folds it nicely, and inserts it into a slot of the Food replicator he has in his basement. After a few seconds, the food replicator produces all of the groceries Coop asked for. There are eggs, milk, beef jerky, frozen burgers, frozen hot dogs, etc. Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose thingy together.

2: The next thing on the list says "Install Mrs. Haley's awning." As Coop lowers the paper, it shows parts & tools laid on Jenna's driveway. Coop looks at it. He then turns to look for Jamie. It shows Jamie walking away. Coop looks annoyed. It then shows Coop working on the awning in a small montage. He is shown screwing something in with a screwdriver. He wipes his forehead. A finger touches his shoulder. He looks up and behind him. It shows Jenna with a towel and a tall Mega-slush that has two straws. Coop smiles, gets up and uses the towel to wipe his face. He then takes a sip from the Mega-slush. Coop then grabs a remote control and presses a button. This activates the awning and creates a shade. It then shows Coop and Jenna sitting on a large porch swing, which is strong enough to support both of them. Jenna leans her head on Coop's shoulder. Coop kisses her head, then starts petting her head. They both take a sip of the Mega-Slush they are sharing together.

3: On the list of chores, it says "Mow the Lawn". Coop gets a lawnmower out from the garage. He goes to start it up. He has some difficulty, then when he tries to start it up, the lawnmower breaks apart. Coop is surprised. He looks at the grass, which is comically tall. Coop then thinks. He looks over at Megas and smiles. It then shows Coop and Jamie in the car. Coop presses a button. Megas puts its arms together and creates the cool energy sword thingy. It then shows the lawn as well as part of the road. An orange slash is seen. After a second, it shows the grass being sliced. A few seconds later, it shows a car that was parked near Coop's lawn get sliced in half. The top half slides down and falls onto the street. It then shows the chest of Megas open up to reveal a gigantic fan. The fan starts spinning and blows the grass off of Coop's lawn. It shows the next-door neighbor working on his lawn. The wind blows. All the grass is blown onto his lawn. He looks at Megas and shakes his fist at it.*

*Back to reality*

Coop: Yep! All the chores are done! *A small pause. Coop's smile goes away* Other side? What other side? *Coop turns the paper over to reveal another chore for Coop to do. It says "Take care of the garden".* Oh. That other side. *It shows Coop poke his head out from the basement and looks at the garden in his back yard. It shows a mostly empty field along with some rotten vegetables.* Uh yeah. We'll take care of the garden too. When will you be back home? Sunday huh? Yeah mom. I'll talk to you later. Love you! Tell Mrs. Haley I said hi also! Gotta go! *Coop hangs up* Jamie! We forgot to take care of my mom's garden!

Jamie: Don't you mean "You forgot to take care of your mom’s garden".

Coop: Bah you know what I mean! We gotta fix it or my mom's gonna ground me! Ugh. I hate doing the garden.


*It shows Coop standing in the garden field. Jamie is standing to the outside of the garden. It shows Coop with a garden hoe. He starts smashing everything in sight. It then shows Jamie put on a poncho. He grabs an umbrella from hammer space and activates it. It then shows gunk and stuff splatter all over Jamie.*

*Back to reality*

Jamie: Yeah. I hate tending your garden too. *As he talks, he takes off his hat and rubs his hand through his hair* I always get pumpkin seeds in my hair.

Coop: Yeah, but it's gotta get done.

Jamie: How about we don't do it and you just tell your mom that we did to it? I'm sure your mom won't know anything.

Coop: Oh ho! You know my mom. That garden is basically her life! She'll know if we left the garden unattended! This one time, my mom went to visit my uncle for a few days. When she came back, she grounded me for a whole week!

Jamie: Ouch! I remember that. That was when the Primal Rage concert was in Jersey. You were the only one who missed it.

Coop: Well, I guess we might as well get this over with. *It shows Coop and Jamie get up and head out of the basement.*

*The scene shifts to the backyard. Outside, there are some sports equipment, a garden with rotten vegetables, and a small shed. The sound of a dog barking is heard in the background. It shows Coop and Jamie looking at the garden.*

Jamie: Uh yeah dude. You're totally screwed. *Jamie sniffs* Ugh! What is that reek! *Jamie acts like he's gonna throw up.*

Coop: Ok! No sweat! All we gotta do is plant some new stuff and make it grow! There should be some seeds in the shed! *Jamie goes to the shed and looks for seed packets. He grabs a packet of beans. Jamie comes out of the shed with the packet*

Jamie: This was all I could find. *Coop takes the beans and looks at them*

Coop: Well, it's better than nothing, I guess. *It shows Coop planting the seeds for the beans in the garden*

Jamie: Uh Coop. I don't mean to get your hopes up, but you do know that it takes like months for plants to grow to full size. *A small pause occurs*
Coop: Jenna's got some plant grow we can use!

Jamie: Even that's not gonna do much good.

Coop: Come on Jamie! We gotta do something!

Jamie: Like what? It's not like you could use Megas to help us. *A small pause occurs. Coop and Jamie then look at each other*

Coop/Jamie: Megas!

*Title Theme Plays*

Jamie and the Beanstalk

*The scene is still at the garden. It now shows Kiva is with them.*

Kiva: You did what!? *It shows Coop next to Megas*

Coop: I put about 50 gallons of plant grow inside Megas. I'm gonna use it to grew a new garden for my mom. Cause I didn't take care of the old one. *Kiva shakes her head and facepalms*

Kiva: I can't believe this! This is probably the most irresponsible think you have ever done!

Coop: I know! That's why I'm trying to make it right!

Kiva: I'm not talking about the garden! I'm talking about Megas! You just put an unknown foreign substance inside of Megas!

Coop: What's your point?

Kiva: You don't know what kind of adverse reaction it could have with Megas's systems! Possibly causing irreversible damage. *A small pause. Everyone looks at Megas*

Jamie: Well Megas seems to be doing fine. *Kiva runs an analysis on Megas. She detects no glaring issues*

Kiva: It looks like whatever you did, didn't have any ill effects. *To Coop* Coop. Promise me you won't do anything like this again!

Coop: All right all right! Calm down Kiva. I promise.

Jamie: Hey Coop. Maybe we'll end up growing super giant plants or something. We could even end world hunger. Just think of the fame and fortune we would get. *Zooms in on Jamie*


*Jamie is standing on a stage at an auditorium. He is wearing his white tuxedo and his hat.*

Announcer: *Voice actor is Steven Jay Blum* And to you! Mr. James Mahoney! We are proud to present to you, the Nobel Peace Prize for Agriculture! *A hot chick hands him a medal. He takes it and smiles* But that's not all! You'll also get, this really cool car! *The curtain behind him goes up. It shows a hot chick reveal a new car. It's the same chick we see briefly in "The Fat & The Furious."* And 1 million dollars! *Another chick pulls on a rope. Money rains down from the stage burying Jamie. He comes out from the pile of money. 4 hot chicks also come out and giggle. They cuddle up to Jamie. Jamie winks at us*

*Back to reality*

Jamie: Nice. *It then shows everyone look at the garden again*

Coop: Well, I guess I better get started. *The scene shifts to Megas standing next to the garden. It shows Coop, Jamie, and Kiva in the car*

Kiva: Coop. I don't think you should go through with this. You have no idea what kind of reaction the plant grow will have when it came into contact with Megas's fusion core.

Coop: Chill out! I mean, what's the worst that could happen!? *It zooms in on Kiva*


*The scene shifts to Jersey City. It shows giant vines strike a building. The building collapses. A giant pumpkin monster is seen roaring. It smashes its vines into another building and destroys it. It then shows an eggplant monster wrap a building up using its vines and rip it off of its foundation. It slams the building onto the ground causing it to break apart. A corn monster is shown firing blasts at several buildings destroying them. It pans out showing Jersey City under attack by giant vegetable monsters. It also shows Megas in the city. Kiva and Jamie, angerly look at Coop. Coop just chuckles weakly.

*Back to reality. Coop looks mortified. He then shakes his head.*

Coop: Nah! That would never happen!

Kiva: I still think this won't solve anything for you Coop.

Coop: We're gonna find out in a few seconds! *Coop presses a button. Megas's arms aim at the garden. The hands go inside. It then shows Megas firing a wad of green liquid onto the garden. The garden is now basically drowning in plant grow.* Oh man! It ain't working!

Kiva: Well duh! It's not supposed to take affect right away! *Coop thinks for a bit.*

Coop: Maybe it needs more plant grow. *Kiva facepalms.*

*It then shows Megas aim at the garden again. Coop presses a button. The arms turn into gatling guns. Instead of energy blasts, it fires off wads of plant grow onto the garden. Then it shows Megas aim its fingers at the garden. The fingers open up. The fingers fight off streams of plant grow. The chest of Megas opens up. Out comes a giant hose. Megas grabs the hose with its hands. It then uses the hose to douse the garden in even more plant grow. Megas then comically acts like one of those lawn sprinklers that spin around. It fires even more plant grow on the garden. Jamie and Kiva look annoyed. Coop looks upset*

Coop: Man, it still ain't working!

Kiva: Well, that was a dumb waste of time.

Jamie: Not to mention you basically drowned your mom’s garden with plant stuff. Oh well. I guess I'll see you in a few years once your ungrounded. *A small pause*

Coop: Oh wait! The instructions state that it usually takes 12 hours to work! So maybe we check then!

Jamie: Probably. *Small pause* So now what.

Kiva: Well, seeing as we are already inside of Megas, we should begin our training lesson for today. *Coop and Jamie look at Kiva*

Coop: What? But Jamie and I spent all day doing stuff for my mom!

Kiva: Coop, you need to train and- *Both Coop and Jamie look at Kiva with puppy dog eyes* Ugh! Fine! You can take the rest of the day off. But we're training tomorrow! You got that!?

Coop: Uh sure! *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose together. They get out of the car. Kiva smiles, and joins them.*

*The scene shifts to Coop's bedroom. He is sleeping on a bed. It shows the room has the same stuff on the floor from the episode "Breakout". Coop is seen tossing and turning. He mumbles in his sleep*

Coop: Hmm. Oh yeah. So good. *Snoring sounds are heard.*

*The scene shifts to the outside of Coop's house. In the middle of the garden, it shows a tiny sprout forming. The sprout grows into a vine. It starts growing at a very fast rate. As the vine grows, the base of the vine gets thicker and thicker. It grows up high into the sky. It passes some clouds and keeps growing. It then shows an airplane flying. It sports the POP TV logo. Inside, it shows everyone partying and dancing.*

POP TV Announcer: *Voice actor is Kevin Michaeal Richardson* Welcome aboard the POP TV party plane! Where pop music lives forever! *Outside, it shows the beanstalk impaling the plane as it keeps growing. Inside the plane, it shows everyone panicking and screaming. The beanstalk continues to grow higher and higher. It passes some more clouds. The beanstalk eventually stops growing.*

*The next day, it shows Jamie and Kiva looking up at the giant beanstalk. They are awestruck.*

Coop: Hey guys. Jenna wants me to help her open up her pool, so I'm gonna head over to *As Coop talks, he looks at what Jamie and Kiva are looking at* *It pans out showing the giant beanstalk*

Jamie: Dude. Your mom is so gonna kill you.

Coop: What the heck is this!?

Kiva: *Uses her portable computer thing on her wrist* This appears to be some kind of giant beanstalk.

Coop: How the heck did this happen!?

Kiva: It would appear that the molecular structure of the plant grow must have been sub-atomically enriched when it came into contact with Megas's fusion core. *Coop and Jamie look at Kiva dumbfounded. Kiva sighs* You enhanced the power of the plant grow!

Coop: Oh. *A small pause occurs*

Kiva: Well, the good news is that you didn't create any giant mutant vegetable monsters.

Coop: This is bad! If my mom comes home and sees her entire garden destroyed by this giant beanstalk, I'm gonna be grounded forever! We gotta get rid of this thing!

Kiva: Just have Megas cut it down and- *Jamie cuts Kiva off*

Jamie: No wait! *Small pause* Don't you guys see it!? It's just like the story! Jack & The Beanstalk! *Kiva looks at Jamie*

Kiva: Jack and the Beanstalk? *Coop and Jamie look at Kiva*

Jamie: You've never heard of Jack & The Beanstalk? *Kiva shakes her head no*

Coop: Didn't your mom or Dad ever tell you bedtime stories when you were a little girl?

Kiva: My parents were killed before I was even born! *A small pause*

Jamie: How is that even possible?

Kiva: In the future, they- *Kiva stops* No. Forget it. You wouldn't understand anyway. Forget I ever said anything. *Coop and Jamie look at each other, then at Kiva*

Coop: Ok then!

Kiva: So, is one of you going to tell me what Jack & The Beanstalk is about? *Coop and Jamie look at each other.*

Jamie: Ok. So, the story basically goes like this. *Zooms in on Jamie*


*As Jamie talks, the following occurs. It shows Kiva, who is Jack's mother, hand Jamie, who is Jack, a cow to trade for food. Jamie comes up to Goat, who is dressed like a used car salesman. He trades the cow for some beans. Jamie smiles. Back home, it shows Kiva upset. She is holding the beans. Jamie looks upset. Kiva throws the beans out of the window. It shows the beans grow into a giant beanstalk. The next day, it shows Jamie look up at the beanstalk. He climbs it. He gets onto a path that is high up in the clouds. It leads to a giant castle. He goes into the castle and looks around. He sees a woman who looks like Serena from "MTV Downtown" She looks like a Zither. There is also a bunch of bags of cash, jewels, gold, and a golden goose. Jamie smiles. He goes to grab the zither & the goose. However, a shadow looms over Jamie. He looks up. He sees Coop, who is the giant. Coop looks angry. Jamie looks terrified. It shows Jamie running away from the giant, while holding both the Zither chick, and the goose. It shows Jamie back down on the ground. He helps the Zither/Harp girl down from the beanstalk. He looks up to see Coop climbing down the beanstalk. He grabs a chainsaw and revs it up. He uses it on the Beanstalk. The Beanstalk then falls over. Coop falls down from the sky. Jamie looks up. He moves out of the way. A huge crash is heard. The screen shakes. Coop is down and out cold. It then shows Jamie, dressed in a tuxedo, riding in a limo. He is with the harp girl. His limo is also filled with money as it drives away.*

Jamie: It's about some kid named Jack whose family was dirt poor. His mother asked him to trade their cow for some food or something. He comes across this really sleazy guy that trades his cow for some magic beans. His mother wasn't exactly too happy about that and threw them out of the house. That night, the beans grew into a giant beanstalk. So, the next day, Jack climbed the beanstalk and found this huge castle in the sky. There he found some chick who was like a harp or something. He also found a trove of gold, jewels, and cash. He took whatever he could grab, but before he could escape, he was spotted by the huge giant. Fearing for his life, he fled with whatever he could grab. He managed to make it back down to the ground, but the giant was still after him. So, he cut the beanstalk down causing the giant to fall to his death. Afterwards, Jack made a ton of money thanks to the harp girl and the golden goose.

*Back to reality*

Jamie: And Jack lived happily ever after.

Kiva: And what does that have to do with anything?

Jamie: *Rubbing his hands devilishly. He smiles as he looks up* I say we climb this thing. And at the top is gonna be a hot harp chick and gold. I'm gonna be rich.

Kiva: Is that all you ever think about?

Jamie: Yeah? So? *Coop laughs*

Coop: Come on Jamie. That's just a fairy tale! That stuff ain't true! And even if it was, you'd be terrified of the giant!

Jamie: No, I wouldn't. *Looks at Megas* Because we got our own giant killer.

Kiva: *Smiles* Well, I suppose we can humor Jamie and have Megas climb up this thing. I doubt we'll find anything up there anyway.

*It shows Coop, Jamie, and Kiva inside the car. They buckle their seat belts*

Coop: Guess I better get started. *Megas starts grabbing onto the sides of the beanstalk. Because the beanstalk is so thick, Megas is able to climb it. It shows a small montage of Megas climbing up on the beanstalk. After a while, it shows Megas high in the sky.* Man, just how high does this thing go!?

Kiva: *Using her computer* At least another 5 miles.

Coop: Really? Man, this is taking forever!

Kiva: Well perhaps if you stopped asking question every 5 seconds, then maybe you would make it to the top before night fall. *Kiva looks at Jamie. He is using a pair of binoculars.* What are you doing Jamie?

Jamie: Just looking at stuff. *Jamie looks at something he likes* Yo Coop! Check this out! *He gives Coop the binoculars. It shows Racheal in a purple 2-piece bikini. She also has sunglasses on. She is in her backyard next to her pool. She is getting a tan.* Racheal's getting a tan. Sweet! *She turns over, showing her back.* Pretty hot right? *Coop looks at something else and smiles*

Coop: Nice!

Jamie: I know. Ain't Racheal hot?

Coop: Huh? I ain't talking about Racheal!

Jamie: What are you looking at? *Jamie takes the binoculars back from Coop. He sees what Coop was seeing. He gags, then goes to throw up out of the window.* Oh man. I really wish I could have gone my whole life without having to see that. Ugh. *Coop takes the binoculars back.*

Coop: Huh? What's so gross about Jenna sunbathing naked? *Smiles*

Kiva: Would you two knock it off!? I don't want to be here all day climbing this beanstalk! Let's get to the top, so we can come back down and start our training!

Jamie: Hey Coop. Why the heck are we climbing this thing anyway? Wouldn't it be quicker if we just flew to the top?

Coop: Oh yeah! *Coop presses a button. This causes Megas to let go. Megas is shown falling down. He passes through some clouds. A few seconds later, it shows Megas flying back up through the clouds. Megas spins around as it flies. It passes through several layer of clouds. It then shows the top of the beanstalk, which has something impaled on top. Megas passes through the top of the beanstalk, then lands down. Megas is somehow standing on clouds.* Should of done that in the first place. *It shows Megas tap its foot on the ground. Everyone seems surprised they can stand.* Yo Kiva! How exactly are we standing anyways!? *Kiva inputs stuff on her computer thing.*

Kiva: It looks like this area is being stabilized by some kind of anti-gravity unit.

Jamie: So, like a magic platform thing?

Kiva: *Sighs* Yes Jamie. A magic platform thing.

Coop: Oh. *Jamie looks and sees something*

Jamie: Uh guys? *Jamie points to something. It shows both Coop and Kiva look.*

Coop: Woah. *It shows a giant castle, similar to the ones in medieval times*

Kiva: Where did that come from?

Jamie: Ha! I told you! Whenever there's a giant beanstalk that reaches the sky, there's always gonna be a giant castle. *A small pause. Kiva raises an eyebrow.* What!? It's true! *Megas turns around to see the top of the beanstalk. Kiva uses her computer thing. She notices that a device has been impaled by the beanstalk.*

Kiva: Actually Jamie, this castle has been here for centuries. It looks like it was being hidden by what appears to be a large-scale cloaking device. Probably used to hide something big.

Jamie: I'd call a giant castle pretty big.

Kiva: It would seem that the force and speed of the Beanstalk, must have impaled the device upon impact. That's probably why we didn't detect this place until now.

Jamie: Imagine that Coop. All this time you had neighbors living above you.

Coop: Yeah. *A small pause* So, what do we do now?

Kiva: I guess we could go inside and take a look. But be careful, we don't know if there is anyone dwelling in there.

Jamie: Oh yeah. I can almost taste that fortune. And hopefully the harp chick will go on a date with me. *Jamie rubs his hands devilishly. Kiva sighs*

Kiva: Let's go Coop. We better help Jamie fulfill his desires before he drools all over the control panel. *She notices Coop is also rubbing his hands devilishly* Coop! You too?

Coop: Huh? No! *Continues rubbing his hands* I'm just thinking that a giant castle has got to have giant people in it! And giant people need to eat! So, I'm guessing there's gonna be a giant kitchen with giant food in it! Man. I hope they got giant Philly cheesesteaks in there. *Kiva shakes her head.*

*The scene shifts to the entrance of the castle. It is dark inside. Megas slowly opens the door. The door creaks, making a loud sound. The gang cringe as the door makes noise.*

Kiva: Coop. I said to be careful! We don't want to draw attention to us in case someone is here!

Coop: Hey! It ain't my fault the door creaks! *Megas starts walking around. Coop puts on the car lights. As they walk around, it shows old furniture. On the walls, there are weapons like old swords, and shields. There is also giant tables and chairs that looked like it was made during the Middle Ages.* Doesn't look like there is much here beside some old junk. *Kiva uses her computer*

Kiva: Judging by the density of the wood and the designs of the decor, I'd estimate that this castle has been here for over 800 years. It would seem that whoever lived here, wanted to keep to themselves. If they're still here, we can only hope they aren't volatile.

*Megas keeps walking. They pass a doorway. Megas takes a peek inside. It is a giant-sized bedroom with a bed and stuff.*

Jamie: Well, someone's definitely has been here.

Coop: How can you tell?

Jamie: Well for one thing, the bed's been made. *Notices the torches alight on the wall* And I'm also pretty sure those torches didn't light themselves.

Kiva: Good observation. *Megas continues to walk some more. Eventually, a 2nd set of footsteps are heard.*

Jamie: Check out the echo in this place. It even echoes Megas's footsteps.

Kiva: I don't think that's an echo. *Megas comes to a stop. The 2nd set of footsteps are heard. Kiva runs a scan on her computer and detects something. A red blip appears.* Guys! I'm picking up an energy reading! Something is coming this way!

Jamie: Quick! Hide!

Coop: Hide where!?

Jamie: *Pointing to a giant table* Under there! *Megas goes to the table and hides under it. It tucks itself in. Suddenly, a giant robot that is black/purple in color appears. He has spikes on his shoulders, and evil yellow looking eyes. His appears resembles the evil energy robot from "Mega Man 8". As he speaks, his eyes light up*

Giganktu: *Voice actor is Peter Cullen* Fe! Fi! Fo! Fot! I smell the oil of another robot! Be it modern or obsolete! I'll grind its steel for the scrap heap! *The robot walks away from where Megas is. Megas slowly comes out of the table*

Jamie: Oh yeah. That guy seems real friendly.

Coop: Who the heck was that!?

Kiva: I'm guessing he's the one who lives here. *To Jamie.* That must be the giant from your story Jamie. *Kiva runs an analysis on the robot.* Fortunately for us, his detection systems are primitive.

Jamie: What does that mean. *Kiva sighs*

Kiva: He has to rely on sight, smell, and sound in order to find us.

Coop: Oh.

Kiva: Anyway, we should probably leave. It's clearly obvious from his speech that he doesn't take too kindly to visitors. *The sound of harp music is faintly heard in the background. This gets Jamie's attention*

Jamie: Hey. You guys hear that!? *He leans in and puts a hand to his ear. The harp music gets slightly louder.*

Kiva: That sounds like, someone playing a harp.

Jamie: *Smiles* Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Hello harp girl! *Coop and Kiva look at each other, then at Jamie.*

Coop: I guess I should follow that giant robot dude.

Kiva: Just remember to keep quiet and out of sight and we should be fine. *Megas goes to follow Giganktu. As Megas walks, it acts very quiet. It shows Giganktu walk down a hallway and turn left. Megas follows behind. It then shows Giganktu walk down a spiral staircase. Megas follows. As it walks down another hallway, Giganktu stops.*

Giganktu: Hm!? *Giganktu turns around. He sees nothing. From another angle, it shows Megas above him. Megas is holding onto the walls, clinging to the top of the ceiling. Inside the car, it shows Coop, Jamie, and Kiva worried.* Hmph. *Giganktu keeps walking. Coop and Jamie breathe a sigh of relief. Megas slowly comes down from the ceiling and continues following Giganktu. Giganktu goes into a large room at the end of the hallway. Megas creeps behind. Megas does not enter the room, but it takes a peek. Inside the room, is a massive dining table with chairs. There are tons of food on the table. Coop notices this and licks his lips*

Coop: Oh yeah. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Did ja da dude! Look at this spread! Roast turkey with garlic stuffing. Honey glazed ham, and Ooo! An entire roast pig! *Sniffs* Stuffed with cheese.*

Kiva: Coop. Keep your voice down! We don't want to get his attention on us! *Kiva looks around and notices a young woman and a goose at the end of the table* Who is that? *Coop and Jamie look to see the young woman as well. Her appearance resembles Irma from "WITCH". It also shows a goose next to her.*

Jamie: Whoever she is, she's kinda cute. *Coop squints his eyes*

Coop: Hey! I think I know that chick! That's Melody Johnson! She went to band camp with us! *Small pause* Last time we saw her, she was a chubby girl with braces and glasses!

Jamie: Not anymore apparently. *To Coop* Didn't they say she went missing a few days ago?

Coop: Yeah. Guess now we know where she went.

Kiva: She must be the harp girl from the story. She is playing the harp.

Jamie: It was supposed to be a girl that IS a harp. But who cares. *Notices the goose* Check it out! It's the goose that can lay golden eggs! *Rubs his hands* Oh yeah! Looks like Jamie just hit the jackpot!

Coop: Hey wait a sec! *Squints his eyes again at the goose* I recognize that goose! It's Goosie! The mascot of the Jersey City Goose Eggs!

Jamie: Wait what!? That's just a normal goose!? *Upset* Oh man. Oh well. At least we still got Melody. Maybe once we rescue her, she'll want to go out on a date me or something.

Coop: But what about Goosie?

Jamie: Dude, it's just a goose. The high school can just get another one.

Coop: No way! That goose was around when we went to high school! We gotta rescue Goosie too!

Jamie: Whatever.

Coop: Good. *Megas aims an arm at Gigantku, who is sitting at the table.* The hand goes inside. Megas charges up energy. Coop goes to press a button, but Kiva stops him*

Kiva: Coop, I told you we don't want to bring attention to ourselves! *Coop looks upset. Megas stops charging and returns to normal*

Coop: So, what do you expect me to do Kiva? This chump's got our friend and high school mascot!

Kiva: *To Jamie* How did Jack defeat the giant again?

Jamie: Well, in the story, the harp girl played music for the giant. It caused the giant to fall asleep. So, Jack was able to rescue both the harp chick and the goose. It gave Jack some time before the giant woke up and chased him.

Kiva: I'm not so sure that's going to work. Any other ideas? *A small pause. Coop gets an idea*

Coop: I got it! *Coop gets something from under his seat. It's a set of CDs, a pair of headphones, a microphone, and other recording equipment*

Kiva: What's all that?

Coop: This is Jenna's ASMR Kit!

Jamie: Wait. *To Coop* Dude, you're actually into that kind of stuff?

Coop: Hey. Don't knock it till you try it!

Kiva: How is that going to help us?

Coop: It's supposed to apparently affect your brain and make you feel really sleepy. *Kiva goes through the CD's. She pulls out one for harp music.*

Kiva: This could work. We can use the Jammer to amplify the frequency of the music, then adjust the wavelength to induce sleepiness. *To Coop* Get this set up, then on my signal, play the music.

Coop: Got it! *Coop takes the CD, and starts setting up.*

Kiva: If this works, then Jamie and I will go rescue your friend Melody. *Coop looks at Kiva.* And Goosie too. *Coop smiles*

Jamie: Why do I have to go too!?

Kiva: Because, we're going to need someone as bait incase the giant wakes up. *Jamie grumbles at this.*

*The scene shifts to the dining room. It shows Giganktu eating a turkey leg. He then grabs a huge goblet and drinks from it. He wipes his mouth clean, then lets out a sigh of contentment.*

Giganktu: Such a wonderful meal. But I feel this would go so much better if we had some music. *To Melody* You! Earther Girl! You shall play me a tune from your musical instrument!

Melody: *Voice actress is Nicole Sullivan* Uh yeah. Look. I've been up here for about 3 days now. I'm sure my parents must be worried sick about me. So, if you don't mind, I'd like to go home now and- *Giganktu slams his fist on the table. Melody yells*

Giganktu: You WILL play for me now, or I shall crush you! *Giganktu looks over to the goose* And you! Why must you lay normal eggs! I demand golden eggs in order to make my specialty golden omelets!

Melody: Uh, that's not a special goose. She's just a normal goose.

Giganktu: She'll become part of my next meal if she doesn't! *Goosie tries to lay another egg. However, it is yet another normal egg.* Once again you lay a normal egg!? My patience with you has worn out! *He goes to grab Goosie*

Melody: Wait! Calm down! Let me play some music for you. Then later Goosie can try again!

Giganktu: Hmph. Very well. But I had better like it. *Melody starts playing harp music. Giganktu smiles and appears to like it.*

*Back at Megas, it Kiva and Jamie watching Melody play the harp. Coop finishes setting up the jammer.*

Coop: We're all set Kiva!

Kiva: Ok. Activate the Jammer now. *Coop does so. Megas opens up to reveal the jammer. As this happens, Coop, Jamie, and Kiva put ear plugs on as to not be affected themselves. Coop presses play on the music player. This causes the Jammer to play soothing harp music. It echoes throughout the castle. Melody stops playing the harp and looks around. She appears to be confused.*

Giganktu: Ahh. Such a beautiful song. *Yawns* I think...I'll take a small nap...then...I'll...*Giganktu starts to snore. It then shows Melody yawning. She and Goosie start to fall asleep as well.*

*Back at Megas. Coop turns off the Jammer. Megas returns to normal.*

Coop: Hah! Imagine that! It actually worked!

Kiva: Ok. Let's go Jamie. *Jamie and Kiva unbuckle their seatbelts. Megas quietly walks over to the dining table and has its hand place Kiva and Jamie on top. As they start to head towards Melody, Coop's stomach growls. This worries both Jamie and Kiva. It's loud enough to wake Giganktu up.*

Giganktu: Ugh? Wha!? *Giganktu falls back asleep* Ergh. Ugh.

Kiva: *Appearing on the monitor* Coop. Keep your stomach under control!

Coop: Hey! I haven't eaten! *Looks at the spread of food.* You guys go rescue Melody and Goosie! I'm getting me some lunch! It shows Coop unbuckle his seat belt. He gets out of the car.*

*Back at the table, it shows Kiva and Jamie make their way to Melody. Melody is still asleep.*

Jamie: Psst! Psst! Melody! *Melody starts to wake up.*

Melody: Huh? Wha? What's going on? *She sees both Jamie and Kiva. She looks at Jamie* Jamie? Is that you? What are you doing here?

Kiva: Trying to get you out of here. *She looks at Kiva. Then she gets up and runs over to Jamie. She gives Jamie a hug. Jamie is shocked at first, but smiles*

Melody: Oh, thank you so much I was worried no one would ever find me! *She lets go of Jamie.* I was just practicing my harp, when all of a sudden, this giant robot guy grabs me and locked me up in here! I've been up here for 3 days playing music for him. He's crazy! *Looks at Goosie* Oh. He also took Goosie. For some reason he thinks she can lay golden eggs.

Kiva: Well don't worry. You're safe now. *Jamie goes and puts his arm over Melody's shoulder.*

Jamie: So. You wanna go see a movie afterwards? *The sound of a loud belch is heard. Kiva, Jamie, and Melody are worried. It shows a close up of Coop's mouth. He let out a huge burp. The burp echoes thorough the castle. It shows Coop, next to a partially eaten turkey. Kiva, Jamie, and Melody look over to Giganktu. He wakes up. He looks around. He notices Jamie and Kiva there.*

Giganktu: What the!? *Zooms in on Kiva and Jamie* Intruders! *He gets up from his chair* Foul vermin! How dare you steal what belongs to me! I will crush you! *Giganktu goes to smash his fist where they are. Jamie screams like a little girl. Kiva pushes Jamie and Melody out of the way. Kiva gets out of the way as well. Giganktu slams his fist on the table. The screen shakes as this happens. Kiva gets up and looks over to Jamie and Melody.*

Kiva: Get to Megas! I'll distract him! *Jamie and Melody get up and run away. Jamie is also carrying Goosie. Goosie honks and pecks at Jamie as they run*.

Jamie: Ow! Hey! Ouch! Ugh. Stupid Coop and his goose! *They head towards Megas. Kiva goes over to Giganktu and waves her arms at him.*

Giganktu: Stand still! *Giganktu tries to swipe Kiva with his arm. Kiva does some flips to dodge the attacks. Giganktu's eyes light up. He fires a small beam from his eyes. It chases after Kiva. Kiva runs away. She hides behind some food. The food is seen melting from the heat of the laser. Kiva runs to some more food.*

*Back at Megas, it shows Coop is already back in the car. He is seen licking his fingers. Jamie and Melody get into the car as well. Jamie looks at Coop angerly.*

Coop: Hey guys! What'd I miss!?

Jamie: The next time you wanna burp? HOLD IT IN! *Melody looks at Coop*

Melody: Is that...Harold? What's going on!? *Looks around* Where did you guys find this robot?

Coop: Long story! Don't wanna bore you with the details!

Jamie: Coop! Kiva's in trouble!

Coop: Got it! *To Melody* You might wanna buckle up. It can get pretty crazy here. *Melody does so. It shows Coop pull the 8-ball back. Then he steps on the gas. This causes the thrusters to activate. Megas flies across the table*

*Back at where Giganktu is. It shows him have Kiva in his grasp. He is squeezing Kiva*

Kiva: Errgh! Ughh!

Giganktu: Now I will crush your bones into a fine powder! *He looks up and notices Megas* Huh? What the!?

Coop: WAAAAAAHHH!! *Megas punches Giganktu hard. He goes flying and lands on the ground. His head hits something. He is down. It then shows Megas put his hand down. Kiva runs up to the hand. Megas places Kiva onto the top platform. She gets into the car.*

Kiva: Thanks.

Coop: No problem. *Giganktu slowly gets up. He holds his head.*

Giganktu: Erugh. *He looks at Megas, and points at it* You! How dare you intrude upon my home and take what is mine!

Coop: Hey pal! For your information, Goosie belongs to the Jersey City Goose Eggs! Get your own! *Giganktu looks at the wall. He sees a sword and shield. He grabs them and strikes a pose*

Giganktu: I'd rather have your head instead! Have at thee! *Giganktu tries to slash megas. Megas dodges the attack. Then Megas punches Giganktu in the chest* Ergh! Megas then picks up Giganktu and throws him onto the table crushing it. Giganktu gets up. As he does, Megas puts his arms together and creates the cool energy sword. Megas also creates a cool energy shield that it holds with his right hand. Megas strikes a cool pose*

Coop: En Garde chump! *Both Megas and Giganktu clash their blades. Whenever Megas strikes, Giganktu uses his shield to block the sword strikes. Megas uses its shield to block Giganktu's attacks. Both appear to be evenly matched.*

Melody: So, does stuff like this happen to you guys all the time?

Jamie: Pretty much. It's fun to watch Coop beat the snot out of some giant robot or alien. *Melody looks at Coop's stomach*

Melody: Looks like Coop's put on even more weight.

Coop: *Pats his gut* Oh yeah! *Megas and Giganktu fight their way out of the Dining room. They make their way up the spiral staircase as they clash swords. Inside the car, it shows the screen shaking. Goosie is upset and gets in Kiva's way.

Kiva: Ergh! Can someone keep this goose under control!? *Melody grabs the Goose and tries to keep it calm. However, it pecks her*

Melody: Ow! Cut it out Goosie! *It then jumps into the front and gets in Jamie's face.*

Jamie: Ugh! Dude! What the heck! *Jamie throws the goose back into the back seat.* You just had to rescue the goose didn't you. *Coop stays focused on the fight.*

*Both Megas and Giganktu are fighting using their swords. It is an even stalemate. They are fighting in another hallway. They make their way to a larger room. Giganktu fires beams from his eyes at Megas. Megas uses its energy shield to absorb the attack*

Coop: That the best you got? How about this! *The shoulder blades of Megas turn around. They fire 4 missiles at Giganktu. Giganktu parries the missiles with his shield*

Giganktu: Graahh! *The missiles explode upon hitting the shield. Coop looks at the explosions. Then at Giganktu.* I must admit you are quite skilled. I consider you a worthy opponent! But those who intrude upon my domain must be dealt with! *They continue to clash blades. They exit the large room and fight through another hallway. It shows both Megas and Giganktu blade struggler. It shows Coop grring as he presses buttons on controller. Both Megas and Giganktu separate. Giganktru tries to stab Megas. However, Megas gets out of the way. Megas then kicks Giganktu. Giganktu stumbles but regains his balance. Megas goes to punch Giganktu. Giganktu puts up his shield to block the punch. Giganktu then elbows Megas. Megas stumbles a bit. Megas turns to face Giganktu. They clash blades some more. Eventually, they make their way to a window at the end of a hallway. Megas fires another missile from its shoulder blades. Giganktu blocks the attack with his shield.* That trick won't work a 2nd time! Huhwah!? *It shows Megas run up to Giganktu and tackle him. They both go flying out of the window. They are now outside. They both land on the clouds below. Megas then starts pummeling Giganktu. Giganktu fires a blast from its eyes hitting Megas. Megas foes flying into the air and lands on its back. Both Megas and Giganktu get up and face each other.*

Melody: Woah.

Jamie: Pretty cool huh?

Melody: Yeah.

Giganktu: *To Megas* It has been eons since I dueled against someone who could match me in combat! For this, I shall allow you to leave here peacefully! All I ask in return is that you relinquish the Female Earther and the Goose you took from me!

Coop: No way!

Giganktu: Then you shall perish! *Giganktu runs up to Megas and bashes it with the hilt of his sword. Giganktu tries to strike Megas again. Megas puts up its energy shield to block the attack. Both struggle against each other. It shows Coop gritting his teeth as he mashes buttons. They once again separate. Both Megas and Giganktu look at each other. Then they both run towards each other.* GRAAAAAAAHHH!!!

Coop: WAAAAAAHH!!! *Megas attempts to strike Giganktu again. However, Giganktu ducks. He then manages to stab Megas in the chest with his blade. It does a triple screen of this happening. It then does a 4-way split screen of Coop, Jamie, Kiva, and Melody looking shocked.* It shows Megas is electrocuting.* Ok. That's not good, is it? *Giganktu kicks Megas down.*

Kiva: Megas took heavy damage! If that blade was just a bit more to the right, it could have ruptured Megas's core. *Megas slowly gets up. Megas grabs the sword and pulls it out of its body. Megas then throws the sword away.*

Giganktu: Impressive! You still stand. You won't be standing after this! *Gigantku opens up his mouth area. He charges up a powerful beam. He fires a blast at Megas*

Jamie: Look out!

Coop: Huowahh! *Megas flies into the air and dodges the attack.* Whew! *Giganktu fires beams from his mouth and eyes at Megas. Megas flies around and dodges the attack.*

Giganktu: Get down here and face me coward! *Coop is surprised*

Coop: I don't get it! Why he ain't coming up after us? *Kiva scans Giganktu*

Kiva: It seems that Giganktu doesn't have the ability to fly.

Jamie: So, then as long as we stay up in the air, then he can't do much to us? *Kiva nods. Coop and Jamie look at each other. They start to laugh. Kiva, Melody, and the Goose then look at each other, then at Coop and Jamie.*

Coop: Fi Fi Fo Fump! I spy with my eye a robot chump! Be he grounded or in the air! *As Coop talks, Giganktu looks at Megas. His eyes glow. He lets out a strange energy frequency* I'll smash him up and *Megas starts to descend* Huh? *Megas tries to gain more altitude but can't* Hey! What is this!? Megas lands on the ground, then goes into a kneeling position. Megas can barely move* I can't move! What gives! *Kiva runs a scan*

Kiva: He's increased the power of the gravitational unit! We're sitting ducks. *Giganktu slowly walks up to Megas*

Jamie: Don't just stand their Coop! Get up!

Coop: I can't! *Giganktu kicks Megas. This sends Megas on its back. Megas struggles to get up. However, the power of the gravitational force is too much for Megas. Giganktu starts stomping on Megas multiple times. The gang cringes as the screen shakes. It shows that Giganktu is used to the gravity change and can move with no problem. He kicks Megas. This causes Megas to bounce along the clouds. Megas then lands on its stomach. Megas slowly manages to get up and stand. Megas tries to throw a punch, but due to the gravitational pull, it moves slowly. Gigantku just stands there and starts pummeling Megas. The gang cringe more as the screen shakes.*

Melody: Why isn't Coop fighting back!

Kiva: He can't! As long as the gravitational pull is like this, Megas's mobility is impaired! We need to short out the gravitational field! *Megas gets punched. It falls on its back. Megas lifts its head up. It sees Giganktu, with his sword pointed at it*

Giganktu: I will offer you one more chance! Surrender the girl and the goose and I will let you leave!

Coop: No way! They're both going home where they belong! *As Melody hears this, she smiles*

Giganktu: Then your lives are forfeit! *Giganktu gets closer to Megas*

Jamie: Hurry Coop! Do something! *Coop looks at the controls. He tries to think of something. However, Goosie jumps onto the front and honks. She starts pressing buttons with her beak.*

Coop: Da hey! Cut that out! *This causes Megas to open up its chest. It fires out a canister into the air. It then falls down right next to Megas. Giganktu looks at it, then at Megas.*

Jamie: Next time, try something that works. *As Giganktu goes to strike, the canister explodes. It splashes plant grow over the clouds. It also hits the control unit for the gravitational field. This causes it to short out. Explosions are seen.*

Giganktu: What in the!? *He steps around to avoid the explosions. It then shows Megas standing up.*

Coop: What happened!?

Kiva: The liquid from the plant grow must have shorted out the control unit for the gravity stabilizer! We can move again!

Coop: Nice. *Both Megas and Giganktu face each other*

Giganktu: You are going to pay for that intruder!

Coop: Ok you goose-stealing, obsolete hunk of scrap metal! You take residence above my house without paying no rent, then you kidnap my friend and high school mascot, and now you wanna grand Megas into a pulp!? Well, I got news for you pal! Your goose is cooked! *It zooms out. The sound of a car coming to a halt is heard. Goosie angerly pecks Coop* Ow! *To Goosie* I didn't mean it like that Goosie! *Goosie honks.*

*Coop steps on the gas. Megas runs over to Giganktu. Megas tackles him down. Megas starts punching Giganktu. Gigantku throws Megas off of him. Megas gets up and fires fist at Giganktu. Giganktu blocks it with his shield. A new hand comes out of Megas. Megas then grabs Giganktu and throws him away. Megas then kicks Giganktu while he's down. Gigantku gets up and opens his mouth. He fires a beam at Megas. It hits. The force of the blast pushes Megas off of the cloud platform. Megas falls down.*

Melody: We're falling!

Kiva: Coop! Stabilize the engines! *Coop steps on the gas. The engines manage to stabilize. Megas then lands safely back on the ground. Megas is by Coop's house again. The beanstalk is next to Megas.*

Coop: Everyone all right!? *Everyone nods*

Jamie: *Looking up at the Beanstalk. He points* We're not out of the woods yet! *It shows Giganktu at the top of the beanstalk. He starts to climb down.*

Giganktu: I will take back what belongs to me!

Coop: *Grrs* So this chump wants some more huh!? Well, I'm ready for him! *Megas prepares to fly back up, but Jamie stops him*

Jamie: No wait! Cut the beanstalk down!

Coop: What!? Why!?

Kiva: Jamie's right! If Gigantku's unable to fly, then there is no way he can survive a fall from that altitude! *Coop looks up at Giganktu*

Coop: Got it! *Coop presses a button. One of the hands go inside of Megas. Out comes a chainsaw. It makes the shing noise as Megas strikes a pose. On the dashboard, there is a pulley. Coop pulls it to get the chainsaw started.*

Jamie: Coop! Hurry! *It shows Giganktu climb down more. Coop manages to get the chainsaw started.*

Coop: All right! *Megas uses the chainsaw to cut the beanstalk. Megas then pushes the beanstalk. It starts to topple over*

Giganktu: Wha!? No!

Coop: Timber! *It shows the Beanstalk falling. It crushes several houses as it makes its way down.*

*The scene shifts to Racheal's backyard. She is still getting a tan. A shadow blocks her view. She gets up, and takes off her sunglasses. She sees the beanstalk in her path as it falls. She gasps. She gets out of the way as the beanstalk falls. Stuff gets splattered on her.*

Racheal: Ugh! Uh! Eww!

*It shows Giganktu falling down. He lands a few inches short of Little Tommy. It shows him take a sip of his soda*

Little Tommy: Coooool. *Megas moves its hands to signal a job well done*

Kiva: That should take care of Giganktu.

Coop: Yeah. And Melody and Goosie are safe! *Melody smiles at Coop*

Jamie: Uh yeah. Since we destroyed that gravity stabilizer thingy, what's keeping that giant castle up? *Everyone looks up into the air. It shows the castle falling down. Kiva looks upset. The giant castle crashes onto Jersey City. The screen shakes. When the smoke clears, it shows Jersey City is destroyed. Jamie then looks at Melody.*

Jamie: So, Melody, you wanna go see a movie?

Melody: Uh, look. I just wanna go home so my parents don't freak out. So, I'm just gonna go now. *She gets out of the car.*

Jamie: Hey wait! Why don't you give me a call! *He gives Melody a piece of paper* Here's my number! *She reluctantly takes the paper.*

Melody: Yeah. Thanks. Look, I really gotta go now. *She walks away. Then she turns around and smiles* Thanks for saving me! *She leaves*

Jamie: Heh. So, you'll think she'll call? *Jamie's cellphone rings. He picks it up* That was quick! *Small pause* Oh, it's you Jenna. Yeah. Coop's here. *He gives his phone to Coop* It's for you.

Coop: Hey babe! What's up? *Small pause* Oh right your pool! Sorry about that Jenna. I had a bit of an emergency at home. My Mom’s Garden was ruined so I had to- *Coop is cut off* Wait? You were here before? When? So, what happened to my mother's garden? *Another small pause* You did? But my mom told me to take care of her garden! *Another small pause* So then my mom just wanted me to- *Coop is cut off again.* Oh. Whoohoo!!! Yeah! I feel so much better now! *Jamie and Kiva look at each other, then at Coop* You're awesome sweetheart! Yeah, I'm coming over right now! Love you too sweetheart! *Coop hangs up the phone*

Jamie: Coop...?

Coop: Hahah! So yeah! It turns out that Jenna was over my house before. She had come by to get all the vegetables. She left the rotten ones behind, so my mom just wanted me to get rid of those.

Jamie: So, you're saying that everything we all went through was for nothing!?

Kiva: Well, I wouldn't call it nothing. We did rescue a young girl and a goose.

Jamie: Oh yeah. Some happy ending this turned out to be. Can we get rid of this goose now!? She's driving me crazy! *It shows Goosie honking and pecking Jamie.* Ow! Stop it! *Coop and Kiva look at each other. They start laughing. It pans out showing all of Jersey City crushed by a giant castle.*

End credits.

*It shows Jersey City High School. It shows cheerleaders dancing and people on the bleachers. It shows Coop, Jamie, and Kiva walking past the football stadium/track as they walk back to Megas. It shows Goosie is resting in her nest. She however, opens up one eye and looks at Jamie. As they walk, a shadow appears over Jamie. He looks up to see Goosie. Jamie looks terrified. On the jumbotron, it shows lights that signify a target. It then shows that Jamie got egged on by Goosie. Everyone on the bleachers laugh. It also shows Coop and Kiva laughing. Jamie is disgruntled.*

The end.


Voice Actors

Coop: David Deluise
Jamie/Announcer: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva: Wendee Lee
Giganktu: Peter Cullen
Melody: Nicole Sullivan

Production Music Used
Night Racer - Universal Production Music
Ska'd 4 Live - Extreme Music X Series
Salute the Heroes - Universal Production Music
Late Night - Megatrax Music
Revolt - De Wolfe Music
Lullaby - CPM Music
Panther (B) - KPM Music
Spin Spin Spin - Universal Production Music
Sonata No 5 B-Major Allergo Assai - Selected Sounds
Psychomanix - Extreme Music Directors Cut
Midnight Rodeo - Universal Production Music
Sister Monique - Burton Music
The Dark (A) - KPM Music
Requiem - Non-Stop Production Music
Theme For Harp - CPM Music
Skinned Alive* - Non-Stop Production Music
Intrepid - Non-Stop Production Music
Orchestral Horror - Non-Stop Production Music
Clashing Swords - Non-Stop Production Music
They're Here - Non-Stop Production Music
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
College Fight Song - Universal Production Music


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Hello everyone, Here is a mini-rewrite for The Last Jamie On Earth. Not much has changed on this one.

The Last Jamie on Earth.

*The episode starts in the alternate dimension. Everything is pretty much destroyed. Everyone is dead except for Alternate Jamie. It starts to rain heavily. Alternate Jamie is seen walking through a destroyed and empty city. It shows a destroyed POP TV building. There are also tombstones everywhere. One tombstone says "Goat". Another one says "Tiny". There are 2 tombstones next to each other. One says "Racheal". The other says "Micheal." Alternate Jamie comes up to the 2 graves and looks at them. He lowers his head and sheds a tear.*


*They are at an air station. Alternate Jamie is with Alternate Racheal. She looks like herself, but older and with a short ponytail. She is carrying an infant. This is Micheal. He doesn't talk but he makes baby noises.*

A.Racheal: Jamie. You can't stay here alone.

A.Jamie: I have to. I'm the only one left that can operate a mech. I have to stay back and fight the C-X100. I can give you and the other survivors time to leave this dimension.

A.Racheal: I'm not leaving without you! *The baby wants Jamie to hold him.* What about our son!? *Jamie takes the baby and holds him. The baby snuggles up to A Jamie.* He needs you!

A Jamie: No! It's too dangerous here! You have to leave! *The baby cries. Jamie comforts him. Racheal starts to cry.* I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that so many people have already died. Goat, Tiny, Jenna. They all died because of Coop. I don't want you to die either. *A Jamie puts his hand on her cheek.* This is our final chance to ensure the safety our universe. *A.Jamie gives A.Racheal the baby back. She holds it.* Racheal. *Jamie starts to cry* I promise you, that once this is over, everything will be all right. We can start over in a new dimension.

A Racheal: All right. * A.Jamie and A.Racheal kiss.* I love you.

A Jamie: I love you too. Now go. The C-X100 could be here at any minute. *Alternate Racheal walks away. The baby waves goodbye to Alternate Jamie. Jamie smiles and waves back. Jamie gets into his mech. They get onto the shuttle. The shuttle starts to take off. Jamie looks up at the shuttle leaving. Suddenly a laser blast hits the shuttle and it explodes. The blast hits Jamie's mech and he goes flying into a building. A.Jamie gets up. Everyone onboard is dead. Jamie is distraught.* No! NOOOOOOO! *Through the smoke a human-sized figure appears. It has evil cold eyes. It's a female woman with blonde hair, a sadistic grin, and a red jumpsuit.* You! Haven't you done enough already!?

C-X100: *Voice actor is Michelle Ruff* You are foolish to think that you could stop me Jamie Mahoney. I was created to be the most advanced weapon in the universe. I have already completed my objective of destroying any chance of survival of the human race. *A.Jamie grrs at this.* Now once I destroy you, this entire universe will be barren. Devoid of any life whatsoever. *Laughs* How does it feel Jamie! How does it feel to be the very last living being in this entire universe! *Cackles*

A Jamie: You! You monster! *A Jamie's mech fires a machine gun blast at the C-X100. The shots just deflect off her. She lets out a sadistic cackle and walks towards A Jamie's mech.* RAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! *A Jamie then fires a powerful laser blast at the C-X100. She gets hit by the blast. There are holes in her body. Her body regenerates. She grins evily showing her teeth.* What does it take to destroy you!? *A Jamie's mech charges towards the C-X100. A Jamie tries to bash her with the gun arm. However she blocks the attack with her arm. A Jamie is surprised.* Ergh! No way. *The C-X100 then grabs his mech and throws it over her. A Jamie's mech gets up and fires more shots into the C-X100. The C-X100 transforms her left arm into a particle cannon and aims at A Jamie's mech. She fires it at A Jamie. A Jamie dodges the attack. However she appears above A Jamie's mech and stomps on it sending it down to the ground. A Jamie's mech gets up. Loud banging sounds are heard. A Jamie looks up. The top part of his mech starts to come down on him. The C-X100 is on top of the mech punching it. A Jamie's mech flies into the air and crashes into a building. A Jamie's mech gets up. The C-X100 is no longer on his mech. However a laser blast hits his mech blasting it into the rubble of a building. His mech short circuits. A Jamie gets out of his mech. He looks at the C-X100 approaching him slowly.* Errrrgh!!

C-X100: And now I shall destroy the sole survivor of this universe! *The C-X100 lets out another sadistic laugh. A Jamie grabs a special gun from the cockpit of his mech.*

A Jamie: No! Coop might have taken the lives of everyone else, but I'm not going to let him take me! *A.Jamie aims at the C-X100*

C-X100: Your weapon is incapible of destroying me.

A Jamie: Heh. Who said anything about destroying you? *Jamie fires at the C-X100. She ducks and dodges the attack. However a dimensional portal opens up behind her. It sucks her in. She tries to resist but the portal is too strong.* I'm going to send you away! *The C-X100 gets sucked into the portal. The portal then shuts off.*

*Back to reality. Alternate Jamie sighs and drops a rose by their graves. He then looks up with tears in his eyes*

A Jamie: Racheal. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. I failed to save you. I failed to save anyone. And now because of it, I'm the only one left. But the threat of the C-X100 is not over. I couldn't destroy it, but I sent it away. It will only continue the cycle of destruction all over again. *Looks at his dimensional bazooka.* I have to stop it. I might of failed to save this reality. But I will make sure that what happens here, never happens again. *He takes out a cube from his pocket.* Racheal. Because of you, I have a chance to do just that. I won't let what happened here happen anywhere else! *Jamie fires his gun again. Another portal opens up. He jumps into it. The portal shuts down.*

*Title theme plays*

I am Jamie: Hear me Roar.

*Now we are in the normal dimension. At the Jersey City Junkyard, Kiva is working on Megas. Coop is working out by bench pressing. Jamie is leaning on Megas playing a handheld game. Atari noises are made as Jamie plays. As Kiva works on Megas, the flap thing shuts on her and hits her hand.*

Kiva: Ugh! *She looks down at Coop and Jamie.* Guys! GUYS!! Megas isn't going to repair itself! I need help! Coop! Get up here and help me!

Coop: *As he bench presses.* ERGGGH! Come on Kiva! URGGGGH! I'm kinda in the middle of working out here! REEGGGH!

Kiva: Well stop working out and help me! This is your robot afterall Coop!

Coop: What about Jamie!? He's doing nothing! URRGGGHH!

Jamie: Hey!

Kiva: Well. As long as you are doing some type of training, I'll let you continue. Jamie! Get up here now!

Jamie: No way! Have Coop!

Kiva: He's actually doing something constructive! Now let's go Jamie!

Jamie: *Mocking* Let's go Jamie! *Jamie mumbles.* Thanks alot Coop! *Jamie climbs up onto Megas. Jamie joins Kiva.* So what exactly do I got to do?

Kiva: I need you to hold this flap up while I check the internal systems. I need to check if any damage was incurred during our last fight. *She checks Megas using her scanner thing.*

Jamie: How long should this take?

Kiva: A few hours.

Jamie: What!? I'm not standing here for 3 hours holding this up! It's heavy!

Kiva: Just do it Jamie. Once this is over we can go home! *Jamie sighs. Kiva continues to check Megas.*

Coop: Ouch! *This startles Kiva and Jamie. Jamie lets go. The flap hits Kiva on the head.*

Kiva: Oww! Jamie! I told you to keep it open! *Coop is standing up and he's moving his arms. He touches his arm and winces in pain.*

Jamie: Yo dude! You ok?

Coop: I think I might of pulled a muscle!

Jamie: Let me come down and help you out! *Jamie procceeds to leave. Kiva stops him.*

Kiva: Jamie! I need you here!

Jamie: *Jamie grabs a pipe. He places it inbetween the flap, and the bottom of the openning.* There problem solved. *Jamie climbs down Megas and checks on Coop. Kiva sighs and goes back to work. Coop puts his vest back on and he drinks a big glug.*

Coop: Ahhh. Man that hit the spot! *Coop moves his arm around.*

Jamie: You all right man?

Coop: I think I'll be ok. I probably just strained my muscle. *Jamie looks at the weight Coop was lifting. Jamie whistles.*

Jamie: Man Coop. Don't you think 450 pounds is too much?

Coop: I guess I was just trying to push myself. I can do 400 no problem. *Looks at Jamie.* You know Jamie. You could use a little muscle too.

Jamie: I can't even lift up 20 pounds with one hand.

Coop: I know. That's why you need to work out so you can be like me!

Jamie: Yeah. A 360 pound slob. *Coop stares at Jamie.*

Coop: I'm just saying. Hey maybe if you work out hard enough, you might end up like that other version of Jamie I met.

Jamie: What is he like?

Coop: Well. He's everything you're not.

Jamie: Alot good that does for me. *A noise is heard.*

Kiva: Oww! Jamie! Get back up here! *Jamie mumbles. He goes up onto Megas and puts it back in.* Ugh! *Kiva goes back to work. Jamie climbs back down.*

Jamie: So Coop. You think I'll ever get to see him? *A bright flash occurs.* Woah!

Coop: What the heck!? *Static appears. Then a dimensional portal opens up. Out walks Alternate Jamie. He collapses and falls.* Hey! Alternate Jamie! *Coop goes to help him up.*

Jamie: Well. That answers my question. *Coop helps A Jamie up.*

A Jamie: Heh. Nice to see you too Coop. *Kiva comes down from Megas*

Kiva: Guys! I'm picking up a dimensional anomally and- *She looks at Alternate Jamie.* Is that Jamie!?

Coop: This is the Jamie from the alternate dimesnion!

Jamie: Woah! I look awesome! So this is what I'm gonna be when I grow up? Sweet! Racheal is gonna love this.

Coop: Jamie. He's from an alternate dimension. DIMENSION. He ain't from the future! And that means you ain't gonna look like him!

Jamie: Hey! It could happen. *Crosses his arms* Well it could! *Coop helps A Jamie to the workout bench so he can sit down. Then he gets something for A Jamie to drink. He takes it and drinks it.*

A Jamie: Ahh. Thanks Coop.

Coop: Man you look bad. What happened to you?

A Jamie: What hasn't happened to me? *Notices Jamie.* So this is what I look like in this dimension? Kinda scrawny if you ask me.

Jamie: Hey! I ain't scrawny! I'm just muscularly challanged.

Coop: So what's been going on? No wait! Don't tell me that the evil me is back! I just already fought him again!

A Jamie: Heh. I actually wish it was. No Coop. This is something worse. Far worse. I came here for help. I need you to help me destroy one of his "toys". It completely ravaged Earth in my dimesnion. And I fear that it might do the same thing here. I sent it here so you could destroy it. But you'll need my help.

Kiva: What exactly is "it"? *An explosion occurs in the distance. *A Jamie looks sad.*

A Jamie: Oh no. *A small figure leaps into the air and lands by them at the junkyard. It's the C-X100. Her hair is flowing in the wind.*

Coop: Who is this!? *The C-X100 slowly walks towards them.*

Jamie: Woah. Check her out! I wonder if she wants to see a movie or something. *A redish tint appears. It looks at both Jamie, and Alternate Jamie. The words "Target Found: JAMIE MAHONEY" appear on both of them. The C-X100 aims at our Jamie. Her arm turns into a long sword. She thrusts back.* Uh. *She charges at Jamie.*

A Jamie: Get down! *A Jamie tackles Jamie. The C-X100 misses Jamie. Both Jamie and A Jamie look at the C-X100.*

Jamie: What the heck is she!? *Both Jamie and A Jamie get up. The C-X100 runs at both of them.* aaaaaAAAAAaaaa!!!

C-X100: Raaahh! *A Jamie pushes Jamie out of the way. A Jamie gets cut in the arm. There is a cut on his arm. He looks at it. Then he looks at the C-X100. She snickers evily, and runs at A Jamie with her sword arm. She lunges at A Jamie and tries to slash him. He dodges and fights back. She tries to decapitate A Jamie but he ducks. Then she jumps into the air and tries to impale A Jamie in the face. He side steps and runs away.* Ha ha ha ha ha!!! *The C-X100 gives chase*

A Jamie: You guys get to Megas! I'll destract her! *A Jamie runs away. But the C-X100 lands in front of him.* What!? *She walks up to A Jamie. He backs up into a pile of junk. He looks behind him, then infront of him. Her sword arms turns into a giant metal claw. Her arm also gets longer. She has a sadistic grin on her face. She tries to impale A Jamie in the face. However he moves out of the way. Her hand is stuck inside the pile of junk.*

C-X100: ERRAAAGH! REAAAGGH!! *She tries to get her hand free. A Jamie runs away. She gets out and runs after A Jamie. A Jamie hides behind a pile of junk. He notices a lead pipe on the ground. He gets it and looks at the C-X100 coming his way. He comes out of hiding and smacks her in the head with the lead pipe. A metal clink is heard. Her head is turned as if she was hit. However she turns her head back to A Jamie.* Hehehahahah!! *A Jamie is surprised. She then grabs A Jamie by the neck with one hand and chokes him. Then she tosses him to the ground. A Jamie gets up. The C-X100 grabs the barbell Coop was using and holds it over her. She runs over to A Jamie and tries to strike him.* RAAAAGGH!!! *A Jamie moves out of the way. Meanwhile, Coop, Jamie, and Kiva fasten their seatbelts.*

Kiva: We have to stop that thing before it hurts Jamie!

Jamie: What are you talking about. I'm right here.

Kiva: I mean the other Jamie!

Coop: Right! Not a moment to lose! *Coop steps on the gas. Megas flies in the air. Meanwhile, the C-X100 uses the weight she is carrying to bash A Jamie with it. She swings it like a bat. Jamie ducks. He then kicks her in the back. This of course does nothing. She then turns around and tries to hit him in the stomach. He backs away. He runs away some more. She then throws the giant barbell as if it was nothing. It hurtles towards A Jamie. It hits A Jamie in the legs.*

A Jamie: ERgh! *A Jamie trips and falls down. He turns around to see the C-X100 over him. She takes the giant barbell and drops it on his chest. This pins him.* Ugh! Erggh! Rgghh! *The C-X100 cackles evily*

C-X100: You are helpless! Now I shall destroy you! *Her hand turns into a giant metal claw. And she rises it in above her.* Good bye! *The C-X100 strikes at Jamie. However a clang is heard. A Jamie closes his eyes in fear. When he opens them, he sees that Megas has blocked the attack. Megas then swipes the C-X100 away. The C-X100 goes flying into a pile of junk. Megas removes the barbell and picks A Jamie up. A Jamie gets into Megas and sits next to Kiva.*

A Jamie: Thanks.

Coop: Don't mention it. *Looks at the C-X100* So whose the chick?

A Jamie: She's an android.

Coop: An android eh? This should be easy. I mean come on! It's Megas versus some robochick from another dimension. This is a no contest! *The C-X100 gets up. She looks to see Megas who is towering over her.* Hey lady! What's your deal trying to hurt my alternate dimension's best friend!? You better cut it out or I'm gonna have to hurt you!

C-X100: I am the C-X100. I have been created with the soul purpose of eradicating all life. I will start by destroying you and your weak robot!

Coop: Weak!? Hahah. You're bringing nothing to the fight and you call me weak!? Oh I'm gonna enjoy this! *A redish tint appears. It scans Megas. The words "Target: Mecha Earth Guard Attack System" appear. Then the words "Power: 1,000,000,000rp" and "Speed: 1,500,000,000rp" appear. Lastly, the words "Threat to C-Model Type X: ABYSMAL" appear with the word Abysmal flashing."

C-X100: You're mech is nothing compared to my incredible power. You have 0% chance of survival. No matter what happens, you shall die!

Coop: Oh yeah!? Well you just keep talking with that big mouth of yours! I'm gonna shut you up!

Kiva: *Scans the C-X100* Coop wait! Her power is off the charts! I've never detected a reading like this before! She's more than just an android! Don't underestimate her!

Coop: Chill out! I got this! *Megas cracks its knuckles. Then Megas bends down and points to the C-X100* Listen pal. You better leave or I'm gonna pound you!

C-X100: Surrender? To you!? *She laughs maniaclly* Don't make me laugh! *Coop gets angry*

Coop: All right! You asked for it! But don't say I didn't warn you! *Megas gets up and goes to punch the C-X100*

A Jamie: Coop don't! *Megas punches the C-X100. However she grabs the giant fist blocking the attack.*

Coop: Wha!? *The C-X100 punches the fist. It has enough force to send Megas flying into the air. Megas lands on a junk pile flattening it. Megas gets back up.* What the heck happened!?

Jamie: You got upstaged by an android chick! *Jamie laughs. Megas gets back up and looks at the C-X100*

Coop: So you wanna play rough do ya? Fine by me! *Megas opens up to reveal many blasters.*

A Jamie: Coop! This isn't going to work!

Coop: What!?

A Jamie: It doesn't matter what you do to her! She's survive it!

Coop: Guess I'll just have to find out then huh! *Megas fires a huge barrage of blasts at the C-X100. She gets hit alot and backs up. Her body is filled with holes. She gets hit so much that the area around her is smoking. Megas stops firing at the C-X100.* Hahahaha! Now let's see her get up from that! *When the smoke clears, we see the C-X100 standing. There is a huge hole in her left eye. Her right eye is red. She looks at her body to see the damage that was done to her.* No way! There ain't no way she could survive that!

Jamie: Apparently she did. *The C-X100's body repairs itself.*

Kiva: *Scans* Coop, her body is composed of regenitive metallic alloy. She can repair herself indefinatly!

C-X100: *Cackles* You cannot win! I am far superior to your robot! I cannot simply be destroyed in such a weak and trival matter!

Coop: Trival! *Megas puts its arms together. The hands go inside.* How is this for trivial! *Megas charges up and prepares to fire.*

A Jamie: Coop! That's enough! It's not going to work!

Coop: Yes it will! Now shield your eyes! This might get a little bright! *Megas fires a huge blast at the C-X100. A huge flash occurs. Coop, Jamie, A Jamie, and Kiva are wearing sunglasses.* Wooo! Now that's a bright light! *When the light returns to normal, there is nothing but a smoldering pile of rubble and smoke.* All right! See! I told you I could take her down. *Kiva does a scan*

Kiva: Her energy signal is still active! You didn't stop her Coop! *Her body slowly gets up. She now looks like a metal skeleton from the Terminator Series. She looks at her body, then at Megas.*

Jamie: Woah. *The android starts to go into convuljoions. It shakes violently. Her body gains more liquid metal. Then it slowly transforms back into the C-X100. It looks at Megas.*

C-X100: Pathetic! Now I shall show you why I am the ultimate weapon! *The C-X100 runs up to Megas and leaps in the air. Coop and Jamie look on terrified. The C-X100 kicks Megas in the top part of the chest. Megas goes reeling back. The C-X100 goes down to the foot of Megas and uses her strength to push Megas down. Megas lands on it's back. Coop sees the C-X100 leap into the air. Both of her arms turn into particle cannons. They charge up and fire a blast at Megas.*

Coop: Woah! *Megas gets out of the way. Megas gets up and looks at the C-X100 who is standing on a pile of junk.* What the heck is she made out of!?

A Jamie: She's made from the strongest materials in the universe. She was created by you.

Coop: Me!? Oh wait. You mean the evil me! *A Jamie nods.* Heh. I should of known!

C-X100: I'm going to take extreme pleasure in destroying the human race a 2nd time! It is what my creator would want!

Coop: Oh yeah!? Well your creator is a hampster and he smells of elderberries! *Megas fires a wave of missiles at the C-X100. She jumps on the missiles as if they were stepping stones to get to Megas. Coop looks on in disbelief. She grabs one of the shoulder blades of Megas. She takes Megas down. Then the C-X100 picks up Megas and chucks him into the city. People run for their lives. Megas lands in the road destroying a few buildings. Megas gets back up. The C-X100 is leaping from building to building to get to Megas. She sees Megas and she leaps into the air. Her feet have rocket boosters on them. She speeds up and flies into Megas.* Woah! *Megas and the C-X100 go flying. The scene shifts to an office building where people are working. From the window it goes Megas and the C-X100 flying by. Outside, the C-X100 pushes Megas into a building. The building falls on Megas.* Everyone all right?

A Jamie: For now we are.

Kiva: Look out! *The C-X100 has a giant POP TV metal transmission tower and throws it at Megas. Megas catches it. However the C-X100 tries to push the tower into Megas. Megas struggles to keep it from impaling Megas.*

Coop: Cut it out! *Megas throws the tower away. The C-X100 drops down and trips Megas. Megas lands on it's stomach this time. The C-X100 bends Megas's leg to the point of breaking. Megas is also electrocuting.* Hey!

Jamie: Get her off! GET HER OFF! *A missile is fired from the foot of Megas. It hits the C-X100. She goes flying into a building. It falls on her. Megas gets back up.*

Coop: Now what!?

A Jamie: We retreat for now!

Coop: But that thing!

Kiva: He's right Coop. We aren't at full strength. We need to retreat and get to a place where she can't cause anymore damage to the city. *The C-X100 gets up. Her body is nearly split in half. She repairs herself and looks at Megas.*

Coop: Man she's a freak!

A Jamie: Let's go Coop! We don't have much time!

Coop: Right! *Megas flies though the city. The C-X100 jumps into the air and flies after Megas.*

Jamie: She's following us!

Coop: Not for long! *Megas turns around and fires blasts at the C-X100. The C-X100 just takes the hits and keeps going. Coop grrs. Megas turns around and flies away. The C-X100's arms transform into giant laser cannons and fire at Megas.* Woah! *Megas dodges the blasts. Both Megas and the C-X100 fly. The C-X100 keeps firing at Megas. Megas keeps dodging. The C-X100 then speeds up and gets closer to Megas.*

Kiva: She's gaining on us! *The C-X100 keeps chasing Megas. Coop looks behind him to see the C-X100 gain on him.*

Jamie: Coop! Airplane! *Coop turns around to see the Airplane coming for him. Inside the two pilots look on in fear.*

Coop: Woah! *Megas flies over the airplane. Coop, and the two pilots wipe their forehead. However the pilots get worried again as the C-X100 heads for the plane. The plane crashes into the C-X100.* Hahah! All right! We lost her! *Jamie looks behind him.*

Jamie: Spoke too soon Coop! *The C-X100 is now after them again. She's on top of the plane. She put her hands into the plane. She's controlling the plane now. The two pilots get out and parachute to safety. She transforms into liquid metal and merges with the plane. The plane transforms into an F-15 fighter jet. It fires heat seeking missiles at Megas.* Coop can't Megas go faster!? That thing is gonna kill us! *The missles close in. Megas tries to shake them off. The misslies keep coming.*

Kiva: Coop, they're locked onto to our heat! We need to a stronger heat source to divert them!

Coop: Heat source huh? I got just the thing! *Megas turns around. Megas aims an arm at the C-X100. The hand goes inside. Megas fires a flaming 8-ball at the C-X100. The 8-ball goes between the missiles. The missiles slow down and turn around. The flaming 8-ball hits the C-X100, followed by the missiles. It's enough to send her crashing into a bunch of buildings. The buildings topple over her. When the smoke clears, a metal hand is seen.* So, is she!?

A Jamie: Not a chance. She's going into recover mode! We have to get out of here and make repairs on Megas!

Coop: But I don't like hiding!

Kiva: We technically don't have a choice Coop. Let's go. *Megas powers up and flies away from Jersey. Now they are on an private island where no one is. It's also night time. Kiva is making repairs on Megas. A Jamie is bandaging himself up on his arm. Jamie is just relaxing. Coop is also helping Kiva.* It's gonna be awhile before Megas fully recovers. But if I keep working, it should be done in a couple of hours.

Coop: Man! I should be going after her! Not hiding from it!

Kiva: Coop. Megas isn't strong enough to take her down! It's obvious your evil counterpart created her to be stronger than Megas!

Coop: Don't worry. Sooner or later she's going down! Then you can return home with your friends Jamie! *A Jamie looks down sadly.*

A Jamie: I'm afraid that's not possible.

Coop: Why not!?

A Jamie: *Turns to Coop* Because. Everything. Everyone. In my universe is dead. *Coop is surprised.*

Coop/Jamie: What!?

A Jamie: I'm the only survivor from my dimension.

Kiva: How!? What happened!?

A Jamie: I don't even know where to begin. But it all started after we defeated Coop in our dimesnion.


*The following occurs in the flashback. Evil Coop and Evil Kiva get stuck inbetween dimesnions. Glorft mechs start rebuilding the world. An army of zaku mechs start firing upon the city and destroying stuff. Glorft mechs fight back. A glorft mech punches a zaku mech down. Then a glorft mech fires at a Zaku mech destroying it. A zaku mech aims at a glorft mech, then shifts its aim to some innocent children and fires upon them. Off-screen, they are murdered. At Evil Coop's fortress, there are small droids working on stuff. They are building small humanoid androids. A assembly droid puts an energy cube into a big android with sunglasses. The android wakes up. The city then is in flames. There are multiple androids attacking the city. An andoid with springs on its feet attacks the city. It smashes and crushes buildings by kicking them. A glorft mech fights with it. However it kicks the mech. It crashes into a building. 3 other mechs shoot at it destroying it. Another android with sunglasses appears and shoots lasers into buildings destroying them. A little girl and her baby brother fall and trip. The android aims at them and fires. A glorft mech gets in the way and protects them. The Glorft mech then swings at the android. The android gets knocked into a building. He gets up and fires lasers from its eyes into the mech. The android then grabs part of a building and slams it onto the mech. Another mech comes from behind and grabs the android. The mech crushes its body. Yet another android whose hair is in dreadlocks uses its hair as spider legs. It crawls along the ground. It takes its hair and smashes it into buildings. Some of the androids hair aims at stuff and fires blasts at them. Glorft mechs fire upon the android. The android uses its hair to shield itself. It also fires upon the mechs. A few mechs are destroyed. A Jamie in his mech, runs up to the android and bashes it. It's hair is still protecting him. Then part of the hair grabs A Jamie's mech and throws it. A small device is thrown at the android. It explodes and shorts out the android. At Evil Coop's old fortress, a bunch of Glorft mechs appear and storm the area. Zaku Mechs defend the area. A Jamie's mech bashes a few. More glorft mechs bash stuff. A Zaku mech ensnares a mech with metal wires. Glorft mechs try to reach the mech to free it. However Zaku mechs fire upon them. A Jamie's mech comes and breaks the wires off. Meanwhile in Evil Coop's fortress, there is a room with a monitor. On the screen is a timer that counts up. The screen says "Time of Coop inactivity: 364:23:59:50". It counts all the way up to "365:00:00:00". Then the screen flashes. A capsule in the room opens up. Steam comes out of the capsule. Through the steam, evil red eyes are shown. Back outside, the Glorft mechs are fighting with Zaku mechs. A huge explosion occurs. All of the mechs are destroyed except for Alternate Jamie's. He looks on in terror as a small female android looks at his mech. It then shows various images of the C-X100 murdering and killing people. Racheal, who is a scientist gives Jamie a device. He looks at it. Racheal and her son get onto the shuttle and it flies away. Unfortunatly, the C-X100 fires a blast at the shuttle completely destroying it along with everyone inside. A Jamie looks on in terror.*

A Jamie: Coop's demise should of ended the war. But it was only the beginning. Coop's drones continued to attack us even in his absence. They became more agressive, ruthless, violent. They even went out of their way to hurt innocent bystanders in order to flush us out. We soon discovered that Coop set his fortress to create an endless wave of drones to destroy us should something happen to him. If he couldn't win, than neither could we. We'd fight countless wars against Coop's robots. But Coop's evil went even further. Soon his fortress began creating androids with the same power of our mechs. They too were programmed only for destruction. We fought the androids at every turn, the casualties were too great. Hundreds, even throusands would die everyday due to he fighting. The only way for us to truely win this war, was to destroy every last evidence of Coop's twisted mind. I lead a final assult on his fortress. It was heavily guarded. We fought them all to the bitter end. There was no retreating. Either we won, or die. Unfortunatly, Coop had another surprise in store. He secretly worked on another android. A weapon so powerful, it could destroy an entire universe. It was programmed to activate in one year of Coop's dissapearance. And unfortunatly for us, it was zero hour. Upon activation, it destroyed Coop's fortress, and everyone near it. By some curel twist of fate, I was the only survivor. When reading the data I found on the C-X100, I learned it's horrible nature. It was built to destroy all life in the universe. It went on a horrible murderous rampage. No weapon could stop it, and no one was safe. In our last effort to save our universe, we took all remining survivors and had them come to your dimension. But it was all in vain. The C-X100 destroyed the last survivors.

*Back to reality*

A Jamie: And now it's up to me, to make sure it never happens again. *He takes out a cube* Using this. *Shows it to Coop.* It's the only thing that could completely obliterate her.

Coop: Why didn't you use it before!? You could of destroyed her!

A Jamie: I tried too. But she destroyed my mech. That's why I brought her here. Megas is compatible with the device. Once I put it into the fusion core, it should be enough to overload her systems. *A Jamie sighs* If I was only fast enough. I could of saved them. I lost everything. My friends, family, *He lowers his head and his voice breaks down.* My wife and child.

Jamie: Wait a minute! In an alternate dimension, I'm married? And I have a son!? Sweet!

A Jamie: Not anymore. They were both murdered by the C-X100. I'll never forgive myself for letting her kill Racheal! *He starts to cry.*

Jamie: Wait! You mean me!? And Racheal!? But she hates me and...Dude!

A Jamie: When Kiva left with you, I was distraught. My best friend Racheal however was there for me. When you turned evil, we became the top generals to fight against you. While I lead the army, she was the head scientist. She was a brillant mind. After your defeat, we got married. We even had a son. It was the happiest time of my life. But then it all came crashing down. *Looks at Coop.* And it's all your fault.

Coop: Me!?

A Jamie: If you had never created that monstrosity, then the human race might be saved. Now they're all gone. *Grabs Coop by the shirt.* Don't you get it!? EVERYONE IS DEAD! I'M THE ONLY ONE LEFT!

Coop: Woah! Easy! Calm down! Calm down!

A Jamie: *Let's go.* I'm sorry. It just boggles my mind how you could have turned completely evil, destroy everything, and cause the end to the nearly all life in the universe.*

Coop: Yeah I know. I hate myself too. *To A Jamie* What about Jenna? *A Jamie looks at Coop, then lowers his head.*

A Jamie: I don't think you want to know.

Coop: I kinda know already. Is it true? Did I really? *A Jamie sadly nods.* Dang. So! What did your dimension's Jenna look like!?

A Jamie: If it's any indication of what you look like and what our coop looks like, then no doubt our Jenna is 200 pounds lighter than your Jenna.

Coop: Ohh....*All of a sudden we hear explosions and stuff and we see Megas looks in the distance to see Jersey City getting destroyed.* Oh no!

Kiva: *Scans* It's the C-X100! It's recovered!

Jamie: Yeah and it's back to normal too!

Kiva: It's trying to destroy the city to get our attention!

Coop: I've got to stop her! *Coop steps on the gas and revs up the engine.*

A Jamie: No! Megas isn't ready to fight yet! We have to stay here!

Coop: No way! I'm tired of running from this crazy psychotic andoid chick! First she kills Jamie's alternate reality wife, then she destroys Jamie's dimension! Everyone might be gone in your reality, but I'm not gonna let it happen here! I'm ending this now! *Megas flies into the air and heads for Jersey City. At Jersey City, the C-X100 is destroying stuff. People run away in terror. Little Tommy is watching as he sees the C-X100 lift up a car. She then throws it into another car.*

Little Tommy: Cooolll.... *He drinks his soda. *The C-X100 then lifts up a building and attempts to throw it.*

Coop: Put the bulding down chump! *The C-X100 turns around and looks at Megas.*

C-X100: If you insist! *The C-X100 throws the building at Megas. Megas goes down.*

Coop: Hey! You did that on purpose! *Megas gets back up.*

C-X100: I knew you'd come once I started destroying the city. Now I shall destroy the city along with you in it! Then I'll destroy everyone in this entire universe! *Laughs sadistically*

A Jamie: Stall her for now! I'm going to put this into the fusion core! *A Jamie opens the hatch and goes down in Megas. Back outside, the C-X100 dives into Megas. Megas goes back. A Jamie falls down from the ladder. He grabs on by a hand. He regains his footing and keeps climbing down. A Jamie goes down and walks through Megas. Megas shakes about and A Jamie gets thrown around inside. Back outside, Megas goes crashing into buildings. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look at the C-X100. She grabs Megas by the leg and smashes Megas into a building. A Jamie is walking on a bridge. He trips and falls. He however grabs onto the ledge and hoists himself back up. Back outside, Megas lands on it's back. The C-X100 jumps on Megas. A Jamie falls on the bridge.* Man Coop! By stalling I didn't mean let her beat you!

Coop: Hey she won't let up!

Jamie: Look out! *A blast is fired at Megas. Megas jumps out of the way. The C-X100 grabs Megas by the back engines and throws it into a building. The C-X100 then lands on the chest of Megas and grabs one of the fingers. She pulls up with enough force to rip out the arm. It does a triple screen of Megas getting its arm pulled off. The socket is electrocuting.* Dude! She ripped your robots arm off! RIGHT OFF! *Megas gets up. It only has one arm. Megas points at the C-X100 with it's only arm*

Coop: You're gonna pay for that! *The C-X100 smacks Megas with its other arm. This causes A Jamie to trip and fall. He drops the cube.*

A Jamie: No! *He manages to grab it in time before it falls down a hole.* Come on Coop! Just a little bit more! *The C-X100 smacks Megas with its own arm again. Then she throws the arm at Megas. It slaps Megas in the face area.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: Aahhhh!! *She turns both arms into particle cannons and aim at Megas. She charges up and fires a full power blast at Megas. Megas goes flying into multiple buildings. A Jamie stumbles inside. He however manages to get into the fusion core. He throws the device in. Back outside. Megas falls down on some buildings. The C-X100 is standing on Megas. She lets out a sadistic grin as she aims at the car.*

Kiva: Coop we can't do anymore. We have to evacuate.

Jamie: Yeah! Let's get out of here!

Coop: Not yet! The other Jamie is still inside! *Megas tries to get up but can't.*

C-X100: *Cackles* And now with your destruction, I'll destroy the human race all over again! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *Her arm turns into a giant mallet. She raises her arm into the air and comes down onto the car.* RAAAAAGGGGHHHH! *However Megas takes its other arm and blocks the attack.* What!?

Coop: Huh? *On the monitor it shows energy readout at 100%*

Kiva: We're back to full power! *A Jamie opens the hatch and comes up. He is back in the back seat.*

Jamie: What happened!?

A Jamie: I put the energy accellerator into the fusion core! Now Coop! Give her everything you got! *Megas smacks the C-X100 off of her. Megas gets up. The chest of Megas opens up. Out comes the entire fusion core.* Now! Overload her!

Coop: Right! *Coop presses a button. The core fires an electic charge into the C-X100. She screams in pain. The liquid metal melts from her body turning her into an android skeleton. Her body shorts out and starts to break down. Her entire body disintergates. She let's out a blood curdling scream before she dissapears completely.* Megas looks around to see if she's still there.* Is she?

Kiva: *Smiles* Her energy signal is gone. You did it Coop! You destroyed her!

Coop: Haha! All right! Rock on! *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose. Then Coop and Alternate Jamie do the rock on pose. Now back at the junkyard. Kiva works on the arm of Megas.*

Kiva: Well we should be able to fix the arm in a few hours. Luckily that was the only thing damaged.

A Jamie: Thank you Coop. If it wasn't for your help, then the C-X100 would still be active, going around countless dimesnions destroying everyone and everything.

Coop: No problem! So what are you gonna do now? Wanna come have lunch with us?

A Jamie: I don't know what I'm going to do. It's pointless for me to go back home. My dimension is nothing but an empty universe. I have nothing back there.

Coop: Then stay here with us!

Jamie: Yeah! You could live with me! *Kiva comes down to join them.*

A Jamie: I can't. I don't have anything here either. But the plane of existance has an infinite number of realities. Each with their own Coop, Jamie, and Kiva. The possibilities of what happened in my universe could happen again in another universe. *Takes his dimensional bazooka.* That's why I decided to travel to every alternate reality, and ensure that what happened in my reality, never happens again. I couldn't save my Racheal. But if I can save the billions of Racheals I meet, then at least my life will still have purpose. *A Jamie goes to leave. Coop stops him*

Coop: You don't got to do this alone pal! Let me come! I'll use Megas and-

Kiva: Coop! We still have our own problems! You can't just go into countless dimensions fighting who knows what!

A Jamie: Kiva's right. Last I recall, you haven't defeated the Glorft yet. This is something I need to do on my own. *A Jamie takes his portal gun and opens another dimensional portal.* Perhaps another day we'll see each other again. But for now, farewell my friends. *A Jamie enters the portal. The portal closes.*

Kiva: So that's Jamie in an alternate dimension. I feel so sorry for him.

Coop: Yeah I know. He lost everyone he cared about.

Kiva: I guess all we can do is wish him luck.

Coop: *Stomach growls* Hey I'm hungry! Let's go get some- *They see Jamie doing push ups.* Uh what are you doing?

Jamie: If I start working out now, maybe in a few years I'll be brave and strong like that other Jamie or even you. *Both Coop and Kiva look at each other and start to laugh*

Coop: Yeah right! Like that will ever happen.

Kiva: Come one Jamie. We like you the way you are.

Jamie: Just wait in a few years and then I'll marry Racheal! *Jamie continues to do push-ups and Coop and Kiva look on.*

End Credits: Jamie continues to do push ups.

The End


Coop: David Deluise
Jamie/A Jamie: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva/Micheal: Wendee Lee
C-X100: Michelle Ruff
A.Racheal: Daniel Harris

Production Music Used

Through the Rubble* - Megatrax The Scene
Mallecaous Mallficirum - KPM Music
Consuming Fire - Non-Stop Production Music
Requiem - Non-Stop Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
Orchestral Horror - Non-Stop Production Music
Ro-Sham-Bo - Extreme Music X Series
Epic Movie Adventures 2 - De Wolfe Music
Air Check - Extreme Music X Series
Uranium 236 - De Wolfe Music
Night of the Plague - PKM Music
Lost Soul* Non-Stop Production Music
Legions of Doom - Non-Stop Production Music
Wrath of Bob - Non-Stop Production Music
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Ultimate Menace - Non-Stop Production Music


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Hello everyone. Here is the next episode. This one is a huge overhaul, but because it is too big I have to create a PDF to read it.

Here is the other information

Voice Actors:

Coop/Chickar/Food Alien #3/Contestant# 2
Jamie/Carne-Jamie/Announcer/Contestant# 1/Food Alien# 3: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva/Hot Dog Alien/Female Contestant: Wendee Lee
Jenna: Jennifer Hale
Racheal: Danielle Harris
Goat: Scott Reinecker
Pizzar/Alien Pilot# 2: Maurice Lamarche
Tockar/Carne: Billy West
Burgar/Alien Pilot# 1: Frank Welker
Sodar: Peter Cullen

Production Music Used:

Salute the Heroes: Universal Production Music
High Plains: Non-Stop Production Music
Mission Objective: Extreme Music Directors Cuts
Ska Rats: Extreme Music X Series
Video Tronics: Universal Production Music
Here We Go: Universal Production Music
Invaders From Space: Universal Production Music
Hang Em Low: Abaco Music
Life Flight: Non-Stop Production Music
Soft Winds: Universal Production Music
Collision Course: Non-Stop Production Music
Earth Invasion: Universal Production Music
Chopping Spree: Extreme Music X Series
Uranium 236: De Wolfe Music
Happy Husker: Mega Trax
Cornered: Non-Stop Production Music
Rip Curl*: Universal Production Music
National Mission: Mega Trax The Scene
Intrepid: Non-Stop Production Music
Consuming Fire: Non-Stop Production Music
Midnight Rodeo: Universal Production Music
Viper Room Rumble: Universal Production Music
Whistle While You March: CPM Music (Carlin)


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Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Here is the next rewrite. This one was a major overhaul.

Legion of Evil

*The episode begins in outer space. It shows the Karajor flying. In addition, there is also the Saving Grace MK3, A station that resembles Magnanamous's arena, As well as other ships and stuff. Inside the Karajor, it shows a room that looks like a war room. There is a giant circular table. There are comically also name plates in each area. It shows most of the villains from the first 4 seasons of the show. It pans from left to right showing the villains doing stuff. We see Magnanimous, Regis Mark V in his first form, a depowered Gerkek, Alpha, Papa Lurp, Queen Nexia who is talking with Warlock, Gynok as a tiny spore, Jakor, Dr. Beal, who is a floating head in jar, Skalgar, The Queen Space Worm, Zarik, Dralig, Lunareon, Darklos, Ender, who is comically too big for his seat. He plays with his name plate. Varsin, Prisoner 32, The mecha Gear, The RECR, King Mikey, Skurg, Guyvan, etc. The villains are all chatting amongst each other. Gerkek lets out a yawn. It shows Queen Nexia, and Warlock looking at each other and smiling. Suddenly the sound of large metal doors are heard. Everyone stops and looks. It shows The Glorft Commander along with the Glorft Scientist. They are followed by Gorrath. Gorrath heads for the center of the table and sits. Everyone looks at him.*

Gorrath: I'm sure you're all probably wondering why I've gathered you all here. First, I'd like to set the record straight. I utterly despise each and every one of you. *The villains stare at Gorrath.* However, it is apparent that we have something in common. *He presses some things. It shows an image of Megas doing the rock on pose in Jersey City* All of us have had our jarblocs handed to us by this fat, primitive Earther. *As Gorrath says jarblocs, it shows Varsin and Dr.Beal's head look at each other in confusion. It then shows another image of Megas ripping a mech into shreds, while firing a missile at another destroying it.* The Earther has constantly thwarted our plans, decimated our armies, destroyed our warships, and has prevented me from conquering his planet! *The shows another picture of Coop, Jamie, and Kiva doing the rock on pose together. Everyone boos and sneers. They throw stuff at the hologram* They have made fools of us all! *He slams his fist on the table*

Zarik: He ruined my execution of the S-Force!

Darklos: He prevented me from acquiring my bounty.

Jakor: He destroyed my collection of priceless robots and mechs!

Magnanimous: Oh yeah? That's nothing! *Everyone looks at Magnanimous* He gave me this twitch! *The word twitch echoes throughout the area* It's true. You see it? The twitch? Yeah, it's right there. *His eye twitches. Gerkek and Skurg look away in disgust*

Dralig: He is nothing more than a thorn in our sides. Twice has he defeated my army and humiliate me. He must be destroyed!

Regis: The Regis Mark V agrees. *As he talks, he walks along the table. He then looks at Alpha. His eye thing stretches out.* This human must be destroyed. This is a job for the Regis Mark V, which is invincible.

Gorrath: That is why, I feel it is within our best interest to put our differences aside. For now, and for the time being, work together as a united force! Together we can destroy the Earthers and crush all who stand in our way! *Everyone cheers* Then let it be known! Today marks the beginning of a new order in the universe! *Everyone cheers and celebrates*. Now as leader of this new alliance, we should begin a plan of attack by distracting the Earther while we strengthen our attack force and-*Gorrath is interrupted by someone*

???: *Voice actor is David DeLuise* HOLD IT! *The sound of a record scratching a needle is heard. Gorrath looks in front of him.* And who said you get to be in charge?

Gorrath: Who dares to interrupt me!? *It fast pans over to a pair of legs resting on the table. The legs come off the table, it shows a figure hiding in the shadows. He flashes a grin. He then sits up to reveal himself. It's Evil Coop.* You!? *Evil Coop laughs*

Evil Coop: Yeah. Me.

Gorrath: You should have been trapped in between dimensions!? How did you escape! *Everyone looks at Gorrath, then at Evil Coop*

Evil Coop: It wasn't easy. *He gets up and walks over to Gorrath* I heard you losers were throwing a party. I thought I'd invite myself. *Gorrath, the Commander, and the Glorft scientist grab out blasters and aim at Evil Coop.*

Gorrath: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have your brain matter splattered all over this room.

Evil Coop: I'll be honest Gorrath. I hate your guts. And if I had my way, I'd destroy you right here. *Gorrath grrs at this.* But we need each other. *Angerly* My army was destroyed by that fat poor excuse of a clone and I need your army to help me destroy him! At the same time, you need me. If there is anyone here that would know Coop better than himself, it's me. *Smugly* Besides. If he could beat you weaklings so easily, then it should be nothing for me. *The other villains sneer and growl angerly at this.*

Gynok: Gynok not like way skinny man speaks to Gynok!

Gorrath: As much as I utterly despise you with every living fiber of my being, you have a point. For now, I will stomach your presence and work with you as we both share mutual disdain for a common enemy.

Evil Coop: Smart move Gorrath. But we're going to do this on my terms! I'm the one that's in control! I will be the one calling the shots! *To everyone else* You will all do as I say! And if any of you losers got a problem with that, then too bad for you.

Gorrath: Fool! You will follow my commands and like it! *Both Gorrath and Evil Coop grr at each other.*

Zarik: And who even said either of you could take charge? *Gorrath and Evil Coop look at Zarik* If anyone is going to lead this legion of evil, it shall be me. There is no one in the universe more evil, more sinister, more cruel than yours truly. I shall rule this organization with an iron first! I shall crush all who oppose us!

Ender: Oh, give me a break! You couldn't defeat Coop, let alone the S-Force! I should be the leader! He outevil'd me!

Alpha: There is only one logical conclusion as to who should be in control. Me. My tactical skills far exceed any of yours. My hatred for the human runs deep within my very circuits. Ladies and Gentlemen of this council. If victory is to be ensured, then no doubt you must choose me as your commander.

Regis: Inferior pile of scrap. *Alpha looks at Regis* Only the Regis Mark V possesses the qualifications to efficiently stage a tactical assault upon the weak human and his inferior mode of transport, for the Regis Mark V will destroy all.

King Mikey: No, I want to lead! *The Regis Mark V looks at King Mikey. He gets up and jumps up and down.* I want to, I want to, I want to! At this point it shows all of the villains arguing amongst themselves. This infuriates Gorrath.*

Gorrath: Enough! *Gorrath slams his fist on the table. The other villains stop and look at Gorrath.* Right now there are more important things than fighting over who takes charge! We must all focus our efforts on defeating the Earther and taking back the prototype! Then you all can kill each other for all I care!

Warlock: Then it is agreed. We shall combine our forces in order to destroy Coop.

Darklos: And crush all who oppose us!

Gorrath: Excellent! I hereby declare this to be not only the end of the Earthers, but the beginning of our new rule! *Slams his fist on the podium Everyone cheers. Gorrath laughs as it pans out to the Karajor also showing other ships belonging to the other villains*

*Title theme plays*

Legion of Evil.

*The scene shifts to Jersey City. It is afternoon. It shows Megas looking around. It is surrounded by Glorft mechs. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look indifferent. A glorft mech points at Megas. The Glorft mechs fly towards Megas. Megas grabs a mech and pushes it down. Then Megas tosses another mech into another. Both mechs explode. Inside the car, it shows Coop yawning. Megas fires a laser blast at another mech. Its head explodes. Several glorft mechs fire at Megas. Coop and Jamie look at each other. Megas then grabs another mech and puts it in the line of fire. That mech explodes. Megas then fires 2 missiles into the air. They head for 2 glorft mechs. Both mechs get destroyed. A mech tries to attack Megas from behind. However, Coop looks at the rearview mirror. Megas turns around and grabs the mech. He throws the mech into a building destroying it.

Coop: Is it just me, or are the Glorft getting easier?

Jamie: I guess with all the poundings you keep giving them, they just don't seem to have the fighting spirit anymore.

Coop: Yeah, I know. *Megas grabs a glorft mech and rips off its gun arm. Megas then bashes the mechs' head off.* I just wish they'd put up more of a fight.

Kiva: Don't let your guard down Coop. The Glorft usually attack with a lot more force than this. Clearly this is a distraction!

Jamie: *Megas pushes a mech down, and rips the legs off.* Hey if it makes it easier, then who cares. *The Commander appears on the monitor.*

Commander: Surrender the prototype to us Earther!

Coop: I ain't surrendering nothing!

Commander: Then die! *The Commander aims his gun arm at Megas. The barrel spins clockwise. The Commander fires a machine gun blast at Megas. Megas jumps into the air and goes behind the Commander. Megas gives the Commander's mech a backbreaker. Megas stands proudly.*

Coop: *To the Commander* Look. If Squid head wants my ride so bad, he can come and get it himself! *Gorrath appears on the monitor*

Gorrath: That can be arranged Earther! *On Kiva's computer some blips appear.*

Kiva: Another wave of enemy mechs approaching! *The mechs drop down and surround Megas.*

Coop: All right! Time for round two! *Coop puts his hands together in a satisfying way.*

Gorrath: Consider this your final warning Earther. Surrender the prototype or feel the full force of my wrath.

Coop: Look Gorrath. We do this thing day in and day out! First, I kick your butt. Then you guys run away and you go around swearing revenge! Then sometime later, you chumps come back and I kick your butt some more! So how about we skip the butt kicking and you guys just go home! I'm getting hungry, and Megas needs a tune up!

Gorrath: *Smug grin* Not this time! I can assure you the turn out of this battle will be quite different! *His mech points to Megas* Attack! *The Glorft mechs fly at Megas. Megas punches a mech down. Then Megas spins a mech and it goes flying into a building. Megas fires a blast at another mech and it goes down. Megas opens up and fires a barrage of missiles at more mechs destroying them. Megas then grabs 2 mechs and bashes them together. Megas then stands on top of a pile of defeated mechs.*

Coop: Come on Squid Head! It's like I told you! The same thing every time. I think you're gonna need a bigger army if you wanna tango with me! *Gorrath laughs*

Gorrath: Funny that you should mention that, Earther! I do happen to have an even bigger army with me! These mechs were merely a distraction!

Kiva: I knew Gorrath was up to something.

Jamie: Whatever it is can't be that bad. *Everyone checks the monitor. a blip appears, then 10 blips, then 1000 blips, then a billion blips. The entire monitor changes to red.*

Kiva: Oh no....*More glorft mechs appear, followed by the contestants of the Battle Royal. Then Magnanimous in the Sonic Abominator. The sound of a chainsaw is heard. The Regis Mark V then appears in his final form. Then come several monsters from "Breakout" followed by Gerkek. Then come several bookworms, followed by Darklos piloting a mech that resembles one of the DMV beasts. It shows Jamie looking terrirfied.*

Jamie: Oh man! *Then comes Ender, Varsin in the Franken, Zatrik in his snake mech, and his army of drones. Next is Skalgar, Prisoner 32, Prison 14, Prisoner 10, the rest of the robots from "A Clockwork Megas", and Dralig, still in his silver armor along with his army. It then shows Coop looking on in worry. Then comes the RECR, The Mecha Gear, Guyvan, Zanozar, multiple robots from "Coop de Tat", and Evil Coop's mech. Next comes Alpha, along with his army. Followed by Auqalorx, King Mikey and the Magnos, The Lurps who land on one of Alpha's robots. Then comes Lunareon, along with an army of Gendar bugs. Nex is Warlock in his mech, along with his crew, Queen Nexia, along with her army of drones, Skurg, and his army, Dr Beal in a battle suit of armor, Gynok as Auggie the Adorable Aardvark, along with other parade balloons. Finally, is the Kurdock, and the giant Mothra like bug. It shows coop looking around seeing all the villains. It pans out 3 times. As it does this it makes a warped shing sound.

Jamie: Dude, did you have to make so many enemies?

Coop: Hey. This ain't my fault

Jamie: Pfft. Yeah, it is. *Coop stares at Jamie. It then pans from left to right showing all of Coop's enemies.*

Coop: *Worried* Oh. So, this is what you meant by bigger army.

Gorrath: It would seem that your incompetence has earned you the ire of so many! *Evil grin.* How convenient for me. Now bear witness to our Legion of Evil! Together we will utterly destroy you. *Coop and Jamie look at each other, then at Gorrath. They both break out in laughter*

Coop: Legion of Evil!? That's what you're calling yourselves now? *More laughter*

Jamie: Yeah! More like "League of Losers!" *Jamie and Coop continue to laugh*

Kiva: Guys, this isn't funny! Just about every single enemy you've ever faced is here! There is no way you can defeat them by yourself! We're going to need both Jenna and Skippy's help if we're gonna survive this!

Coop: Relax! I got this! *It shows various villains cracking knuckles and fist punching. Ender cricks his neck* No sweat. All I got to do is beat up all these chumps. *Coop looks around. Megas points To Lunareon* Though I don't recall ever fighting you before. *Megas gets hit by a blast. It goes crashing into a building. The building doesn't topple over.* Ergh! *Megas gets up. The sound of Evil Coop's laughter is heard. It shows Evil Coop laughing in his mech.* Wait! You're here too!? Man, everyone's coming out of the woodwork today!

Evil Coop: This time there is no lucky break for you! With my army I'm going to utterly destroy you and Jen- *Gorrath appears on the monitor and cuts him off*

Gorrath: *Via Evil Coop's monitor* You mean MY ARMY! *Evil Coop looks at his monitor* And I don't want the prototype destroyed! Now quit talking and incapacitate it! We need to be quick!

Evil Coop: I said don't tell me what to do! *To Megas.* Fine then! Prepare yourself for my unyielding- *Before he can finish, Gerkek runs in and kicks Megas down.* Hey! *Megas gets back up.*

Coop: Hwouaah! *Megas gets punched by Alpha in his mech. Alpha's mech then picks up Megas and throws it into the air. Megas lands on its feet.* Everyone all right?

Kiva: Behind us! *Megas gets kicked by Regis.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: Ergh! *The Franken grabs a marble slab of a building and slams it into Megas.* Ugh! *Skurg uses telekinesis to lift Megas into the air*

Coop: Wooooaha! *Surge slams Megas onto the ground over and over.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: AHHHHHHHHHHH! *Skurg then "pushes" Megas into a building. Megas hits it hard, but the building doesn't collapse. Megas lands face down. Megas slowly gets up and turns around. A giant mace ball heads its way.*

Jamie: Coop! Dodge it! *Coop looks on in fear. Megas then gets pelted hard by the mace ball. Megas falls in between two buildings. Megas gets back up.* Uh Coop. *Jamie points to Aqualorx's tentacles which wrap around Megas's torso. Aqualorx tosses Megas into a building.*

Gorrath: Fire! *All of the villains fire upon Megas and the building behind it. The building topples over Megas. The bad guys continue firing.* Enough! *The villains hold their fire. When the smoke clears, it shows Megas buried under rubble.* Finally! I have defeated the Earther! *All the villains go "ahem!?"* I mean we defeated the Earther! *Gorrath slowly approaches the pile of rubble.* Now to take back the prototype so I can leave this wretched time period.* A hand quickly rises from the debris. Gorrath gets O.O eyes. Megas uppercuts Gorrath's mech. He goes flying into another building. Megas dusts itself off.*

Coop: That all you chumps got? *The Mecha Gear ambushes Megas from behind and tries to pummel it. However, Megas quickly turns around and blocks the attack. Megas then picks up the Mecha Gear and throws it away. Ender tries to hit Megas with his whip sword, but Megas grabs the whip with its arm. Inside Coop grins evilly. Megas then pulls Ender towards it.*

Ender: Uh oh. *Megas clobbers Ender with an arm. Megas then grabs Ender and throws him into a bunch of robots created by Dr.Beal. Dr.Beal then attacks Megas.*

Dr.Beal: Er! *Dr.Beal tries to punch Megas using his mech. Megas however dodges it* What!? *Megas then punches his mech. Megas grabs Dr.Beal's robot.*

Coop: REEEYYYAAHHH!! *Megas gives his robot a suplex. Megas gets back up, only to get hit from behind* Hey! *Megas turns around to see T-bot. "Freedom Sounds" plays as T-bot poses.*

T-bot: Oh yeah! T-bot gonna fright you! Blight you! And ultimately smite yo- *Megas grabs T-bot's face and pushes it down to the ground, causing the music to stop. Megas gets up. Supernova, the axe wielding robot from "Battle Royale" points his axe at Megas*

Supernova: You're time is up. Prepare to face my wrath. *Supernova fries a beam from his axe. It hits Megas, but it appears to not do much. Coop then yawns and presses a couple of buttons. Megas opens to reveal an energy absorber. It takes the beam and charges up energy. On the monitor, it shows an energy bar filling up. It hits full.

Jamie: Nice. *Coop presses another button. Megas fires the blast back at Supernova.*

Supernova: Noooo. *Supernova gets hit hard and goes flying. Evil Coop gets out of the way. He then looks at Megas and grrs. Megas grabs one of Zarik's drones and one of Warlock's mechs. Megas bashes them together. They both fall on the ground. Megas grabs Glontron and smashes it up into a ball. Megas then uses Glontron as a bowling ball. Megas rolls Glontron and hits the Zaku mechs. The sound of bowling pins are heard.*

Jamie: Yeah! Strike! *Aqualorx once again wraps himself around Megas. However, Megas grabs Aqualorx and throws him. He goes crashing into several buildings.*

Coop: *To Kiva* Well that wasn't so bad. *Megas gets hit from behind.* Ergh! *Megas turns around to see Skalgar.*

Skalgar: Remember me!?

Coop: Who are you again? *Ponders* Solar? Smoldar?

Skalgar: It's Skalgar! Skalgar!

Coop: Oh wait! Now I remember! It's school girl! *Coop and Jamie laugh. Kiva looks annoyed.*

Skalgar: Stop laughing! *Skalgar fires both of his mech's fists at Megas. They close in on Megas. Megas swivels to the side, causing the fists to fly past it. The fists head for the robot that can turn invisible in "Breakout". It gets hit and goes flying into a building. Skalgar looks at the downed robot, then at Megas*

Coop: It's my turn now. *Megas punches Skalgar in the robot's face. It crashes into several buildings.* All right! Who’s next? Any takers? *Dralig sneaks up behind Megas and proceeds to strike. Megas however blocks the attack without even looking. Megas then elbows the robot in the gut. Megas grabs the robot and tosses it into a bunch of Gendar insects. Coop then appears on Gorrath's monitor.* You can quit anytime you want squid! *Gorrath grrs as Coop talks* There ain't no shame in running away like a little girl! *Skurg uses telekinesis and lifts up several cars. He pushes them into Megas. However, Megas lays down and dodges. The cars instead hit Gynok-Auggie. They bounce off his body and go back at Skurg. It's going too fast for Skurg to move. Skurg gets hit and crashes into a building. It then shows Coop fighting random enemies. He hits one of Nexia's drones, then a standard Glorft mech. Then he kicks down one of the orange scaly things from "Break Out". It shows Coop pressing buttons. As Megas fights. Jamie's cell phone rings. He answers it.*

Jamie: Hello? Oh, hey Jenna. Yeah, Coop's here. Hold on. *To Coop.* it's for you. *Jamie gives his cell phone to Coop.*

Kiva: *Leaning in* Is that Jenna? Tell her we could use her help!

Coop: Hey babe! What's up? Oh, nothing much. Just fighting a bunch of alien chumps. Nah. I should be fine.

Kiva: Coop! Tell her we need help!

Coop: *To Kiva* Quiet. *To Jenna* Oh. Not you Jenna. Was talking to Kiva. You know how she can be.

Kiva: You know how she can be!? What's that supposed to mean!? *Coop looks back at Kiva, then goes back to talking on Jamie's cell*

Coop: So, what's up? Uh huh. Oh really!? Nice! *As Coop talks, it shows Megas firing a blast at the giant ape alien fan from "Battle Royale". Then it shows Megas grabbing Gynok-Fabio and giving him a suplex into a building. It implodes upon itself.* What time!? 6? *Back in the car it shows Coop looking at the clock. It's 11 AM.* Yeah that won't be a problem.*

Kiva: Coop! We really could use her help. *Coop signals Kiva to hold on a bit. It also shows Coop using one hand to press buttons and fight with Megas while he's one Jamie's cell with Jenna. Back outside. It shows Megas grab the robot that can clone itself from "Battle Royale" and rip its head off. Then another one shows up and Megas just elbows it in the gut, then headbutts it away. Two more clone robots try to attack Megas from both sides, but Coop grabs both and crushes them. As this happens Coop is talking*

Coop: So, what's she making? Ooooh! Crabmeat & Steak Ravioli!? Diedyahah! *Licks his lips* I love your mother's cooking!

Kiva: Coop!

Coop: *To Kiva* Kiva please! *To Jenna* Sorry about that Jen. You need me to get some stuff? Sure! *As Coop talks, it shows Megas has a glorft mech in a headlock and punching its head multiple times.* Chopped steak, Crabmeat, Ricotta cheese. You got it! I'll take care of that just after I beat up all these chumps! Nah don't worry! I got this! Ok, I'll see you tonight! Love you too Jenna. Bye! *Coop hangs up and gives the phone back to Jamie. Coop then gives one of Dralig's solders a backbreaker.*

Kiva: Coop. Why are you being so stubborn!?

Coop: Does it look like I need help!? *Megas grabs one of the bookworm bugs and rips it in two. Then throws it away.* See. I got this no problem! *Megas then gets pelted by a missile. It goes flying into a building. Megas then slowly gets up. Coop sees all the villains getting ready to fight again.*

Jamie: You we're saying? *Kiva uses her scanner.*

Kiva: Coop! Behind us! *Megas turns around to see a giant scorpion tail.*

Coop: Woah! *It strikes at Megas. Megas gets out of the way. Jakor grrs and tries to stab Megas with the tail of his scorpion mech. However, he grabs the mech by the tail and swings him around.*

Jakor: AAAaAAAaAAaAAAaAA! *Megas throws Jakor's mech away. Jakor's mech hits some of Warlock's mechs. Warlock himself fights Megas. *Both mechs grapple. Megas throws Warlock's mech away. Warlock's mech gets up and produces a blade. Megas then puts its arms together and creates the cool energy sword thing.*

Warlock: En Garde! *Warlock tries to stab Megas, but Megas ducks. He instead impales the dragon robot from "Breakout" It goes down. Warlock looks at it, then at Megas. Megas punches Warlock's mech away. Coop then presses several buttons. Megas then opens up to reveal a huge laser. Megas aims at Gorrath. Megas charges up. Coop presses a button and fires a massive laser. However, the RECR gets in the way and absorbs the attack. Kiva and Jamie look at Coop. The ERCR fires a blast at Megas. Megas goes flying back into a building. Megas then gets up, grabs the RECR by the neck thing, and throws it into a building. Megas moves its hands to signal a job well done. Megas gets hit by a blast.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: Woah! *Megas get up to see the robot from the beginning of "Don't tell mom the babysitter's Coop." Megas runs up to the robot. The robot fires again. Megas dodges. Megas then picks up the robot and rips it in two.*

Kiva: Coop! Matter Anti-matter propulsion system! You ruptured it again!

Coop: Uh whoops!? *To the villains* Uh I'll be right back! *Megas flies into outer space. As it does so, the villains fire at Megas. Megas dodges the attacks. It then shows Megas in outer space. It shows various ships, such as the Karajor, the Saving Grace, Dralig's, ship, etc. It also shows the giant planet monster from "TV Dinner." They begin firing at Megas.*

Jamie: aaaaAAAAAAAaaahhh!!! *Megas dodges the attacks. The giant planet monster tries to wrap it's tentacles around Megas. However, Megas dodges them. Megas then tosses the robot near all the ships. The robot explodes, and pulls the various ships, including the planet monster into a spatial void. The Karajor is able to escape however, by going into null space.*

Coop: *Salutes* See ya! *Megas flies back to Earth. Megas lands* Ok. Now where was I? *It shows the Regis Mark V grab Megas* What the!? *The Regis Mark V then absorbs Megas into his body. It then shows the villains cheering. Suddenly, the screen shakes. Regis looks down at its own body. Megas manages to break out. Megas dusts itself off again. Then Megas grabs the brain alien monster from "Breakout" and throws it onto Regis, who is getting up. Megas then does an elbow drop onto various robots from "Coop de Tat".* WAAAAHH!!! *Megas comes down hard. It does the triple screen of Megas landing on the ground. Megas gets up and stands proudly. However, it gets hit by an energy mace ball.* ERgh! *Megas goes down again. It gets up and turns around. It shows both Guyvan & Zanozar working together.*

Zanozar: You shall pay for destroying our planet defiler!

Coop: Hey! None of that would have happened if you had just left me alone! *Guyvan fires a missile at Megas. Megas side steps and grabs the missile. The missile defuses* Ha. That all you got? *Zanozar fires his energy mace again. It hits Megas in the chest. Megas falls down on its butt.*

Kiva: None of that would have happened if we had Jenna or Skippy helping us.

Coop: You gonna be on my case all day? *Kiva nods. Coop then grumbles. Megas gets back up. Zanozar fires another energy mace. However, Megas dodges. He then goes up to Zanozar and punches him in his face.*

Zanozar: Ergh! *Megas then grabs Zanozar and flies up to the top of a building* Grrah. Let me go!

Coop: With pleasure! *Megas gives Zanozar a powerbomb* WAAAAAAAHHHH! *A huge explosion in the city is seen. It shows Zanozar out. Megas gets up and looks at Guyvan.*

Guyvan: Impressive humanoid. But I won't fall so easily. I will take the throne for my own!

Coop: Bring it! *Both Megas and Guyvan grapple. Guyvan manages to throw Megas into a building. It collapses on Megas. Megas then gets up. It shows Coop angry. He fires a fist at Guyvan. It knocks him down. Guyvan gets back up and fires another missile. Megas counters by firing 2 missiles. One hits the missile, blowing it up. The other hits Guyvan knocking him down again.*

Jamie: Nice work.

Coop: Thanks. *Small pause* Man, they don't just make bad guys like they used too. *Megas then gets shot from behind.* Woah! *Megas goes down. It gets up and turns around to see Evil Coop. He is laughing*

Evil Coop: Don't think you've won just yet! If anyone is going to destroy you it's going to be me! Then once you're gone, I'll go after Jenna then- *Gerkek cuts him off and gets in the way to attack Megas* Hey! *Gerkek pushes Megas into a building, then holds it there with his foot.*

Gerkek: Let's see you try and get out of this one! *Gerekek powers up a supernova. Gorrath sees this.*

Gorrath: No! Don't destroy the prototype! *Gerkek powers down.*

Gerkek: Oh, come on! He totally deserves it! *Coop looks to see a fire hydrant. The engines of Megas split open. Out comes a giant hose. It hooks onto the fire hydrant. The chest of Megas opens up. Megas fires a powerful water blast at Gerkek. Gerkek is depowered. Megas then just punts Gerkek and he crashes on the other side of the street. Little Tommy is watching this.*

Little Tommy: Cooool.... *He drinks his soda.*

Gorrath: Under no circumstance is anyone to destroy the prototype! I need it in one piece!

Magnanimous: Then why are we even working together when you won't even let us destroy him! *Gorrath grrs at this*

Coop: All right! Whose next! *A gendar bug sneaks up behind Megas. A huge shadow looms over Megas*

Jamie: Uh Coop? *Points up. They all see the bug about to devour Megas. It manages to get Megas into its mandibles. It shows Megas struggling kicking its legs. As Megas gets eaten, Coop, Jamie, and Kiva scream.*

Gorrath: No! *To Lunareon* Have it spit the prototype out!

Lunareon: Why!? *Pets the gendar insect affectionately* My pet was only having a snack!

Gorrath: I said have it spit it out!

Lunareon: Fine! *To the giant but* Spit it out. *The Gendar bug comically puts its mandible down its throat and spits out Megas. Megas is covered in gunk.*

Coop/Jamie: Eaughaah.

Jamie: Dude. Sick!

Coop: Yeah, tell me about it!

Gorrath: What part of no one is to destroy the prototype do you not understand! Just disable it! *To some glorft mechs* Attack! *Glorft mechs aim at Megas and fire at them.*

Coop: These guys again?

Jamie: Take em down Coop! *Megas fires a strange green beam at a Glorft mech. This allows Megas to "carry the mech" Megas swings the mech into the other 2. They go crashing into a building* Nice! *Megas sneaks up behind a junk bot and rips its head off. Then Megas grabs another junk bot and throws it into another one. Evil Coop aims at Megas. He fires a blast. However, Varsin comes down and tries to smash Megas. Evil Coop's attack his him instead.*

Varsin: Ahhch! *The Franken goes down. It gets up and turns around at Evil Coop's mech. The Franken walks over to Evil Coop's mech. Evil Coop looks worried. Varsin grrs at Evil Coop. A noise is heard.* Wha!? *Megas has landed on top of the Franken* Get off my robot!

Coop: Make me! *The Franken tries to smash Megas off. Megas jumps off, does a backflip, and lands behind the Franken. The Franken hits itself in the head. Megas then kicks the Franken down who falls down. Evil Coop gets scared as the Franken falls on his mech.*

Evil Coop: Grr! Get off MY robot! *The Franken gets up. Both the Franken and Evil Coop's mech are standing.*

King Mikey: I'll handle it! *The Magnos swings it's ball and chain. Megas sees this and ducks. The ball and chain hits a POP TV building instead toppling it. Megas grabs the chain, and pulls the Magnos towards him. Megas clobbers the Magnos.* Hey! Why you!? *Megas rips the chain separating the mace from the Magnos.*

Coop: Don't you know kids like you shouldn't be playing with these kinda toys. You could poke your eye out! *A huge soundwave hits Megas. Megas goes flying into a building. Magnanimous is attacking Megas with the Sonic Abominator*

Magnanimous: Ha! I wonder what the odds are of you coming out alive from this! *He checks the odds. They read 1:1* What!? *Magnanimous is angry. His eye twitches.* Guess I'll have to change all that then! *The Sonic Abominator fires another soundwave at Megas. The systems get fried.*

Kiva: Coop hurry! He's frying the systems! Stop him!

Coop: Got it! *Coop activates the Jammer. Coop let's out a huge burp. This causes the Sonic Abominator to go flying.* How you like them odds chump!? *A bookworm starts to wrap itself around Megas.*

Jamie: Coop!? *They look to see the bookworm. It squeezes Megas*

Kiva/Coop: Hurg! *Megas falls down on the ground. The villains gather around Megas and laugh. Evil Coop then walks over to Megas who is defenseless.*

Evil Coop: Now that I have you right where I want you. I'll reduce you, and Megas into dust. *His mech aims his fist at Megas. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look worried. It shows the Glorft Commander's mech look at them*

Commander: Uh Sir? *The Commander points to what's going on.*

Gorrath: No! *Gorrath gets in the way and tackles Evil Coop's mech. The rocket fist goes flying into the sky. It then explodes in the air.*

Evil Coop: Why would you do that!?

Gorrath: I said defeat the prototype, not utterly destroy it!

Alpha: Foolish organic! We should destroy this wretched human and his robot! That way we won't have to deal with him ever again!

Villains: Yeah!

Gorrath: In case you all have forgotten, I'm the one in charge and we're incapacitating the prototype! *Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look up to see all the villains arguing.*

Zatrik: Why do you need this hunk of junk anyway?

Gorrath: Don't question my orders! Just do as you're told!

Prisoner 14: We're not doing anything until you tell us why you need this robot!

Gorrath: *Sighs* I need the prototype in one piece so I can use its time drive and return to the future!

Lunareon: that's stupid! We should just destroy them now!

Villains: Yeah! *Gorrath grrs again. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look at each other.*

Jamie: So, why did Gorrath save us? I thought he wants to kill us.

Kiva: He does. But he still needs Megas intact in order to utilize its time drive. Fortunately for us, his associates don't see it that way.

Coop: How is that good for us again?

Kiva: Gorrath won't allow Megas to get destroyed. At least not yet. We should use this to our advantage. While they're distracted let's escape. *To Coop* And perhaps now you'll listen to me and get help from your girlfriend or cousin.

Coop: Eh...we'll see about that. *Megas manages to get up. Then it rips the bookworm that was ensnaring it and throws it away. Megas then stretches its body to move*

Hefty Lurp: He's free! *The villains look at this and yell at Gorrath*

Varsin: *To Gorrath* Now look what you did!

Skalgar: Nice going Gorrath!

Gorrath: What I did!? If you had just followed directions and disabled the prototype instead of trying to destroy it, we would have been victorious!

Darklos: How about instead of arguing, we actually fight against them and not each other! *Darklos looks at Megas who is walking away.*

Coop: Ok. So, who should I go after next?

Jamie: How about the alien bounty chick that's right behind us!

Coop: Huh? *Megas gets punched by Darklos's mech. Megas stumbles. Then turns around.*

Darklos: Don't think I've forgotten about you Kiva. Once I defeat the robot, I'll take you in as my bounty!

Coop: Gotta get through me first! *Darklos's mech tries to punch Megas. However, Megas grabs the mech's fist with its hand. Megas then grabs the entire mech and throws it down. Megas then gives her mech an elbow.* Ha! Nothing to it! *Zarik sneaks up and tries to bit Megas with his mech fangs. However, Megas grabs his tail and makes him bite his own mech.*

Zarik: No! *Megas throws Zarik away. Cerulean mechs fire upon Megas. Megas runs up to them and does a body drop. Several mechs are destroyed. Alpha hits Megas from behind.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: Ergh! *Megas turns around. Megas and Alpha grapple.*

Alpha: Let's see you survive this, organic filth.* Alpha's mech opens his mouth up and charges up a beam. Megas ducks. The beam instead hits one of the Ceruleans. Megas then picks up Alpha and throws him onto Dralig. Dralig and Alpha get up. Dralig pushes Alpha away.*

Dralig: Watch who you're shooting at!

Alpha: Your subordinate shouldn't have been in the way!

Dralig: How would you like it if I took out one of your solders!? *Dralig aims at one of Alpha's mechs.*

Gorrath: Enough! We need to concentrate on taking out the Prototype! *Megas makes a beeline towards Gorrath's mech.*

Coop: Waaaah!!! *Gorrath gets O.O eyes. Megas crashes into Gorrath's mech. All the villains look at Megas tackling Gorrath's mech. Gorrath's mech crashes into a building.* Hahahahahahahah! Man, this is pathetic! *Coop and Jamie snicker.* You get every villain on the show to *Coop snickers again.* attack Megas and *Coop snickers more* you still can't take me down! What do I got to do to make this fight fair! Fight blindfolded? Come on! At least hit me with something hard! *Gynok-Auggie hits Megas from behind. It goes crashing into another building.* Ok. That will do fine. *Megas gets up to face Gynok*

Gynok: Gynok crush metal giant! *Gynok starts pounding on Megas. However, Megas powers up and flies into Gynok. His body causes Megas to bounce off. Coop uses this to his advantage. Megas goes flying into the Mecha Gear. The Mecha Gear crashes into a building. Prisoner 14 takes a giant pickaxe and tries to slam it into Megas. Megas grabs the giant pickaxe and takes it from him. Megas then throws the pickaxe into a Gendar tank beetle destroying it. Megas then picks up Prisoner 14 and throws him into the Regis Mark V. The Regis Mark V absorbs him and a few other mechs and gets bigger. He then enlarges his hand and wraps it around Megas. Megas however fires a blast through the arm and it causes the Regis Mark V to explode. A Glorft mech tries to hit Megas but Megas grabs it and gives it a back body dive. Megas gets up and encounters Prisoner 32*

Prisoner 32: You're mine now! *Prisoner 32 fires a barrage of missiles at Megas. Megas jumps into the air and hovers. Megas then fires a bunch of missiles of its own. They cancel the missiles out. However, one missile gets to Megas and hits Megas.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: Woah! *Megas goes down. Megas then gets up.*

Papa Lurp: Lurp him! *The lurps strike Megas at random places going fast. *

Kiva: They're going too fast for Megas to track!

Coop: To fast for Megas to spot, eh? I got just the thing! *Coop presses a button labeled "ZA WARUDO" This creates a negative field around Megas. The lurps stop in mid-air. Jamie and Kiva look at them* Huh? Huh!? *Megas punches Brainy Lurp away. Megas then knocks Hefty Lurp out of the way. Megas then finger flicks Papa Lurp away.*

Jamie: Nice. *Coop's stomach growls.*

Coop: *To himself* Man. I could really use a burger or philly cheesesteak right about now. *To the villains* Hey bad guys! *Megas signals for a time out* Time out for a sec! You think I could get some lunch quick? I also gotta pick up some stuff for my girlfriend. I'll be back in 5! *Megas turns around and walks away. Gorrath facepalms*

Gorrath: Don't just stand there! Shoot the prototype! *The villains fire upon Megas. However, they are lousy shots. All of their attacks miss. Megas just walks away like nothing.*

Kiva: Coop! You can't just leave in the middle of a battle!

Coop: I'm just getting a little snack. I'll finish off these second-rate chumps later. *Evil Coop then lands in front of Megas*

Evil Coop: Where do you think you're going!? I still have some unfinished business with you!

Coop: Look man. I'm hungry. So, if you don't mind I'm gonna go get a snack and we'll continue this fight later. *Megas pushes Evil Coop's mech aside. However Evil Coop blasts Megas from behind. Megas turns around*

Evil Coop: You will not ignore me! We will fight now!

Coop: Dude come on! I can't fight on an empty stomach!

Kiva: Coop you shouldn't even be leaving! Not when nearly every single person you've upset wants to destroy us!

Coop: But I'm hungry! *Stomach growls*

Jamie: Why am I not surprised?

Coop: Besides. It ain't like these chumps are doing a good job beating us anyways. *Megas keeps walking away.*

Evil Coop: Heheh. Fine then. If you won't fight me, then maybe I'll persuade everyone to attack Jenna instead! *Megas stops then turns around*

Coop: You leave her out of this!

Evil Coop: Make me! *Megas fires a blast at Evil Coop's mech. Evil Coop jumps out of the way. Evil Coop counters with a flying kick. Megas gets hit and goes down.* Hahahaha! Not so tough now are you! *Megas gets up and shoves Evil Coop down. Megas and Evil Coop grapple. Megas gives Evil Coop's mech a suplex. Evil Coop however gets up and bashes Megas down. Evil Coop then steps on Megas.*

Jamie: Get up! Get up! *Megas tries to but can't*

Evil Coop: The only reason why you're even alive is because of that idiot Gorrath and his need for Megas. Too bad he'll be disappointed when I destroy Megas all over again. *Evil Coop prepares to charge a powerful blast* End of the line Coop. END OF THE LINE! *His mech charges up energy* When this is over, there won't be anything left of you, or Jersey. *Gorrath appears on the monitor*

Gorrath: No! I told you not to destroy the prototype!

Evil Coop: Sorry Gorrath. Guess I'm not a team player. *His mech fires at Megas. However, Gorrath gets in the way and takes the attack instead. It does a split screen of Coop and Evil Coop looking surprised. It then shows the villains. Gerkek facepalms. Gorrath's mech gets up and smashes Evil Coop's mech out of the way.* Idiot! We could have destroyed him!

Gorrath: I made it quite clear that I need the prototype in one piece! I can't return to my time without it!

Evil Coop: Change of plans! I destroy Megas and I conquer the universe!

Zatrik: If anyone is going to conquer the universe it's me!

Alpha: This human should be destroyed! Along with all the other humans on this planet! They are useless as slaves! *All of the villains start arguing among each other. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look at this.*

Jamie: Wow. Getting saved by Gorrath twice in one day. Who would have thought?

Coop: *To Kiva.* I guess I should probably call Jenna or Skippy for help now.

Kiva: *Small pause* Actually, I don't think we're going to need their help.

Coop: Oh, so now you don't want me to get Jenna's help? Make up your mind Kiva!

Kiva: No wait! Look at them! *It shows all of the villains arguing. Some of them start shoving one another.* They might outnumber us, but they lack cooperation with each other. We can use this to our advantage. If we can get them to turn on each other, they'll end up destroying each other instead of us.

Jamie: Hey. *Smiles* Nice plan!

Coop: Yeah but, you know. I could just destroy them all too.

Kiva: Why waste the energy? It would be more beneficial to let them go at each other, then we can pick off what's left.

Jamie: I like this plan. I say we do it!

Coop: You really think this will work?

Kiva: It's a longshot, but I think we can get it to work. However, you are going to have to do everything I tell you in order to pull this off.

Coop: Got it! Just lead the way!

Kiva: Ok. Here is what we need to do. *It cuts away to the villains arguing some more. Coop whistles and gets the attention of the other villians.*

Coop: Yo Chumps! *It pans over to Megas. The sound of a car coming to a screeching halt is heard* Whatever happened to "You were gonna destroy me?" I'm still standing! So, are you guys gonna do this or what!? *The villains fire at Megas. Coop presses a button. Megas opens up and fires a barrage of missiles at the bad guys. The missiles explode. The bad guys can't see due to the smoke.*

Magnanimous: Where did they go!?

Aqualorx: Do you see them!?

Gorrath: Find them! *When the smoke clears, Megas is gone. *Something pokes Gorrath's mech. His mech turns around. It shows Megas waving.* Behind us! Shot them! *The Villains aim at Megas again. However, Megas grabs Gorrath's mech and puts it in the way.* No wait! Hold your fire! *The villains fire anyway and pelt Gorrath's mech* GRAAAAGGAAAHHH! *After a bit the villains stop firing. Gorrath's mech goes down. It is seen smoking. It then gets back up.* Fools! I said to hold your fire!

Ender: It was your fault for getting in the way! You should have moved!

Dralig: All you've done so far is bark out orders. It's no wonder why you keep losing all the time. You are a pathetic leader!

Guyvan: My sentiments exactly! I think it's time for a regime change!

Villains: Yeah! *They all look at Gorrath's mech and aim at it.*

Gorrath: Mutiny! I'll have all your jorblocks for this! *Meanwhile back at Megas*

Jamie: Dude! It's working!

Coop: Nice! *Back at the villains. It shows Evil Coop approaching Gorrath's mech*

Evil Coop: You're finished Gorrath. It's my turn now. *To everyone else* Listen up! I order you all to destroy everything! *A pause occurs. The villains look at each other, then they aim at Evil Coop* What!?

Magnanimous: And why should we listen to you!? You're just an inferior version of our Coop. And that's setting the bar pretty low as it is! I'm taking over this gig!

King Mikey: Hey! I'm a king! I should rule by right!

Regis: The Regis Mark V is the only one who should lead. For the Regis Mark V will destroy all. *The villains argue more. It shows Guyvan and Zanozar shoving each other as they argue*

Gorrath: Enough of this pointless arguing! *The villains stop and look at Gorrath* The Earther is obviously trying to get us to turn on each other! We should focus our attention on the Earthers! Then we can go back to killing each other! *The villains clamor and begin to agree. They stop fighting and turn their attention to Megas*

Jamie: Well so much for that idea.

Kiva: It was worth a shot. *To Coop* Now you should call for help.

Coop: Oh no. You guys want to see these chumps beat each other up? I'll give you these chumps beating each other up! *To the bad guys* Hey bad dudes! You guys gonna destroy me or what!? Oh wait! You guys can't! Because *points to Gorrath* He won't let you! He'll just get in the way and save me! You guys are better off without him! Then there's this guy! *Points to Evil Coop*. He destroyed all you guys in his dimension! What's to stop him from doing it again!? In fact, he'll probably go after you guys next! *To Ender, Zarik, and Skurg* And you three! You all can't take over Sauros at the same time! You think the other is gonna share control? *The villains all start looking at each other.*

Evil Coop: Enough of this! *Evil Coop's mech aims at Megas. He prepares to fire another rocket fist. Gorrath gets in the way again.*

Gorrath: No! *Evil Coop then look at Gorrath's mech and fires anyway. Gorrath's mech goes flying into a building. His mech gets up and flies over to Evil Coop's mech and tackles it.* This is your last warning! Do not step out of line again or else! *Small pause*

Evil Coop: I choose else! *Evil Coop's mech flies into Gorrath's mech. Both Gorrath and Evil Coop start beating each other up. The Commander looks at them fighting. and scratches his head*

Gorrath: Don't just stand there commander! Order my men to attack his!

Commander: Turn all your fire on the opposing army! *The Glorft mechs start attacking the Zaku Mechs. The Zaku mechs fight back. The other villains watch this. Then they all start to fight each other. Magnanimous attacks the ERCR using the sonic bazooka. Gerkek grabs the Mecha Gear and throws it into a building. Warlock's mech fights with Dralig. Dralig fires upon Warlock's mech. The Franken fights against Supernova. Supernova's Axe fires shots at the Franken. However, the Franken smashes Supernova away. It then shows all the villains beating each other up. It shows Coop, Jamie, and Kiva watching.*

Kiva: Coop. You did it! You got them to attack each other!

Jamie: So, now what do we do? *Coop unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. Jamie and Kiva look at Coop* It shows Coop going into the trunk of his car and grabbing some chairs*

Coop: Now? We're gonna watch the fight! *Coop sets up the chairs.*

Jamie: Nice thinking man. *Jamie and Kiva get out of the car as well.*

Kiva: Coop are you crazy!? We should stay in Megas in case they turn their attention to us!

Coop: I don't think we gotta worry about that. *It shows the villains pummeling each other. Kiva looks at them fighting, then she smiles.*

Kiva: Well, it does look entertaining. *She sits down and watches the fight. Coop and Jamie have a bowl of popcorn. Kiva takes some and eats too. Back down below Gerkek is punching a bunch of glorft mechs. Regis then comes from behind and gives Gerkek a bear hug. Regis fires eye beams into Gerkek. This causes Gerkek to grow in size. Gerkek then picks up Regis and throws him away. Jakor is fighting with Varsin. Jakor takes his mech's tail and sticks it into the Franken. However, it's armor is too strong. The Franken breaks off the tail. Jakor gets surprised, then angry. The claws of Jakor's scorpion mech open up and fire missiles at the Franken. The franken goes down. Varsin looks worried. However, the Franken gets back up and bashes the scorpion mech away. Gerkek grabs the Franken and throws it into a bunch of Junk Bots. Alpha fights with Skalgar. Alpha fires a fist at Skalgar. It goes through the horns of his mech so it RECR. However, the RECR separates itself and attacks Gynok separately. Dr.Beal's mech fights with Aqualorx. His mech grabs Aqualorx and throws him into a building. Aqualorx tries to ensnare Dr.Beal's mech but it doesn't work. Dr.Beal just fires a laser into Aqualorx. Gorrath and Evil Coop's mech grapple with each other.*

Gorrath: This is your fault! I could have returned to the future if you hadn't deviated from the plan!

Evil Coop: Forget the future! I'm gonna bury you in the past! *Evil Coop's mech throws Gorrath's mech away.*

Gorrath: I'll make you regret coming out of what hole you crawled out from! *Gorrath's mech goes to punch Evil Coop's mech. However Evil Coop dodges and grabs Gorrath's mech. Evil Coop then throws Gorrath into the ground. Evil Coop then fires upon Gorrath's mech. Gorrath gets up and takes the hits. He then runs up to Evil Coop and punches his mech down.*

Commander: *Via monitor* Warmaster! The prototype! *It shows Megas standing still* It's just standing there! We can take it!

Gorrath: Forget the prototype! This is personal! *Gorrath's mech bashes into Evil Coop's mech. Meanwhile, Coop, Jamie, and Kiva keep watching. They see explosions and stuff. Both Coop and Jamie are cheering.*

Kiva: Wow! This worked out much better than I thought!

Coop: I know! *More explosions are heard* Yeah! Rock on!

Jamie: Too bad the girls are missing out on this! *Prisoner 32 and Prisoner 14, stare down each other. However, their programming kicks in. They both go skipping away happily. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look on weirded out. Alpha and Ender grapple with each other. Alpha picks up Ender and tosses him away.*

Alpha: Give it up. You cannot defeat me.

Ender: Sure, I can. I am Ender! I end things! I'll destroy you and then conquer this planet! *Ender ensnares Alpha with his sword whip. Alpha opens his mouth and fires upon Ender. Ender goes flying into a building. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva are watching. Debris from a Glorft mech whizzes by them.*

Coop: Woah! That was a close one!

Kiva: Let's watch the rest of this fight inside Megas.

Jamie: Yeah! Good idea. *They get into Megas. Back down below, Evil Coop and Gorrath are still fighting.*

Gorrath: I should have destroyed you when I had the chance! *Gorrath's mech bashes Evil Coop's mech. Evil Coop's mech then bashes Gorrath's mech. Evil Coop tries to stab Gorrath's mech. However, Gorrath grabs his mech's arm and throws him away. Evil Coop's mech gets up and charges a laser. He fires at Gorrath. However, Gorrath's mech gets out of the way. He give Evil Coop's mech a swift hard punch. Evil Coop's mech goes down. Evil Coop's mech isn't working right now. Gorrath's mech picks him up.*

Gorrath: Let this be a lesson to you! Don't ever defy me again! *Throws his mech away.* Now that that's over with I can concentrate on the prototype! Everyone! Converge your attack on the prototype! *A sound of a record scratching a needle is heard. It pans out showing everyone destroyed.* What!? What is the meaning of this!? *Coop's laughter is heard. Gorrath looks at his monitor. Coop starts to clap.*

Coop: Good show Gorrath! That was wonderful! Hey! You think you could come to my cousin's birthday party! He'd love the performance!

Gorrath: You! What have you done to my army!?

Coop: I didn't do nothing! You guys did it to yourself! *It pans out three times showing everyone defeated and down. Gorrath facepalms*

Gorrath: Oh, you got to be kidding.

Coop: Hey! Thanks for doing my job for me. You know it's funny how you bunch of no-good evil losers try to gang up on Megas, and I still managed to wipe the floor with you! And then you guys end up beating the snot out of each other! Gotta say you make my job a heck of a lot easier! Now all that's left for me to do is to kick your butt again! *Megas flies over to Gorrath's mech. Megas then punches Gorrath down. Megas starts pummeling Gorrath's mech. Megas then picks up Gorrath's mech and throws it down. Gorrath's mech gets up and looks at Megas.* I think this is the part of the show where you run away now. *Gorrath grrs and his mech flies away.*

Gorrath: This isn't over Earther! I will destroy you! And I'll do it myself!

Coop: Well, that wasn't so tough. *Megas gets hit from behind.* Ergh! *Megas gets up to see Evil Coop's mech.*

Evil Coop: Now that he's gone, I get the pleasure of destroying you myself! *Evil Coop's mech then kicks Megas. Megas gets back up.*

Coop: You wanna play again? Fine by me! *Megas punches his mech down. Then Megas starts pummeling Evil Coop's mech. Megas then throws Evil Coop's mech away. Evil Coop's mech gets back up and flies towards Megas. Evil Coop's then bashes Megas down. Then Evil Coop's mech picks up Megas and throws it away. Evil Coop laughs*

Evil Coop: You know what. I think I'll pay Jenna a visit. *Evil Coop's mech flies away. Megas gets back up.*

Kiva: Coop we need to hurry! He's going after your girlfriend!

Coop: So, let him! He ain't gonna do nothing anyway. *Megas moves its hands to signal a job well done.*

Coop: Well, all in a day’s work eh guys?

Jamie: Yeah I'll say. I can't believe we actually came out of the entire episode unscathed. *It shows all of Jersey City destroyed.*

Kiva: Too bad the same can't be said for the city. *It also shows all the villains down.* We better clean this up.

*The scene then shifts to Megas grabbing a robot and throwing him onto a pile of other villains. Megas then compacts the pile into a giant ball. The villains are yelling at Coop about revenge and stuff. *

Coop: Hey guys! It was really great seeing you all again! I really enjoyed the butt whoopings I gave you. We really have to do it again some time! *The villains still yell at Coop.* Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to get rid of you all. *Megas grabs the giant ball and chucks it into the air. It leaves the Earth’s atmosphere and heads into space.

Jamie: Hopefully that's the last we'll ever see of them.

Coop: Yeah. *To Kiva* So Kiva?

Kiva: *Sighs* All right. You did good Coop. You can take care of them all by yourself. But you know you can ask for help. No one will think any less of you.

Coop: I know that. I just wanted to have more fun. *Kiva puffs her hair up. Coop then looks at the time. It's now 2PM* Woah. It's later than I thought. I better get to Uncle Giovanni's! Gotta pick up some stuff for Jenna's Mom. *It shows Megas walking in the city*

Jamie: So, what are we gonna do about the other you?

Coop: I'll put him back where he came from. But first, I think he'll be in for a rude awakening! *It shows Megas walking away in the city as it is destroyed.*

End Credits: It shows Jenna's house. Evil Coop's mech approaches it. It shows Jenna walking out and looking up. It shows Evil Coop with an evil grin. Jenna looks worried. *It shows Evil Coop firing at Jenna. There is smoke everywhere. It then shows Evil Coop looking on with an evil smirk. However, he then looks up in horror. When the smoke clears it shows Megas 2 ready to fight. Inside Jenna’s car, she has an angry look on her face. Evil Coop gulps. It shows Megas 2 pulling its fist back, then goes to punch his mech.*

The End.

Voice actors
Coop/Evil Coop: David Deluise
Jamie/Gendar/Prisoner 10/Book Worms/Kurdoch: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva/Queen Nexia: Wendee Lee
Gorrath/Glontron/Orange Scaily thing #1: Clancy Brown
Commander: Kevin Micheal Richardson
Monster #2: Richard McGongle
Magnanimous: Bruce Campbell
REGIS/Prisoner 14: Micheal Dorn
Ender: Dorian Harewood
Gerkek/Orange Scaly Thing 2: Beau Billingsea
Varsin: Rob Paulsen
Darklos: Tia Carrie
Book Worms/King Mikey/Gendar: Dee Bradly Baker
T-Bot/ERCR: Phill Lamar
Gynok: Daran Norris
Warlock: Neil Dickson
Dralig/Zarik/Skalgar: Jeff Glen Bennet
Prisoner 32: Cam Clarke
Alpha: Corey Burton
Aqualorx: Maurice LaMarche
Papa Lurp: Richard Horvitz
Hefty Lurp: Frank Welker
Lunareon: Wendie Malick
Skurg: Ron Perlman
Jakor: David Kaye
Dr.Beal: Richard Epcar

Production Music Used:

Collision Course - Non-Stop Production Music
High Plains - Non-Stop Production Music
Mission Objective - Extreme Music Directors Cuts
Dead Man - Universal Production Music
Consuming Fire - Non-Stop Production Muisc
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Legions of Doom - Non-Stop Production Music (Premire)
Hot Konga - Extreme Music X Series
Freedom Sounds - Burton Production Music
Berzeker - Extreme Music X Series
El Desfile - Burton Production Music
Dine n Dash - Extreme Music X Series
Clashing Swords - Non-Stop production Music
Intrepid - Non-Stop Production Music
Harsh Life - Westar Music
Banjo Stomp - CPM Music (Carlin)
Psychomanix - Extreme Music Directors Cuts
Nightly - Mega Trax
Lose My Hi - Extreme Music X Series
Blood Shot - Extreme Music X Series
Epic Move Adventures 2 - De Wolfe Music
Wrath of Bob - Non-Stop Production Music
Freestyle Homebre - Extrememusic X Series
Sonato No 5 Alessandro Assai- Selected Sounds
X Head - West One Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
Hollow: Non-Stop Production Music
Midnight Rodeo: Universal Production Music


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Hey everyone, here is the next episode rewrite. Since it's too big, I had to make it a PDF. I'll post the voice actors & production music cues here. This is is a complete major overhaul and the next bunch are also complete overhauls. I'll post them later

Note: Brodie's character belongs to King_Of_Doom aka Grimphantom.

Voice Actors:
Jenna/Alice/Solder #2: Jennifer Hale
Racheal: Danielle Harris
Brodie/Citizen #2: Will Fredie
Zud: Tom Wyner
Coop: David Delusie
Jamie/Solder #5/Solder #1/General Galactos: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva: Wendee Lee
Solder #3/Solder #4: Michael Bell
Solder # 6/Citizen #1: Dee Bradley Baker

Production Music:
Rip Curl - Universal Production Music
Chopping Spree - Extreme Music X Series
Final Verdict - Extreme Music Directors Cuts
The Evil One (C) - Sonoton Music
Consuming Fire - Non-Stop Production Music
Legions Of Doom - Non-Stop Production Music
Midnight Rodeo - Universal Production Music
Dine n Dash - Extreme Music Production Music
Orchestral Horror - Non-Stop Production Music
Dreams Of The Heavens - Sting - Universal Production Music
Hot Night - De Wolfe Music
Cross Town Mover - JW Media Music
Epic Movie Adventures 2 - De Wolfe Music
Mission Objective - Extreme Music Directors Cuts
Immortal Combat* - Extreme Music Directors Cuts
Gangsters - Amphonic Music
The Grinder - Selected Sounds
Coma Dose - Extreme Music X Series
Galaxy Troopers - Universal Production Music
Losing My Hi - Extreme Music X Series
Life Flight - Non-Stop Production Music
Into The Flames - Megatrax The Scene
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Triumphant Reunion - Non-Stop Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
Psychomanix - Extreme Music Directors Cuts


  • Racheal Loves Brodie (V2).pdf
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Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Here is the next rewrite. Kids Stuff. This one got a major overhaul.

Kids’ stuff

*The Episode begins in outer space. It pans over to a gigantic metal planet. This planet had been abandoned for years. It also shows the Karajor hovering above the planet. On the planet itself, it shows the Glorft working on the planet and welding stuff. A Glorft mech places a metal box, then welding it to the planet. It shows another glorft mech carry some equipment. Inside, the planet, it shows Gorrath and the Commander talking. It also shows other glorft solders working the control panels.*

Gorrath: Commander! How much longer until the weapon is complete!?

Commander: It should be completed in several Earth hours. *Gorrath snarls*

Gorrath: I must say, this plan of yours is actually one of your better ones.

Commander: Well, I'm not one to brag but- *A small pause* Wait! You're not being sarcastic, are you?

Gorrath: Not this time. Turning this abandoned technological planet into a super planetary destroyer is pure genius! With its power at my disposal, this entire universe will tremble before me! As soon as we get it operational, the Earth shall taste its power first hand!

Commander: Shouldn't we at least retrieve one of the prototypes before we destroy the Earth. We still need to return to our time! *Gorrath looks at the Commander. He gets up and walks over to him. The Commander flinches* Not the face! *Gorrath grabs the Commander by his face tenticles.*

Gorrath: Why would I need the prototypes when I have a giant weapon that can decimate galaxies!? The future will mean nothing to me when I can rule over the present! Besides, the last thing we want to do is gather the attention of the Earthers! *Lets go of the Commander. *We are billions of light years away from Earth. By the time the apes even catch wind of our plan it will be far too late! Of course, that only matters if production stays on schedule! So, hurry up and get this thing completed soon or I will have your jarblocs!

Commander: Aye Warmaster! I'll see where we can expedite production!

Gorrath: *Looks out into space on the monitor* Once this weapon is complete, then I shall have access to the most powerful weapon in the universe! Then no one will stop me! NO ONE! *Gorrath laughs. It pans out showing the entire planet, then the Karajor hovering above.*

*The scene shifts to St. Pyronski Middle School. It is a classroom. It shows Skippy, and several other students. Little Tommy is also there. Skippy is bored. He is leaning with his elbow on the desk and his head on his hand. He then looks at the wall to see the clock. It is 2:55 PM. He lets out a sigh. There is a teacher with curly hair and glasses. He is lecturing he class and writing on a chalkboard.*

Mr.Frashen: *Voice actor is Chris Cox* Now, as far as what a Virus does, it goes into the cell and replaces the DNA with its own RNA. This makes it possible to- *As Mr.Frashen goes on. Skippy taps his pencil, and foot. Other students appear to be bored also.* To take over the cell. Most viruses aren't fatal and usually are flushed out by the immune system in time, but there are some viruses that-*A huge belch is heard. Mr. Frashen gets startled* What the!? *It shows a close up of Skippy's mouth. It reveals that he is the one who burped. It then shows Skippy with a smug grin on his face. The other students laugh. There is also a chubby girl with brown hair and a ponytail. She laughs too. Skippy looks at her. She looks back. Both Skippy, and the chubby girl blush, then look away from each other. Mr. Frashen groans angerly. The bell then rings. All of the students get up and go "Yay!" and walk out the classroom.*

Mr.Frashen: Don't forget class! Your oral reports are due once your back on spring break! *All the kids are gone. Mr.Frashen slumps into his chair.* Finally! A whole week away from that little monster! *He goes into his desk and grabs a yearbook. He opens it up to a page. It shows Coop as one of the students. It also shows Jenna, Jamie, & Racheal as kids, along with other students.* Those Cooplowski's are a menace!

*Title theme plays*

Kids’ stuff.

*The scene shifts to the outside of the school. It shows a bunch of kids come out. They all go "Yay!" as they run. It then shows Skippy walking.*

Little Tommy: Yo! Skippy! Wait up! *Skippy stops and turns to see Little Tommy join up with him.* Uh! Finally! An entire week off! Now I don't have to deal with having to listen to another one of Mr.Frashen's boring lectures.

Skippy: Ugh! Tell me about it. He has to be the absolute worst class in the entire school. *A small pause* So! What's your plan for the weekend?

Tommy: Well first, I'm gonna go check out the arcade and play all the new games they put in. Then I'm gonna go to 7 flags and try the new ride! The "Spleen Smasher!" Then, I was gonna go to Sugar Rush and stuff myself silly with candy!

Skippy: Man, that's it!? That's small stuff!

Tommy: Ok. How about you?

Skippy: I was gonna go into Outer Space with Gigas and smash some stuff!

Tommy: Cool! Can I come?

Skippy: You know I don't go anywhere without my trusty co-pilot! *Skippy and Little Tommy do the rock on pose thingy. They continue walking. After a few seconds Skippy stops walking. Tommy keeps walking.*

Tommy: Still, you think we can go check out the arcade? I heard they got the new Alien Army Attackers! It's Co-Op so we can play together! What do you think? Skippy? *Tommy turns around. He notices Skippy is behind him.* Uh Skippy? What are you doing? *It shows Skippy is staring at the same chubby girl from Mr.Frashen's class. She is shown talking to two other girls. All three girls then laugh. Skippy is seen smiling. It then shows the chubby girl walk towards them. It occurs in slow motion. The song "Soft Winds" is heard. The background has hearts and flowers as the chubby girl walks towards them.*

Tommy: Skippy? Skippy!? Hello!? Earth To Skippy!? *Little Tommy waves his arms in front of Skippy. Skippy is unphased. Little Tommy then starts shaking Skippy* SKIPPY! *Skippy comes too. He shakes his head.* Dude. You ok man? *A small pause*

Skippy: Yeah. I'm fine. What happened. *Little tommy Snickers*

Tommy: You were staring at Stephanie Haley again.

Skippy: I was?

Tommy: *Laughs* Yeah you were! You totally got a crush on her dude!

Skippy: I do not!

Tommy: *Laughs* Skippy and Stephanie sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-*Before Tommy can finish singing. Skippy punches Tommy in the arm* Ow! *He rubs his arm.*

*Stephanie notices them and walks towards them.*

Tommy: Dude he she comes! You should ask her to join us!

Skippy: What!? No! Shut up! *Tommy pushes Skippy towards Stephanie* Wha-Hey! *He almost bumps into Stephanie. They both look at each other* Oh. *Blushes* Hey Steph.

Stephanie: *Voice actress is Hayden Walch* Hey Skippy. Hey Tommy. Finally, we have a whole week off! It was getting hard trying to sit through Mr. Frashen's lecture about the immune system. *A small pause* You guys wanna come over? My sister is gonna bake a fresh batch of cookies.

Skippy: You mean the ones with the chocolate chunks in them!? I love your sister's-*Skippy cuts himself off* I mean, Tommy and I have other plans. We were gonna go into space with my robot and just destroy stuff.

Stephanie: Oh. That's cool. *A small pause* Well, see you later. *Stephanie goes to walk away*

Skippy: Hey wait! *Stephanie turns around.* I was just wondering if, you know, you wanted to come with us?

Stephanie: *Excited* I'd love to come and-*Stephanie cuts herself off* I mean, sure. I guess I can tag along *Tommy nudges Skippy on the elbow. Skippy looks at Tommy. Tommy winks at Skippy. Skippy just shakes his head.*

Skippy: All right! Now let's start this spring break with a bang! *Skippy grabs something out of his pocket.* You guys might wanna step back for this. *Both Stephanie and Tommy do so. Skippy then presses a button. The screen shakes, rumbling sounds are heard. It then shows Gigas emerge from the school, completely destroying it.*

Kids: Yay!

Little Tommy: Cooooool.

Skippy: It's a good thing the school has that extra space in the basement. My mom won't let me keep Gigas under the house. So, you guys ready?

Stephanie/Tommy: Yeah/You bet! *Skippy presses a button. The left foot of Gigas opens up. It shows the kids walking inside Gigas.*

*The scene shifts to the inside of Gigas. Skippy and Stephanie are sitting next to each other. Stephanie is seen buckling up. Tommy sits behind them.*

Tommy: Hey wait a minute! *To Skippy* Isn't your cousin- *To Stephanie* dating your sister or something?

Stephanie: Yeah. So?

Tommy: Don't they both got giant robots of their own? That's kinda weird when you think about it.

Stephanie: Well, I think it's kinda cute. *Both Skippy and Steph look at each other and smile.*

Tommy: So! Where are we going? The Moon? Mars?

Skippy: Nah. I was just gonna go into space and find something cool to smash.

Stephanie: That's pretty cool, I guess.

Skippy: Ok guys! Buckle up and hold on to your hats! *Skippy presses some buttons, the boosters in Gigas ignite. Gigas then flies into the air. As Gigas does this, the heat from the ignition melts a car. A few seconds later, it shows Mr. Frashen walk out of the school. He is whistling. He goes to open his car*

Mr.Frashen: Wha!? *He sees that his car has melted* Oh this is just great! I don't even have any insurance! *Mr.Frashen cries*

*The scene shifts into outer space. It shows Gigas flying fast.*

Skippy: Yahoo!!

Tommy: Oh man! I'm gonna hurl! Slow down Skippy!

Stephanie: No! Go faster!

Skippy: What!?

Stephanie: Go Faster!

Skippy: You got it! *Skippy pushes 2 levers forward. This causes the engines on Gigas to boost up even further. Gigas goes super-fast. After a small while, Gigas comes to a complete stop. The sound of a car coming to a screeching halt is heard.*

Tommy: Coooooool.

Skippy So! What do you guys think I should smash!?

Tommy: *Looks at the Moon from the monitor* How about the Moon?

Skippy: Nah! That was like 3 seasons ago. *Stephanie looks at the monitor. She sees a POP TV satellite.*

Stephanie: Hey! How about that thing!? *Points to the satellite.*

Skippy: Sure! *Gigas flies up to the Satellite and grabs it. Gigas then smashes it up like an accordion. Gigas then crumples the satellite into a ball. Gigas then places it down. It floats in space. Gigas backs up. Gigas then flies forward and punts the ball. Gigas then aims its shoulder cannon at the ball. The shoulder cannon opens up to reveal multiple missiles. They are fired at the ball. They hit the ball and explode. Everyone cheers.*

Stephanie: That was awesome! Smash something else!

Skippy: Like what?

Tommy: Hey Skippy. What do these buttons do? *Tommy starts pressing buttons.*

Skippy: Hey don't touch those buttons! *Tommy presses another button. Klaxon's go off and warning sounds are heard.* What's going on now!? *Gigas fires a black shot. It "explodes" into a wormhole. It begins sucking things inside of it.* You just activated the trans warp drive! I told you not to touch that!

Tommy: How was I supposed to know!? *Gigas is slowly being pulled into the portal*

Stephanie: It's sucking us in! *Skippy activates the engines. It tries to fly away from the portal, but the portal's sucking gets stronger. Gigas ends up getting sucked into the portal. The kids yell. The portal closes.*

*In another part of the universe, another portal opens up. Gigas is pushed out of the portal. It then closes. The kids look on the monitor*

Stephanie: So, where are we?

Skippy: How the heck should I know! Tommy's the one who sent us here!

Tommy: I'm sorry man! *He presses buttons again.* Maybe I can send us back!

Skippy: Don't bother! I set the controls to only work for my console! *Skippy looks at the monitor* Great! Now I have no idea where we are!

Stephanie: Are you saying we're lost!?

Skippy: I wouldn't say we're lost. It's just that I don't know exactly where we are at the moment.

Tommy: So, we're lost.

Skippy: Dude, shut up! Ok! No sweat! I can figure out how to get us back home!

Stephanie: Maybe we should ask your cousin or my sister to get us.

Skippy: No way! I can do this! *Skippy presses buttons on the console. He tries to pull up a map. But he's having trouble.* Ugh! This is tougher than it looks.

Tommy: *Points to the metal planet from the beginning of the episode* Maybe we ask directions from there!

Skippy: Ooo! Good idea! *Gigas flies towards the planet.*

*It shows the metal planet. Gigas lands and walks around. It looks around.*

Skippy: It doesn't look like anyone's here. *The sound of glorft mech footsteps are heard.*

Stephanie: I think someone's coming! *Gigas goes behind some equipment and hides. It shows several Glorft mechs walk past them. It shows both Skippy and Stephanie look at each other, then the Glorft>*

Tommy: I wonder who those guys are.

Skippy/Stephanie: The Glorft! *Both Skippy and Stephanie look at each other again.*

Skippy: You know about those chumps?

Stephanie: Yeah! My sister told me all about them!

Skippy: My cousin fought these guys once on the moon! *It shows the Glorft working on the planetary destroyer* I wonder what they're up to.

Tommy: Whatever it is, it can't be good. Maybe you should call your cousin to come and handle this.

Stephanie: Yeah. I should get my sister too.

Skippy: Nobody's calling nothing! I can handle this!

Stephanie: I don't know Skippy. They look pretty mean.

Skippy: So what? This will give you guys a chance to see Gigas in action! I'll make mincemeat of these chumps! *Gigas sneaks around the planet, hiding from the Glorft and keeping quiet. Gigas manages to make its way to a giant tower.

Tommy: So, any idea what they're planning?

Skippy: I'll find out in a few seconds! *Skippy tweaks the controls on Gigas. It shows a visual of Gorrath and the Commander talking. It goes in and out of static. Frequency sounds are heard*

Gorrath: Commander! What is the status of the ultimate planet destroyer!?

Commander: Warmaster! Be reasonable! We're working on an entire planet! It's probably bigger than the Ear-*Gorrath cuts him off*

Gorrath: No excuses! I can't risk the possibility of the Earthers finding out! *Gigas loses the frequency*

Tommy: So that's what they're up to. That actually sounds cool.

Skippy: Not when those guys use it! I've got to stop them!

Stephanie: How? There are way too many of those guys.

Skippy: My cousin's able to smash these chumps with ease! Why shouldn't I be able to? *Skippy notices several glorft mechs working on a structure. He smiles evilly* Heheh. Watch this. *Skippy presses some buttons. This causes the shoulder cannon to open up and reveal several missiles. Inside the cockpit, it shows Skippy looking at a green monitor. He presses some buttons. Targeting reticles appear on several glorft mechs. It shows Skippy with his tongue out. He flips open something and presses a button. This causes Gigas to fire the missiles at the mechs. It shows one glorft mech putting down some equipment. It looks up to see the missile coming at it. The mech comically gets sad eyes. The missiles strike the targets and the mechs explode.*

*Back at where Gorrath and the Commander are, it shows the screen shake. Warning klaxons go off, along with beeping sounds. Gorrath gets O.O eyes.

Gorrath: What's going on! *He looks at one of the glorft working the controls. He goes to press several buttons. On the monitor it shows smoke rising from some areas. Gorrath looks upset.*

Commander: It appears that we are under attack!

Gorrath: Must you always state the obvious!? How did the Earther find out!? *To the Commander.* I'll have your jarblocs for this! *The commander flinches. A glorft solder appears on the giant monitor*

Glorft Solder: *Voice actor is Kevin Michael Richardson* This is gamma unit to Warmaster Gorrath!

Gorrath: What do you have to report!?

Glorft Solder: Our unit is under attack!

Gorrath: We are aware! Find the prototype and destroy it! *A small pause*

Glorft Solder: Uh, we don't think it's the prototype sir. It appears to be a completely different robot.

Gorrath: I don't care what you think! Just find the intruder and shoot it down! *The feed on the other side shakes. The glorft solder cringes. Explosions are heard.*

Glorft Solder: No good! Our unit is being overwhelmed! We're under heavy attack! I repeat! We're under heavy-*Before he can finish his sentence, the transmission ends. It shows static. It shows the glorft working the controls look at Gorrath.*

Commander: Uh *Gorrath pushes the Commander down.*

Gorrath: Don't just stand there like an idiot! Go and destroy the intruder! I will NOT have this weapon sabotaged!

Commander: Aye Warmaster! *The Commander gets up and slams his fist on a button. This causes the entire planet to alarm. Warning sounds and more klaxons go off. It shows various Glorft mechs stop whatever it was they were working on and go into battle mode. Multiple glorft mechs fly into the air in search for the intruder.*

*Back at Gigas, it shows Gigas dust its hands off. Inside, Skippy does the same.*

Skippy: So! What did you guys think!?

Stephanie/Tommy: Awesome/Coooooool. *Beeping sounds are heard. Skippy presses a button. On the monitor, it shows multiple glorft mechs fly towards it.*

Stephanie: Looks like they know we're here!

Skippy: Good! *Smug grin* Makes it easier for me to destroy them! *It shows the mechs surround Gigas. They aim their weapons at Gigas.*

Tommy: They don't look too happy Skippy!

Skippy: Chill out! I got this covered! *The Glorft mechs fire upon Gigas. Gigas flies through the air and dodges their attacks. Some Glorft mechs follow Gigas. Gigas turns around and does the "Bring it on" pose. Gigas punches a mech in its face, then knees it in the stomach. Then he grabs the mech and throws it at other mechs that were chasing it. Several more mechs approach Gigas. Gigas takes the shoulder cannon off and aims it like a rocket launcher. It fires a laser blast at more mechs. Gigas moves the cannon horizontally so it does a laser sweep. A wave of Glorft mechs get hit and explode.* See! Nothing' to it! *Gigas gets hit from behind* Ergh! *The screen shakes and the kids cringe. Gigas turns around to see the mech that fired at it.*

Skippy: You want some of this too? Here! Try this on for size! *Gigas holds the shoulder and aims it at the glorft mech. A harpoon is fired from it. The harpoon is connected to a chain. It impales the mech. Gigas then swings the mech into other glorft mechs that were coming after Gigas. Several more glorft mechs explode. The Kids cheer. It then shows more Glorft mechs come after Gigas* Is that all you losers got!? *Gigas holds the cannon like the hilt of a sword. A light saber comes out. Gigas flies up to a mech and cuts it in half. Gigas then goes up to another mech and stabs it in the chest. Gigas then pulls the blade out. The mech explodes. Mechs fire at Gigas from behind. Gigas turns around and looks at the blast fire. The light saber retracts. Gigas goes up to one of the mechs and uses the cannon as a club, and smashes the mech's head in.* Ergh! Ergh! Ergh! *It shows more Glorft mechs come at Gigas. Gigas aims into the air and fires a missile from the cannon. The missile explodes, creating smaller cluster bombs. They hit several glorft mechs, which explode. A Glorft mech tries to bash Gigas with its arm, but Gigas grabs the mech.* Oh no you don't! *Gigas then rips the arm of the mech off. Gigas then mashes the mech with its own arm.*

Tommy: Nice! *Tommy notices some mechs getting near Gigas* Skippy look out!

Skippy: Woah! *Gigas manages to dodge more attacks. Gigas looks at the arm that it ripped off of the previous Glorft mech. Gigas then attaches the cannon onto the shoulder mount. Gigas then strikes a pose, the shing noise is heard. Gigas then uses the arm cannon as a new shoulder mount. It fires multiple blasts at Glorft Mechs. Skippy is seen laughing as he attacks the Glorft. Both Tommy & Stephanie look at each other, then back at Skippy.*

*More Glorft mechs fire at Gigas. Gigas flies below the shows and shoots the mechs from below. More mechs explode. Gigas then flies up to a mech and slices it in half with the light saber on its original shoulder cannon. Gigas then slices another mech vertically. It splits in 2.*

Stephanie: That was awesome Skippy! You're really good at this! *Skippy looks at Stephanie. He blushes and smiles. The screen shakes. The gang cringes. It shows Gigas was hit from behind. It shows a mech fire at Gigas again. Gigas uses the light saber to parry the blast. Skippy then presses buttons. The F-15 fighter jet head fires 2 missiles at the mech, destroying it. Gigas then goes to another mech and grabs it. Skippy then crashes down onto the metal planet, destroying the mech it was carrying. Gigas stands up and looks around. It shows the glorft land on the planet. A mech aims its gun arm at Gigas. Skippy grins and cracks his knuckles, causing Gigas to do the same. Gigas runs up to the mechs and activates its light saber again.*

Skippy: WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! *Gigas runs up to the mechs and cuts them down one by one.*

*It shows several glorft solders by a defense terminal. They work the controls. It shows parts of the planet aim at Gigas and fire blasts. The screen shakes. Gigas stumbles and falls. Gigas gets back up.*

Stephanie: We should probably get out of here!

Skippy: Good idea! *Gigas takes off into the air. More glorft mechs follow. Gigas uses the glorft arm cannon, still mounted onto its shoulder and fires blasts at the mechs. The mechs explode. It also fires blasts at the defense systems that were firing at it. They get hit and explode.*

*Back where Gorrath is, the screen shakes. Gorrath grrs angerly. He presses a button on his chair. The Commander appears on the monitor*

Gorrath: What is going on out there!? Has the intruder been destroyed!?

Commander: No Warmaster! Whoever we are dealing with is quite formidable! He is hunting down our warbots as if they were mere prey! *Gorrath groans*

Gorrath: I have lead countless incursions, destroyed hundreds of civilizations, conquered systems the universe over, and yet my army can't even defeat a simple Earther and his toy!? Why must I always have to do everything myself! Just keep the Earther busy! I'll be there shortly.

Commander: Understood! *The Transmission ends. It shows Gorrath get up from his chair.*

*Back at the fight, Gigas grabs a mech and throws it into another mech. Both mechs explode. Gigas gets shot from behind again.*

Skippy: Argh! *Gigas turns to see even more mechs aim at it. The Commander appears on Skippy's monitor*

Commander: Surrender Human or you shall be destroyed!

Skippy: Destroy this! *Gigas fires a harpoon at the Commander's mech. The Commander's mech puts up its arm. The harpoon goes through it. It then shows both Gigas and the Commander's robot have a tug-o-war.* Errrgghgh!

Commander: Hurg! *The Commander manages to win and pulls Gigas in. It shows the kids look worried. Skippy look at the controls and presses a button. Gigas grabs the glorft arm cannon off of its shoulder and uses it to clobber the Commander's mech with it.* Hurk! *Gigas then aims the arm cannon and fires a wave of blasts at the Commander's mech. Several Glorft mechs manage to hit Gigas from behind*

Skippy: Ugh! *It then shows various mechs bash Gigas around. Gigas gets thrown around like a pinball. The sound of pinball noises is heard as this happens. It shows a triple screen of the kids yelling. A mech then hits Gigas really hard. It goes flying back onto the planet and crashes. Gigas slowly gets up.*

Tommy: Oh man. I think I'm gonna- *His cheeks puff out*

Skippy: Don't lose your lunch just yet! I still have some tricks up my sleeve! *Gigas takes the shoulder cannon and aims it. It fires multiple shots at mechs. It also fires more missiles from the F-15 jet head. It fires homing missiles at some mechs. The mechs fly away from the missiles but they chase them. As the mechs fly away, 2 mechs end up crashing into each other, the missiles hit them afterwards. Gigas then flies back up into the air and bashes a mech with its shoulder. It then kicks that mech. The chest of Gigas then opens up. It fires a bomb which explodes into tiny bombs. They hit various glorft mechs, destroying them. More mechs continue to chase Gigas.*

Commander: *His mech points at Gigas* Keep pressure on the intruder! Don't let them escape! *Gigas is being chased & fired upon more glorft mechs. Gigas then turns around and aims its arms at the mechs. Small cannons pop up above the arms. They fire shots at the mechs. Gigas also charges up energy and fires a giant ball of energy from its shoulder cannon. The ball explodes, destroying even more mechs.

Tommy: Yeah! All right! *Gigas gets hit again.* Ugh! *Tommy almost falls off of his seat.*

*Gigas looks to see even more mechs aim at it.*

Stephanie: Just how many of these slimeballs are there!?

Skippy: Don't worry! I got this! Check out this attack! *Skippy presses a button. Gigas fires a small purple ball. Skippy then aims at the planet. Gigas fires a harpoon at the planet. It embeds itself into the planet. Skippy then presses another button. The purple ball explodes into a black hole. It starts to suck the glorft mechs in. Some mechs fire at the black hole, but they get sucked it. Gigas is protected by having the harpoon keep it from going into the black hole. After a short while, the black hole closes.*

Stephanie: Nice work Skippy!

Skippy: Thanks! *Beeping sounds are heard. On the monitor it shows even more Glorft mechs.*

Tommy: There's no end to these guys! *Gorrath appears on the monitor*

Gorrath: I don't know who the drorp you think you are but- *He notices that it is Skippy* You! What are you doing here!?

Skippy: I could ask you the same question tentacle face! *Stephanie giggles at that. Skippy looks at Stephanie and smiles*

Gorrath: *Groans* It's bad enough I have to deal with 2 Earthers and the prototypes! But now the halfling has a warbot!? *To Skippy* If you think you can stop me halfling then you are sadly mistaken! I am but mere minutes away from having my ultimate planetary destroyer complete and I'm not about to let some kid ruin it!

Skippy: Wanna bet!? Watch me!

Gorrath: *To the Commander* Commander! Have all other units retreat and continue production on the planet destroyer! I will deal with the Earther halfling myself.

Commander: Aye Warmaster! *The other mechs leave. Gorrath's robot and Gigas stare each other down.*

Gorrath: *Laughs* I suppose I should say I'm impressed that a simple-minded child as yourself could hold his own against my army.

Skippy: Come on Squid. It's really not that hard. I mean just about anyone could destroy your weak army! *Stephanie laughs again.* You like that huh? *Stephanie nods*

Gorrath: Rest assured I am far different from what you've faced before! *Gorrath's mech flies towards Gigas and punches it. Gigas gets hit. The kids yell. Gigas crashes into the planet.* I can assure you that this will be one fight you will not walk away from! *Gigas slowly gets up*

Skippy: Ergh. *To Skippy and Stephanie* You guys ok!? *Stephanie nods*

Tommy: Ugh. What a jerk.

Skippy: Yeah, I know. Well, he may talk the talk, but he sure don't walk the walk! Let's see him handle this! *Gigas flies into the air and goes up to Gorrath's mech. Gigas punches Gorrath's mech* Ergh! *Gigas then grabs his mech and throws it down onto the planet. Gorrath's robot lands on the planet feet first. He looks up at Gigas and grins evilly.*

Gorrath: Hahahah! *Gorrath presses a button. His mech fires blasts at Gigas. Gigas puts up its arm to buffer the attack. Gorrath's robot then flies up towards Gigas and bashes his mech on the F-15 fighter jet. Gigas crashes down back to the planet. Gigas gets back up, only to be pushed back down by a wave of blasts from Gorrath's robot. Gorrath laughs as Gigas is pelted with blasts.*

Tommy: Dude! Do something! *Skippy looks at the console and presses buttons. The F-15 fighter jet fires 2 missiles at Gorrath's mech. Gorrath's robot puts up an arm to block the attack.*

Gorrath: Grah! *Gorrath can only see smoke. However, through the smoke, Gigas comes and grabs Gorrath's mech* What!? *Gigas aims its shoulder cannon at Gorrath's robot. Gorrath looks sad. Gigas fires a point-blank range shot at Gorrath's mech. His mech falls down onto the planet. The kids cheer.*

Skippy: So, squid!? How you like me now!? *Gorrath's mech gets up.*

Gorrath: Don't think you've won yet halfling. You can't defeat me so easily! I'm just getting started! *Gorrath's mech comes after Gigas.*

Skippy: Any ideas guys?

Tommy: How about we run!

Skippy: Good idea! *Gigas turns around and flies away from Gorrath. Gorrath's mech chases Gigas. Gorrath fires blasts at Gigas. Gigas dodges the blasts as it flies away. One shot manages to hit Gigas.* Ugh! *This slows Gigas down enough for Gorrath to catch up. Gorrath's mech grabs Gigas* Hey! Let go! *Gorrath laughs as both his mech and Gigas fly towards the planet. Gorrath's robot and Gigas crash onto the planet. It shows Gorrath's mech get up and raise its arms in victory, while Gigas lays on the ground.* Ugh. *Gigas slowly gets back up. However, Gorrath aims his arm cannon at Gigas. Gorrath appears on the monitor. He laughs.*

Gorrath: You have lost halfling! There is no escape for you here! I'll destroy you now. Then, once the ultimate planet destroying is operational, I'll make Earth my next target! *The Commander appears on Gorrath's monitor*

Commander: Warmaster!

Gorrath: *Groans* What do you have to report!?

Commander: The ultimate planet destroyer is ready and operational!

Gorrath: *Smiles* Excellent! *Gorrath's mech flies away from Gigas. He laughs as he flies away. Gigas manages to get back up.*

Stephanie: What the heck was that about!?

Tommy: He just upped and left. *A few seconds later, The planet starts to rumble and shake. The walls are closing in.* Now what!?

Stephanie: The planet's moving! *Gigas flies off of the planet. It shows the planet slowly transform. Part of the planet opens up. Giant horns slowly come out from the openings. From between the two horns, another opening appears. Out comes a giant laser cannon. When it is finished transforming, its appearance resembles G1 Unicron in planet mode.*

Skippy: Woah... *The planet slowly turns and moves towards Gigas*

Stephanie: It's coming right for us! *Gigas flies out of the way. Gorrath then appears on the monitor.*

Gorrath: *Laughs* Witness the ultimate power of my planet destroyer! It has enough power to destroy entire solar systems! The Earth will finally be no more! *To the Commander.* Activate the trans warp drive and put us within striking distance of Earth!

Commander: Aye Warmaster! *The Commander presses a button. This causes a giant portal to appear before the planet. The planet slowly moves into it.*

Skippy: This is our chance to get back home! Let's go! *Gigas flies into the portal as well.*

*Near Earth, another portal opens up. The planet slowly comes out from the portal. The portal shuts down. Gigas then lands on the planet.*

Tommy: Cool! We're back!

Stephanie: We can't celebrate just yet. That slimy chump is going to blow up our planet!

Skippy: Don't worry! I'll handle it! *Gigas aims at the planet and fires missiles from its shoulder cannon. The missiles hit the planet, but it does nothing as far as damage.*

Tommy: Uh, it's not working. *Skippy presses more buttons. Gigas opens up to fire missiles, blasts, bombs, anything it has at the planet. It does very little damage.*

Skippy: Crud! Nothing is working!

Stephanie: Hey Skippy! Can you give me some control for a moment? *Skippy looks at Steph. Skippy flips a switch*

Skippy: You gonna fight with me?

Stephanie. No, I just wanna see if I can use the analysis system. *Stephanie presses some buttons. It shows a model of the planet.* It looks like the planet's made out of a highly dense titanium alloy. Your weapons won't be able to penetrate it's defenses. *She presses some buttons. It shows the inner layers of the planet* The only way you're going to be able to destroy the planet is to destroy the core.

Skippy: Woah. How'd you know all that?

Stephanie: *Smiles* I play a lot of Conquer & Command with my sister. I always acted as an intel unit while she was more combat.

Skippy: Oh. *Small pause. Skippy smiles.* Cool! *The screen shakes. Gigas looks at the planet* Now what's going on! *Skippy looks at Stephanie. She works her controls. It shows the planet is gathering energy.*

Stephanie: The planet is rerouting all of its power to the main cannon! It's gonna launch a point-blank blast right at Earth! *Skippy looks worried.*

*Meanwhile, Gorrath flies back towards the main tower.*

Gorrath: *Presses a button on his dashboard.* Commander! Status!

Commander: It will be 5 minutes until the planet destroyer can fire!

Gorrath: Excellent! Sent a unit of mechs to keep the Earther halfling busy! *Ends transmission. Gorrath groans. His mech turns back around.* I'd better go back to be completely sure nothing fails. *Gorrath's robot flies back to where Gigas is.*

*Back at Gigas, it shows Gigas being chases by glorft mechs. They fire blasts at Gigas. Gigas dodges. Gigas then turns around and aims its shoulder cannon at the mechs. It fires blasts from the cannon. Some glorft mechs explode. Gigas then flies lower towards the planet. The Glorft gift chase. Gigas turns around and flies backwards. It fires shots at the Glorft. It also shows the walls are closing in on both the Glorft and Gigas.*

Tommy: Uh Skippy? *Skippy looks at Tommy. He points to the monitor. It shows the walls closing in.*

Stephanie: We need to get out of here before we're crushed!

Skippy: Not just yet! I got an idea! *Gigas continues to fly through the narrowing hallway. The Glorft give chase. The walls get closer and closer*

Tommy: Skippy! Hurry!

Skippy: Almost...*Gigas continues to fly, with the Glorft chasing them.*

Tommy/Stephanie: AAAHHH!

Skippy: Now! *Skippy flies up at the last second. The glorft go to follow, but are crushed by the wall instead.*

Tommy: Nice work Skippy! *Does the rock on pose thing with Skippy. However, Gigas gets hit from behind and lands on the planet. It gets back up to see more Glorft mechs aim at it. Gorrath appears on the monitor.*

Gorrath: Stupid halfling! Did you honestly think you had a chance at defeating the Glorft!? You have failed! Once the planet destroyer fires, there will be no trace left of the Earth! *Smiles* I'll be generous and allow you to watch your planet get vaporized. Then we'll destroy you!

Commander: *Appears on Gorrath's monitor* Warmaster! 2 more minutes until full power! *Gorrath laughs*

Gorrath: Did you hear that, Earther? Only 2 more minutes until the Earth is nothing more than a forgotten footnote in history. There is nothing you can do to stop us!

Tommy: *To Skippy* Ok. We're screwed.

Stephanie: Let's get Coop and Jenna! Maybe they can help us!

Skippy: No time! By the time they get here, the planet will be ready to fire!

Tommy: Sorry Skippy, but I think you're way in over your head on this one.

Skippy: No way! If my cousin can beat up these snot-nose booger aliens then so can I! This guy thinks he can take a giant planet destroyer, teleport it across the universe, and use it on my planet for target practice!? Well, I'm gonna make my cousin proud of me! I'm gonna mop the floor with this chump!

Gorrath: *Points to Gigas* Destroy him! *Glorft mechs fly at Gigas. Gigas punches its fist. Gigas grabs a mech and punches it. Then Gigas gives the mech a suplex on the planet. It shows more Glorft mechs fly at Gigas. Gigas jumps into the air. Small cannons pop out from the arms. It fires at more mechs, destroying them. Gigas then fires a blast at more mechs with its shoulder cannon. Skippy looks at several mechs coming at Gigas. Gigas grabs the shoulder cannon and converts it into a light saber. Gigas flies towards several mechs and cuts them into pieces. Gigas then impales a mech. The mech explodes. Mechs fire upon Gigas. Gigas then uses the light saber to block the attacks. The glorft mechs look at each other. Inside Gigas, it shows Skippy with a smug grin. Gigas then flies towards the mechs. It shows a black screen with white slashes. It then shows Gigas look back at the mechs. They all explode. Gigas then puts the shoulder cannon back onto its shoulder. Inside Gigas, it shows Stephanie analyzing the map readout of the planet. Beeping sounds are heard.*

Stephanie: Skippy! I found something! *Stephanie pulls the planet on the monitor. It shows a small opening in the planet that leads to the core.* I've detected a weak spot! There's a small opening on the planet that leads right to the core! If we strike the core, it will go unstable and destroy the planet! The opening's up ahead!

Skippy: Nice! You're awesome Stephanie! *Stephanie looks at Skippy and blushes. Skippy blushes as well. Skippy then presses some buttons. He appears on Gorrath's monitor* Guess what squid! Looks like I'm gonna destroy your planet destroyer thingy after all! *He ends the transmission. Gorrath looks upset.*

Gorrath: Don't think I'll allow you to stop me, Earther! I'll see to it the weapon fires myself! *Gorrath's mech flies after Gigas.*

*It shows Gigas flying towards the Core.*

Skippy: I'm almost there! *Gigas keeps flying. However, Gigas gets shot at. The kids yell as the screen shakes.*

Tommy: It's the squid guy again! He just never gives up! *It shows Gorrath's mech fire at Gigas!*

Gorrath: I won't allow any Earther, much less a halfling destroy my weapon! It will fire on schedule! *It shows Skippy groan.*

Skippy: I don't got time for this! I need to get to the core!

Tommy: Well, tell that to him! *Gigas flies towards the core, with Gorrath's robot chasing it. Gorrath gains on Gigas* He's gaining on us!

Skippy: Just a little more! *Gorrath's robot fires more shots at Gigas. Gigas dodges. Gorrath looks pissed. Skippy can see the opening to the core* I see the opening! I'm going for it!

Gorrath: No! *In slow motion, Gorrath presses a button. It shows his mech fire a blast at Gigas. Gigas gets hit and gets thrown off course. The kids cringe as Gigas hurtles away from the planet. Normal speed resumes. In Gorrath's mech, it shows the Commander appear on Gorrath's monitor.*

Commander: Sir! The weapon has reached full power!

Gorrath: Fire the planet destroyer now! *The Commander presses a button.*

*It shows the planet gather the energy it collected and route it to the horns. A giant ball of energy appears. On earth, everyone can see the energy ball. In Jersey City, it shows people panicking.*

*At the Speedymart,it shows Coop and Jenna come out with a basket filled with food. They are holding hands. They both look at each other and smile. *They get to Coop's car. They both look up.*

Jenna: Huh?

Coop: What the heck!? *They both see the giant bright light in the sky.*

*Back in space, it shows Gigas hurtling away from the planet in slow motion. It then shows Gigas aim its shoulder cannon at the planet opening. It fires a shot. The shot manages to make its way through the opening. Gorrath sees this and gets worried.*

*Regular speed resumes. It shows the planet starts to explode. The laser dissipates. Back on Earth, everyone sees that it is gone. They resume their daily lives. Back at where Coop & Jenna are, they both just look at each other.*

Coop/Jenna: Hm. *Jenna opens the trunk of Coop's car and puts the basket in. They both then get into the car and drive off.*

*Back in space it shows the planet exploding. Gorrath looks upset. The Commander appears on the monitor*

Commander: Warmaster! The core has become unstable! The entire planet's going to play!

Gorrath: Fire the planet destroyer again!

Commander: We can't! The whole planet's going to blow! We need to evacuate now! *It then shows multiple glorft mechs fly off the planet and back to the Karajor. Gorrath's mech follows suit.*

Gorrath: How! How could I lose to just a small halfling! *To the Commander* This is all your fault Commander! *The commander has sad eyes* I will have your jarbloc! *Gorrath then appears on Skippy's monitor.* This is not over Halfling! We will return and we will destroy you, the Earther and his mate, and your entire planet! *Both Skippy and Stephanie pull down one of their eyes and stick their tongue out at Gorrath. Gorrath grrs. He ends the transmission. It shows Skippy, Stephanie, and Tommy laugh.*

Stephanie: Wow! That was so much fun Skippy!

Tommy: Yeah! I can't believe we got to fight a real alien army and saved the Earth!

Skippy: I couldn't have done it without you guys! *Skippy and Tommy do the rock on pose.* Especially you Steph. Thanks for your help. I really could use another co-pilot.

Stephanie: I would love to help you again. *She leans over to Skippy and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Skippy blushes. The sound of kissy noises are heard. They both look to see little Tommy making kissy faces.*

*It shows Gigas fly back towards Earth. A punch sound is heard.*

Tommy: Ow! That hurt Stephanie!

*On Earth, it shows Gigas is in front of Skippy's house. It shows Little Tommy walking away towards his house. Skippy and Stephanie wave goodbye. They then look at each other.*

Skippy: You know. I really glad you came with us. *Both Skippy and Stephanie look at each other. They go into the kiss. However, the music warps. The sound of snickering is heard. Both Skippy and Stephanie look to see Coop's car. Coop and Jenna are both looking at them. They both then break out in laughter.*

Coop: Hahahah! I knew it! I knew you had a crush on her sister!

Skippy: *Annoyed* How long were you here?

Stephanie: Long enough. So! When's the honeymoon!? *Coop and Jenna laugh some more.*

Stephanie: Can you two knock it off!? *Both Coop and Jenna wipe away the tears from their face.*

Coop: Chill out! We're just messing with ya! *Small pause* Jenna and I are going on a picnic! You two "Lovebirds" wanna join us? *Skippy and Stephanie look at each other.*

Skippy/Stephanie: Sure! *They both get into the backseat. The car drives off.*

Coop: So! What did you two do today? Besides make out. *Skippy looks annoyed*

Skippy: Well, if you must know, Stephanie and I went into outer space and fought the Glorft!

Coop: Really? *A small pause* Nice.

Jenna: What'd they do this time?

Stephanie: They tried to use some giant planet to fire a laser at the Earth. But I was able to figure out its weak spot, and Skippy was able to stop the weapon before it could fire! *Coop laughs*

Coop: I told you Babe! Kid's getting more and more like me every day! And now he's got a girlfriend of his own!

Jenna: I knew they'd make a cute couple. *She leans her head on Coop.* They're just like us when we were their age.

Skippy: Ugh. I'm gonna barf.

Stephanie: That makes two of us.

Coop: Come on! Are we really that bad?

Skippy: Are you kidding!? Every time you guys are together, you can't keep your hands off each other! *Jenna snickers*

Jenna: You say that now, but once you two are older you'll understand why we're like that. *To Coop* Now let's hurry up to the park! I'm starving!

Coop: Sure thing babe! *Coop and Jenna look ahead as they drive towards the back. Skippy and Stephanie hold hands and smile at each other. It shows the car drive away from the viewer.*

End Credits: A portal opens up in space. Out comes a giant ship. Inside are the aliens that originally lived on the planet. They look and see their planet is gone. One of the aliens smacks the other on the head. subtitles it says "I knew taking a 100-year vacation would be a bad idea!" The other alien just rubs his head.

The End


Voice Actors:
Skippy: Frankie Ryan Manrequez
Little Tommy: Sean Marquette
Stephanie: Hyden Walch
Gorrath: Clancy Brown
Commander/Glorft Solder: Kevin Micheal Richardson
Mr.Frashen: Chris Cox
Coop: David Deluise
Jenna/Girl #1/Girl #2: Jennifer Hale

Production Music Used:
Collision Course - Non-Stop Production Music
Hammerhead - De Wolfe Music
Video Kids - Universal Production Music
Dreams Of The Heavens - Sting: Universal Production Music
Soft Winds - Universal Production Music
Midnight Rodeo - Universal Production Music
Unidentified Flying Objects - Universal Production Music
Epic Movie Adventures 2 - De Wolfe Music
Countdown to Conflict - MegaTrax The Scene
Punk Montage - Sonoton Music
Intrepid - Non-Stop Production Music
Blood Shot - Extrememusic X Series
Earth Invasion - Universal Production Music
Clashing Swords - Non-Stop Production Music
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Midnight Rodeo - Universal Production Music
Ultimate Menace - Non-Stop Production Music
Galaxy Troopers - Universal Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Here is the next rewrite. Grudge Match. This one was a major overhaul.

Grudge Match

*The episode begins in outer space. It pans towards a newly rebuilt GCCF Building. It then shows multiple television screens. On them are various aliens and robots wrestling and beating each other up. One of them shows T-Bot fighting against the cloning robot. Another shows Supernova, the Axe wielding robot is shown trying to attack another robot. But the robot dodges and punches Supernova in the face. A hand holding a remote controller is then seen turning off the television screens. It pans out showing a group of people who look similar to Magnanimous. Their faces resemble their voice actors.

Chairman 1: *Voice actor is Daran Norris* My Brothers. This meeting of the Galactic Combat Championship Federation shareholders shall now come to order. It would seem that we have a problem.

Chairman 2: *Voice actor is Kevin Michael Richardson* Due to the incompetence of our younger brother Magnanimous, the GCCF has been bleeding money and we fear it will only be a matter of time before we go bankrupt.

Chairman 3: *Voice actor is Neil Ross* Despite our predicament, there is however a silver lining to this dark cloud. After our brother's humiliating defeat, he has gone into hiding. *His chair floats up to a wall of books. He grabs one and comes back to the table. He sets the book onto the table. He takes out a pair of reading glasses and opens the book. * According to Chapter 7, Article 4, Sub-Section B, of the Galactic Combat Championship Federation Rulebook, *He begins to read* “In the event that the current ruling Chief Executive Officer be absent from duty in a timespan of more than one year, then control, including all responsibilities, assets, and rights will be transferred over to the shareholders of the company." *Small pause*. That's us.

Chairman 2: Now that we are in charge, we can begin rebuilding the brand and hopefully return us to our former glory. However, I fear we will not be able to gain any more ground until we tie up all loose ends. Beginning with the most important component. *He presses a button on a remote. It shows a hologram of the GCCF championship belt*

Chairman 4: *Voice actor is Peter Cullen* The championship belt!

Chairman 1: Indeed. Without the belt, we will not be able to fully revitalize the brand as we intended.

Chairman 5: *Voice actor is Steven Jay Blum. He takes the controller from chairman 2. He presses a button. It shows a hologram of Megas holding the championship belt in the air* According to our records, the belt's last known location was in possession of an Earther known as Coop.

Chairman 1: We must get the belt back from this Earther immediately!

Chairman 5: Retrieving the belt from the Earther will not be easy. He will not be willing to relinquish the belt. *The Chairmen look at each other. *

Chairman 2: If I'm not mistaken, he's still technically part of the roster is he not? *Chairman 3 uses a holographic pad and inputs some stuff. It shows Coop as part of the roster*

Chairman 3: Yes. He is still employed under our ranks. So, he will, by our rules be required to compete or he will forfeit the belt.

Chairman 1: But even if that were the case, we would still need to get him to the arena. *Small pause*

Chairman 5: Maybe we should bring the fight to the Earther.

Chairman 1: But who should we send? *Chairman 3 takes the remote and puts back on the monitors on the wall. It shows various members of the GCCF. Chairman 3 then presses another button. This causes the screens to only display one match. It shows Supernova fighting another fighter. This fighter resembles a cross between "Spawn" and "Bane" from Batman. Supernova tries to hit this fighter with his axe. However, it blocks the attack. He then punches supernova in the face. Then he grabs Supernova and slams him on the mat using only 1 hand. Then he picks up Supernova and throws him out of the ring with ease. It then shows the fighter celebrating. *

Chairman 3: Him!

Chairman 4: Berserker?

Chairman 3: Yes! He is one of our best fighters we have amongst our roster. His record is flawless! If there is anyone who could take on the Earther it's Berzerker. *The other chairmen ponder a bit*

Chairman 1: Not a bad idea.

Chairman 5: Yes, and we can televise the match on Earth! The ratings will be incredible!

Chairman 3: I'll send him in now! *He presses a button on the table. A few seconds later, Berzerker is seen coming into the room. He is wearing a business suit with a cape flowing behind him. He is accompanied by 2 woman that were seen in "Battle Royale" during Supernova's intro. He walks in, with the women following behind. One of the women takes off his cape. *

Berzerker: *Voice actor is Clancy Brown* You called?

Chairman 3: Yes. Have a seat. *Berzerker sits down on a chair. * Berzerker! I'm sure we don't need to remind of your impressive winning streak. You are our strongest fighter we have in our ranks. In our eyes, you are practically the GCCF champion! Of course, that would be the case if we still had a belt to present you.

Chairman 1: We called you here because you are the one most capable for this task. *He presses a button on the table. It shows Coop celebrating in Megas. Megas is holding the belt* We need you to go to Earth and fight this Earther and his robot.

Chairman 2: He is the current GCCF champion and its high time he defended his title!

Berzerker: Hmph. So, all I need to do is head to Earth and beat up this weak robot? *Berzerker clenches his fist, then makes a muscle* Consider it done!

Chairman 3: Do not underestimate him Berzerker. He is nothing like you faced before. Sure, many have fallen under your impressive power, but he is on a whole different level. From what we know, the Earther has the ability to overcome great odds and come out on top. Even with your "special ability", it might be a difficult challenge for you!

Chairman 4: But we believe that you can handle this!

Berzerker: Heh. If this guy is even half as tough as you say, then maybe I'll finally get a good fight.

Chairman 3: You shall be rewarded greatly should you return successful.

Berzerker: Oh, I'll return with the belt all right. You can count on that! *He gets up and grabs his cape from one of the giant robot women. He puts it back on and walks out. The women following in tow. *

Chairman 1: Send a camera crew to Earth so we can record the match! At the very least we can generate ratings.

Chairman 5: Do you think Berzerker can defeat the Earther?

Chairman 3: Oh, I have no doubt. By himself, his strength is impressive. But with his "special ability", he will be unstoppable.

Chairman 1: Let's hope so. The very future of the GCCF is on the line!

*Title theme plays*

Grudge Match

*The scene then shifts to Jersey City. It shows Megas running through the city. It steps on cars along the way. People get out of their car or open the windows and angerly yell while shaking their fists at Megas. *

Kiva: Coop, slow down! What's the big rush?

Coop: Today's the day the new Gamestation Box Z comes out!

Kiva: Gamestation Box Z? what's that?

Jamie: Don't you know anything? It's only the most highly advanced video game console ever.

Coop: Yeah! It's got 1024-bit graphics, realistic audio channels, 4K buffering.

Jamie: Not to mention a huge assortment of games. With backwards compatibility!

Coop: It was expensive, but it will be worth it! Good thing the girls, Jamie, and I were able to make a lot of money so we could reserve a couple of systems. *Zooms in on Coop*

*Flashback. *

It shows Coop's house. He is out front with his Omegacue grill. He has a "Feed the Cook" apron on. He is seen BBQing food. There is also a sign that says "Car-B-Cue: Car Wash & BBQ Food". It shows Jenna come over and bring a huge tray of food over to Coop to add to the grill. They share a kiss. Then Coop takes food to add to the BBQ. It then shifts over to where Jamie and Racheal are. Jamie looks bored. He is using a hose on a car. It then shows a couple of cars drive by. However, they pass. Jamie looks upset. He then looks over to Racheal who is scrubbing a car down. He smiles devilishly. It shows Racheal scrubbing a car. Suddenly she is splashed with water. *

Racheal: Hey what the!? *She is soaked. Her shirt clings to her body. Jamie then laughs. Racheal grrs. The sound of multiple car horns are heard. It then shows many cars line up. The drivers are all ogling Racheal in her wet T-shirt. Racheal takes advantage of this and acts sultry as she cleans another customer's car. This also makes Jamie jealous and angry. Racheal smugly smiles at Jamie as she cleans another car while customers are eyeing her. Jamie then groans and goes back to washing off another car. *

*Back to reality*

Jamie: Yeah. I had to do all the hard work, while you just cooked for everyone.

Coop: Hey man! Cooking food is just as hard. Maybe even harder. You gotta get the food just right!

Jamie: Who cares. we were able to reserve multiple systems, so you and Jenna can have one each. And we still have leftover to buy some games. I wanna get the newest supermodel cheerleader volleyball tournament game.

Kiva: Why do you need to buy a new console anyway? Why not play the older ones you have? *Coop and Jamie stare at Kiva*

Coop: The system's backwards compatible so we can play the older games. Plus, it will allow me to clean up and put the older systems to better use.

Kiva: For what? *Zooms in on Coop again*

*Flashback. *

*It shows Megas in the junkyard. All of Coop's older game systems are put onto a giant catapult, which Goat is operating. *

Coop: Pull! *Goat activates the catapult. All of the game systems go flying into the air. Coop then presses several buttons. On the monitor it shows targeting reticles lock on to the game systems. Megas then fires a bunch of small missiles which home in and destroy each of the consoles. Coop manages to get them all*

Jamie: Nice shot man. *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose thingy*

*Back to reality*

Kiva: Target practice? *Smiles* Well at least you’re training without me.

Jamie: So, Coop. Which color did you get?

Coop: I got the red one. I got Jenna the green one.

Jamie: Dude. We should have gone with the green one. It matches my sweatshirt!

Coop; What? No way. The red matches my vest.

Jamie: But the green one also glows in the dark!

Coop: So? You can go to Jenna's house if you wanna play.

Kiva: *Sighs* Does it even matter?

Coop/Jamie: Yes! *Kiva puffs her hair up. *

Coop: All right! We're here! *Coop looks outside. He notices that there is a huge line which goes around several buildings. Some people have tents and stuff. * Oh man. I knew we should have gotten up at midnight!

Jamie: Dude, why do you care? Georgie said he was gonna fast track us to get the systems first.

Coop: Oh right. *They look at the gameshock building. It is closed. * Guess it ain't open yet. *Jamie looks around*

Jamie: Here comes Georgie now!

*An old blueish car drives up to the parking lot. Georgie comes out of his car. He is wearing a blue polo shirt. He takes out a pair of keys and goes to open the door. He sees a huge crowd of people*

Georgie: All right everyone! Give me a few minutes to open up! I only have a limited number of Gamestation systems so only 15 of you will get one! *A huge chunk of people groan and walk away. One kid is seen crying as he walks away. *

Coop: Hey Georgie! *Georgie looks up to see Coop*

Georgie: Don't worry Coop! I got your systems set for you! Just give me a few minutes to get ready! You'll be first!

Coop: Thanks! *Georgie goes inside. *

Jamie: *As Jamie talks, Kiva uses her holographic computer and detects something. * So, Coop. What other games should we get?

Kiva: I think we might have a bigger problem than that. *Both Coop and Jamie look at Kiva* I’m picking up a spatial anomaly forming near our vicinity. Something is coming so get ready! *A portal opens up above the Gameshock store. When it disappears, it shows Berzerker along with the two giant robot women. *

Jamie: Woah. *smiles* Nice.

Coop: Looks like I ain't the only one who wanted a Gamestation Box Z that bad huh. *Berzerker stands up and stares at Megas. His eyes glow. *

Berzerker: Harold Cooplowski! *Coop's eyes widen as he looks at Berzerker. Jamie and Kiva look at Coop as well. * I have found you at last.

Coop: I know you?

Berzerker: RAAAGHH! *Berzerker jumps into the air. He raises his fist. *

Kiva: Look out! *Berzerker comes down to punch Megas. *

Coop: Woah! *Megas jumps out of the way. Berzerker punches the ground hard. This causes cracks to form in the parking lot. The people that were on line run away in fear. Berzerker pauses for a moment. He then stands up. His cape flowing in the wind. He is still wearing his business suit. * Hey pal! What's the big idea!? I know the gamestation box Z is pretty popular but you don't got to beat me up over it!

Berzerker: I didn't come here for a Gamestation Z. I came here to fight you!

Coop: What? *Berzerker runs over to Megas and punches it in the upper chest area. Megas goes flying*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: AAAAAHHHH!!!! *Megas crashes into a building across the street from the gameshock. Megas slowly gets up. *

Jamie: Great. It's not even 6:30 in the morning and already some crazy alien robot is trying to kill me.

Kiva: Coop. What did you do now?

Coop: *Thinks* Let’s see. Yesterday, Jamie and I just played video games. The day before, Jenna and I cleaned out her garage. Then we went out to lunch and-*Kiva cuts him off*

Kiva: Never mind!

Berzerker: *Cracks his knuckles. * Are you just gonna stand there, or are you going to fight me!?

Coop: Look here chump! I don't know who you are, or how you even know me, but I ain't looking for a fight right now. *Megas walks back over to the gameshock store, but Berzerker gets into the way. *

Berzerker: No! You will fight me now! I didn't travel across the universe to be denied! Fight me!

Jamie: Dude, I don't think he's gonna walk away.

Coop: All right look. I'll fight you as soon as I pick up my game system. Now move aside! *Megas walks past Berzerker and goes up to the Gameshock. However, Berzerker grabs Megas by the shoulder. Berzerker then throws Megas away. Megas lands in the parking lot crushing some cars. Megas then gets back up and faces Berzerker*

Berzerker: You want your precious gamestation Z? You fight me first!

Kiva: He's not going to go away Coop. It looks like we don't have a choice.

Coop: *Grrs* All right pal! If it's a fight you want, then here it comes! Don't say I didn't warn you! *Berzerker runs up to Megas and tries to punch it. Megas blocks the attack. Megas then picks up Berzerker and throws him into a building. Berzerker gets back up. It then shows Megas running towards Berzerker* REEEYAAAAHHH!!!! *Megas tackles Berzerker into the building. It topples over both of them. Both Megas and Berzerker get up. They then begin to exchange blows. As this happens, it pans out showing a television screen. The scene shifts back to where the Chairmen for the GCCF are watching. *

Chairman 3: Now we shall see just how powerful Berzerker really is! If anyone can defeat the Earther, it will be him! *The scene then shifts to various places. At times square, it shows the fight on a giant screen. People are looking up and clamoring about the fight. Then the scene shifts to an alien bar. Various aliens and robots are watching the fight. On the screen it shows Berzerker give Megas a body slam. It also shows various aliens betting on the fighters. The scene shifts again to a diner in Jersey City. It shows Jenna and Racheal eating breakfast together. Racheal has a cup of coffee and is eating a bagel. Jenna has a huge breakfast sandwich. Racheal is looking at the TV. She gets Jenna's attention*

Jenna: Huh? *She looks at the TV. It shows Megas punching Berzerker hard. Then Megas picks up Berzerker and throws him away. Jenna and Racheal look at each other, then at the TV. The last scene shifts to the Karajor. It shows the Glorft watching the fight as well. On the screen it shows Berzerker punch Megas. Then Berzerker jumps onto a building, and gives Megas an elbow drop. Gorrath grins evilly as he watches this. *

*The scene then shifts back to Earth. At the gameshock store, it shows Georgie opening up the door with keys*

Georgie: All right Coop! You can come in-huh? *He looks up at Megas and Berzerker exchanging blows* Gonna be another one of those days, isn't it? *He sees a customer with a reserve ticket* All right. You can come in! *The customer goes inside. *

*Back at the fight it shows Megas push Berzerker down. Then Megas pins Berzerker and starts pummeling him. Berzerker blocks with his hand. Then he punches Megas away. Both Megas and Berzerker get up. Berzerker goes to punch Megas. Megas ducks. Megas then grabs Berzerker and gives him an F5. Megas then stomps on Berzerker multiple times. Megas then jumps into the air and gives Berzerker an elbow. *

Coop: WAAAAAHHHH!!! *Megas comes down hard with an elbow. Megas then gets up and raises its arms to celebrate. * WOOHOOO!!! YEAH!

Jamie: Nice.

Coop: Well now that he's done with, let's go get our game systems. *Megas walks over Berzerker and heads for the Gameshock. However, Berzerker grabs Megas by the leg* Huh? *Megas turns around to see Berzerker is up* Hey let go!

Berzerker: RAAAAAGHH! *Berzerker throws Megas by the leg. Jamie screams like a little girl. Megas goes flying into a strip mall that is in the same shopping center as the Gameshock. Megas gets back up to face Berzerker. * That was your best? Pathetic! I don't know how a pitiful weakling like you managed to hold on to the title for so long!

Jamie: Title!?

Kiva: Oh no!

Coop: You must be working for Magninimoose! I mean Mashuganugh! *As Coop talks, Kiva looks annoyed* Er...Monoymous? Uh....

Kiva: *Sighs* Magnanimous.

Coop: That's what I said. Anonymous. *Kiva sighs again and facepalms while shaking her head. *

Berzerker: Ha! That washed-up egotistical fool? Don't make me laugh. Thanks to his incompetence, the Galactic Combat Federation nearly went bankrupt.

Jamie: *To Coop* I always thought it was your fault.

Coop: Well, at least he ain't blaming me.

Berzerker: Luckily the new chairmen were able to save the franchise from going under. However, its rebirth won't be fully complete until one more loose end is tied up. The GCCF Championship belt! I've been sent here to get the belt back! By any means necessary. *Kiva looks at Coop*

Kiva: Coop. Just give him the belt. The last thing we need right now is a fight.

Coop: The belt? You mean my belt? No way! I earned that title! You want my title so bad! You gotta fight me for it!

Berzerker: Glad we agree. I heard from the others that you were the best. So far, I'm not impressed!

Coop: Hey! I'm just getting warmed up! You wanna rumble! You got it!

Kiva: Coop! Just let it go!

Jamie: Yeah! We still gotta get our Gamestations!

Coop: Hey! We've been waiting this long for them to come out. We can wait a few extra minutes. *To Berzerker* All right pal! You got yourself a match!

Berzerker: Good. *Berzerker rips off his suit and cape. One of the giant robot girls catches it. * Now let's get it on! *Megas and Berzerker stare each other down. It does a split screen of Coop and Berzerker looking at each other. They both then run at each other and Grapple. Berzerker picks up Megas and throws it into the air. Berzerker then jumps into the air and goes above Megas*

Kiva: Above us! *Berzerker tries to come down on Megas with a pump handle slam*

Coop: Oh no you don't! *Megas flies out of the way using the leg thrusters*. Megas aims its arm at Berzerker. A missile pops up from the hand. It fires at Berzerker. Berzerker parries the missile out of the way. It instead hits a POP TV store in the same shopping center where the Gameshock is. Both Megas and Berzerker land on the ground. *

Berzerker: You're gonna have to do better than that! *Berzerker goes to punch Megas. However, Megas grabs Berzerker by the hand and blocks. Berzerker gets O O eyes. Megas pulls in Berzerker and gives him a headlock. Megas also gives Berzerker a noogie*

Coop: Hahahahah!

Jamie: Yeah!

Kiva: Coop! Quit fooling around!

Coop: Uh right! *Megas throws Berzerker away. He lands on some cars. He gets back up. His hands and eyes glow green. Berzerker then runs at Megas and tries to punch him. *

Berzerker: RAAAHH! *Megas ducks. He tries to punch Megas again. * Ergh! *Megas sidesteps out of the way and disappears. Berzerker looks around. Megas then appears right behind him*

Coop: Right behind you pal!

Berzerker: *Gets O.O eyes* What!? *Megas grabs Berzerker and gives him a backbreaker*

Coop: REEEYYAAAHHH! *They crash into some buildings. Berzerker then gets back up to fight again. Coop looks around. He grabs a giant sledgehammer from a nearby factory. He holds it in the air and points it at Berzerker* Come at me! *Berzerker runs at Megas and tries to punch him again. However, Megas shoves the sledgehammer in his gut. *

Berzerker: Ugh! *Megas then goes to smash Berzerker with it. However, Berzerker grabs the handle before Megas can connect. * Ergh! *Berzerker punches Megas. This causes Megas to let go of the sledgehammer. Berzerker has it now. * My turn! *He swings it like a golf club*

Coop: Oh boy. *It hits Megas hard. Megas goes flying. Everyone inside yells. Megas goes crashing into several buildings across the street from the shopping center where the gameshock is. * The scene shifts to the diner where the girls are. Jenna gasps as she watches. Racheal comforts her by rubbing her back. Megas then slowly gets up. It shows Berzerker in the air with the sledgehammer. *

Jamie: Look out!

Coop: HOUWAAH! *Megas barely manages to get out of the way. Berzerker smashes the sledgehammer down. A huge crater is seen where he struck. Coop looks at the damage, then at Berzerker* Man. This guy ain't playing around!

Jamie: Yeah. No kidding. *Berzerker throws the sledge hammer aside. He does the bring it on pose to Megas. Both Megas and Berzerker grapple again. It shows Megas give Berzerker a suplex. Then Megas jumps onto a building. As Berzerker gets up, he sees Megas give him a thumbs down. Megas then does a body dive. * REEYAAAHH! *Megas lands on Berzerker hard. The scene then shifts to times square where people are watching and cheering. *

*Back at Jersey City. Megas moves its hands to signal a job well done. Coop does the same. Berzerker slowly gets up and grabs his head. *

Coop: So! You had enough?

Berzerker: Ha! Not even close! *Both Megas and Berzerker run at each other. Berzerker goes to punch Megas. Megas ducks and goes behind Berzerker. Megas gives Berzerker an armlock. Berzerker counters and elbows Megas. Megas lets go of him. Berzerker grabs Megas and throws him into a building. Berzerker then pushes Megas into the building and starts pummeling Megas hard. The scene shifts to the Karajor. The glorft are cheering as Berzerker pummels Megas. Gorrath is seen grinning as he watches. *

*Back at Jersey City, Berzerker keeps punching Megas multiple times. *

Jamie: aaAAAaaa! *The screen shakes as Coop/Jamie/Kiva cringe. Berzerker backs his fist up. It glows green. *

Kiva: Coop! *Coop has a worried look on his face. Berzerker goes to punch. However, Megas manages to duck. Berzerker hits the building instead. It causes the entire building to topple over. Megas then picks up Berzerker and throws him away. Megas gets back up to fight* Coop be careful! He's strong! *As Berzerker gets up, Megas sneaks up from behind and gives Berzerker a sleeper hold. *

Berzerker: ERRGHGHRGGHHAAAH!! *He tries to get Megas off. However, he starts to get groggy. He falls onto his knees, then goes down. He appears to be unconscious. Megas gets back up. The scene shifts to the alien bar. It shows the patrons booing. *

Yeti Alien: *Voice actor is Steven Blum* I told you this was fake. *The scene then shifts to the meeting room of the GCCF. It shows the councilmen watching. *

Chairman 1: What are the ratings!? *He looks at a bulldog like alien. He looks at a screen. It shows the ratings go down. *

Bulldog Alien: *Voice actor is Kevin Michael Richardson* They’re dropping! *Everyone looks at Chairman 3 angerly*

Chairman 1: You said Berzerker could defeat the Earther!

Chairman 2: All we see is him jobbing to his robot!

Chairman 3: Gentlemen! Please! Have faith in Berzerker. Remember, Berzerker hasn't even used his special power yet.

Chairman 5: So, wait. That glowly hand thingy wasn't his power?

Chairman 3: Ha! Don't be ridiculous! *The other chairmen look at each other, then at Chairmen 3*

*Back at Jersey. Coop looks at Berzerker who is still down and out. *

Coop: Ok! Now that that is over with, let's go get my Gamestation Box Z! *Megas goes to walk away*

Kiva: Coop! You can't just leave him here! What if he gets back up?

Coop: I wouldn't worry about him Kiva. He ain't gonna get up from a sleeper hold that quickly. *The sound of Berzerker groaning is heard. He starts to get back up. Coop looks surprised*

Jamie: Looks like he just did. *Berzerker laughs*

Berzerker: Ha. I'm impressed. You actually managed to hurt me!

Coop: You like that huh? Well, I got plenty more hurt where that came from!

Berzerker: I'm not going to quit until I take the title back from you! *Berzerker runs after Megas and goes to punch him. Megas jumps out of the way. However, Berzerker jumps into the air as well. He grabs Megas by the leg. *

Coop: What the!? *Berzerker throws Megas down to the ground hard. Berzerker then jumps on Megas. Berzerker gets off of Megas. Coop looks angry. Megas then gets back up. * So. You wanna play rough huh? Fine then! *Megas puts its arms together. Megas creates the cool energy sword. *

Berzerker: Now we're talking! *Berzerker's hands glow bright. Energy brass knuckles form on his hands* Now don't hold back! *Megas goes to slash Berzerker with the energy sword. However, Berzerker clasps the blade in his hands. *

Coop: No way.

Jamie: Dude! He stopped it! *Berzerker then punches Megas in the chest. Megas stumbles back. Berzerker then shoulder tackles Megas hard. Megas flies into a building. *

Coop: Grrrr!!!

Berzerker: This is supposed to be the champion who defeated everyone in the GCCF? Ha! What a joke! Then again most of them aren't even a challenge anyway. You're just as weak as rest of them! The belt is as good as mine! *Berzerker slowly approaches Megas. Megas slowly gets up. *

Jamie: He's getting closer! Hurry! *Megas gets ready to fight again. *

Coop: No one is taking my title! You're going down!

Berzerker: Try it! *Megas flies towards Berzerker*

Coop: WAAAAHHH!!! Megas grabs Berzerker as they fly. *

Berzerker: Hahahahaha!

Coop: You think that's funny chump! Laugh at this! *Megas and Berzerker flies into a building. It then shows Megas’s pinning Berzerker. Megas starts pummeling Berzerker* RAAH! RAGH! RAGH! RAGH! RAGH! *The scene then shifts to the Karajor. It shows Megas’s pummeling Berzerker. The Glorft are booing. One of them throws a drink at the screen. Gorrath snarls as he watches. *

*Back on Earth, it shows Megas punching Berzerker some more. However, Berzerker manages to punch Megas. This allows Berzerker to get back up. He then goes to punch Megas. However, Megas blocks the attack. Then, Megas kicks Berzerker. Megas then gives Berzerker a headbutt. Berzerker stumbles back. Megas then backs up and spears Berzerker into a "Tofu Terrace" building. *

Kids: Yay! *Megas then pummels Berzerker some more. Then Megas picks Berzerker up and delivers a swift uppercut to Berzerker. Berzerker flies into the air and lands on the ground. He looks up at Megas, then appears to faint. The scene shifts to the diner again. It shows both Jenna and Racheal smiling as they watch. They then hug each other and laugh while jumping up and down. *

*The scene then shifts back to the GCCF meeting room. *

Chairman 4: This is not looking good for you Quagnamimous!

Chairman 1: The Eather is making a fool of Berzerker!

Chairman 2: Perhaps we should vote you out so you can join Magnanimous in exile! *Chairman 3 laughs. *

Chairman 1: What about this do you find so funny!? Our ratings are going down and we are going to bleed more money!

Chairman 3: Berzerker has not even begun to use his real power yet! He's been toying with the Earther this entire time.

Chairman 5: Then tell him to stop fooling around and end this!

*The scene then shifts back to Jersey. It shows Megas flexing over Berzerker. *

Coop: So, who’s the weakling now!? *Berzerker starts laughing* Huh? *Berzerker slowly gets up. * No way!

Jamie: You knocked him out twice and he still gets back up!

Berzerker: Yes! Yes! HAHAHAHAH! This is amazing! I've never felt such pain in all my life! I love it!

Jamie: What is with this guy!?

Coop: *To Berzerker* Hey buddy! You want more pain? Well come and get it!

Jamie: Uh Coop? We still gotta get to the gameshock and get our game systems.

Coop: I know I know! Don't rush me.

Chairman 3's voice: Berzerker! What are you doing!? Stop toying with the Eather and unleash your power! Obliterate him!

Berzerker: Understood. *Ends transmission*

Coop: Look pal. I kinda need to wrap this up. So, I'm just gonna kick your butt and be on my way.

Berzerker: You still don't get it! I said I wasn't leaving without the belt and I meant it! No matter how much you knock me down, I'll keep getting up!

Coop: Yeah? We'll I'll just keep knocking you down then!

Berzerker: I guess you aren't like the others after all. You're just like me. Always looking for a stronger opponent! I've always fought at this level, but here you are causing me to push even further! Get ready! You're in for a treat. *Berzerker presses buttons on his arm. It shows a green fluid flowing through tubes connected to his body. Berzerker clutches his heart and falls to his knees*

Jamie: Uh what's going on? *Berzerker's body gains muscle mass. Spikes begin to grow out of his shoulders. Kiva uses her computer thing*

Kiva: Coop! He's getting stronger! You need to stop him now!

Coop: Right! *Megas runs up to Berzerker. Megas punches him in the face. However, Berzerker doesn't even move or flinch. * What the?

Jamie: That didn't even phase him! *Berzerker takes one arm and smashes Megas with it. Megas goes flying through a building. The building topples on Megas. *

Berzerker: Ha. That didn't even tickle. *Megas slowly gets up. *

Kiva: Coop he's much stronger than before! Whatever he did increased his power. There is no way you'll be able to fight him!

Coop: We'll see about that! *Megas goes up to punch Berzerker in the chest. Nothing happens. Coop looks surprised. Coop grrs and Megas continues punching Berzerker in the chest. *

Jamie: Uh Coop. You can stop now. It's not working. *Berzerker just swats Megas away like a fly. Megas crashes into some houses. The scene shifts back to the alien bar. Everyone is cheering and celebrating. The scene then shifts to Times square. The people are cheering also. *

*Back at Jersey City, Megas gets back up and faces Berzerker. *

Coop: I don't get it! 4 minutes ago, this guy was about to collapse! Now he's like invincible!

Kiva: I'll see where he got the extra power form! Try to hold him off for now! *Berzerker slowly walks up to Megas. Megas flies towards Berzerker*

Coop: WAAAAHH! *Megas goes to hit Berzerker. However, Berzerker grabs Megas by the arm. He throws Megas down. The impact makes Megas bounce up and allows Berzerker to pound him down again with his arm. Megas bounces up again. Berzerker just smashes his arm into Megas. Megas goes flying through the city. Coop and Jamie yell. *The scene shifts to the diner where Jenna & Racheal are. From the windows it shows Megas flying. The girls look out from the window, then at each other. Megas goes crashing through several buildings before stopping. Megas slowly gets back up. It shows Berzerker in the air*

Jamie: Look out! *Berzerker comes down and lands hard. The impact of his landing creates a powerful quake. Megas stumbles and falls. Megas gets up and jumps into the air. He gives Berzerker a swift kick in the face. However, Berzerker grabs Megas by the leg. Berzerker tosses Megas into a building. Megas gets back up goes to tackle Berzerker. However, Berzerker does not move. Berzerker just grabs Megas and throws him off. Megas slowly gets up. *

Berzerker: You'll need to hit a lot harder than that if you want to win this fight! Surrender now and I won't embarrass you too much!

Coop: No way! I ain't surrendering!

Jamie: Sure! Why surrender when we can get beaten to death! *Megas's arms turn into gatling guns. They fire a Berzerker. The attacks do nothing. * It's not working! *Megas then fires a missile at Berzerker. He catches it. He then crushes it into dust. Coop is surprised. *

Coop: Woah. *To Kiva* Kiva?

Kiva: I'm still trying to find the source of his power! Just keep him busy! *Megas fires a laser at Berzerker. But it does nothing. Berzerker just laughs. *

Berzerker: Perhaps you need a better demonstration of my strength. *Berzerker goes up to a huge building and lifts it up with ease. * Take this! *He throws the entire building onto Megas. *

Jamie: Look out!

Kiva: Get out of the way! *Megas gets out of the way. However, Berzerker jumps into the air and grabs Megas by the leg. Berzerker slams Megas onto the ground. He then drags Megas across the rubble. He grabs Megas with one hand and holds him up. *

Berzerker: Where was all that resolve you had!? *Berzerker punches Megas. Megas goes flying and lands near the suburbs. Berzerker slowly walks towards Megas. *

Kiva: Coop we can't keep this up much longer! We'll have to give up the title just to keep Megas in one piece!

Coop: No way!

Kiva: It's not worth it! Just let it go!

Coop: I can't! That title means too much to me!

Kiva: Even more than the destruction of Megas!? And us!? *Coop thinks for a minute*

Jamie: Uh guys? He's getting closer!

Coop: I ain't finished yet! *Coop presses a button. Megas opens up and fires every single weapon it has. They head for Berzerker. He gets O O eyes. *

Berzerker: What the!? *He gets blasted by a barrage of weapons. There are tons of explosions. The blasts could be seen through space. Back on Earth. Jersey City is pretty ravaged. Berzerker is down and appears to be unconscious. The scene shifts to the Karajor. The Glorft are seen groaning. Gorath snarls again. *

*The scene then shifts to the GCCF. Chairman 3 is surprised at what he sees. *

Chairman 3: No. It can't be!

Chairman 2: Even that wasn't enough to stop the Earther!

Chairman 1: What about the ratings!? *The bulldog alien looks. It shows it going up. *

Bulldog alien: They're through the roof sir! Everyone appears to be enjoying the fight!

Chairman 1: We can't let it end this quickly! *To Chairman 3* Do something! *The scene shifts back to Jersey City. It shows Berzerker down again. *

Coop: I did it! Ha ha! I did it! I beat him!

Jamie: Yeah! Rock on Coop! *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose*

Chairman 3's voice: Berzerker! Stop holding back! Unleash your full power on him! We're counting on you to get the belt back! Now do it! *It shows Berzerker getting back up. Coop and Jamie are in shock*

Coop: How is this chump still kicking!? *Berzerker is clutching his chest. He then laughs*

Berzerker: Amazing! Never would I have imagined a fight like this! Even in my powered form you still put up a fight! It looks like I'm gonna have to push my body to its very limit! *He inputs a code on his arm. His muscles bulge out more. It shows Coop, Jamie, and Kiva worried. His spikes grow even bigger. * You are now fighting me at my full power! You should be honored. You are the only one who has had the chance to experience this!

Kiva: Coop. He's way too strong for Megas to handle. Just stand down and give him the belt!

Coop: No way! There ain't nothin' that I can't handle! *Megas goes to punch Berzerker. Berzerker just grabs Megas by the arm and throws him away with ease. Then Berzerker jumps into the air and tries to clobber Megas. Megas gets out of the way. Berzerker smashes the ground causing a huge sinkhole. Some houses fall in.*

Jamie: Dude! *To Coop* I’m with Kiva on this one! Give him the belt!

Coop: No! I told you I got this! *Megas jumps into the air and goes to pump handle Berzerker. However, he grabs Megas with just one hand. Berzerker throws Megas as if it was a football. Megas goes flying into several houses. Megas then gets back up. As Coop grrs, Georgie appears on the monitor*

Georgie: Hey Coop! Just reminding you that your Gamestation Zs are waiting for you!

Coop: I'm kinda tied up at the moment Georgie! I'll be there as soon as I can!

Georgie: Well, all right! Just be quick because I've got customers asking about the system too! *Ends transmission. Coop then looks at Berzerker*

Coop: And now to deal with you! Let's see you handle this! *Megas opens up its arm. It fires a missile. It hits Berzerker right in the chest. It explodes. He looks at it, then at Megas*

Kiva: Coop, just surrender! Your attacks aren't even phasing him!

Coop: No way! I'm fighting this one to the bitter end! *Jamie attempts to get out of the car* Get back in this car right now! *Jamie grumbles and gets in.*

Berzerker: I'm going to enjoy breaking you! *Berzerker takes his time walking up to Megas. Megas fires 2 more missiles at Berzerker. They explode on contact but he doesn't reel back. He just keeps coming. *

Kiva: Coop! Stop it! If that didn't work before, that's not going to work now! *Megas flies towards Berzerker at a super-fast speed. Berzerker swats Megas away like nothing. Megas goes crashing into a house. Megas gets up. Megas flies at Berzerker again. Berzerker punches Megas. Megas goes back and lands near his house. Berzerker then grabs Megas and throws him down. Berzerker then grabs Megas by the arm and holds him into the air. He then starts to punch Megas multiple times. *

Berzerker: Ergh! Ergh! Ergh! *He then holds Megas by the shoulders. * I'm impressed you lasted longer than I thought, but not even you can match up to my strength! All I have to do now is make paste of you and the title will be mine! *Megas kicks off of Berzerker and does a backflip. Then Megas gets into a fighting pose* So you still got some fight left in you huh? Good!

Jamie: Dude just throws the fight! He's got us outmatched!

Coop: I can't now! This is personal! *Berzerker runs at Megas and pushes him down. Berzerker jumps on Megas. Berzerker then gives Megas a backbreaker. He then picks up Megas by the shoulders and throws him into another house. He then steps on Megas and twists his arm to the point of breaking it. *

Berzerker: Only one so foolish would keep fighting! Just surrender and give me the belt!

Coop: Never!

Berzerker: Then I'll take it! He picks up Megas and punches him hard. Megas flys next to Coop's house and lands. Berzerker then goes to the garage and rips it off its foundation. Berzerker takes the belt and holds it into the air. * Victory is mine! I have reclaimed the championship belt in the name of the Galactic Champion Combat Federation! *The scene shifts to the GCCF headquarters. It shows all of the chairmen cheering for Berzerker. *

Chairman 1: Finally! The belt is ours! *Everyone praises Chairman 3*

*Back on Earth, it shows Megas getting back up to fight again*

Coop: Hey chump! *Berzerker looks at Megas* Hands off my belt! *Berzerker holds the belt in front of Megas*

Berzerker: You want the belt back? Come get it! *Megas runs up to Berzerker. Berzerker just swats him away like nothing. Megas lands on the remains of Coop's house.

Kiva: Coop enough of this madness! Just let him have it! It's just a stupid belt!

Coop: Just a stupid belt? Just a stupid belt!? I refuse to let this chump take it! *Megas fires another missile at Berzerker. However, Berzerker side steps the missile. It goes flying towards the Gameshock. Look looks on in horror* No. No!!!

*The scene shifts to the Gameshock. It shows Georgie come out and put a bag of garbage into a dumpster. As he does this, the missile blows up the Gameshock. He gets O.O eyes. He turns around to see the store is destroyed. *

Georgie: My boss is so totally gonna fire me for this! *The scene shifts back to Megas and Berzerker*

Jamie: Saw that coming a mile away.

Berzerker: How pathetic! Your final attempt to stop me and you still couldn't do it! *Berzerker smashes Megas with one of his giant arms. Megas goes down. Berzerker goes to Megas and picks him up. * I was going to leave, but now I think I'll humiliate you more! Admit to me that I am the better fighter and I promise not to accidently kill you! *Berzerker gives Megas an uppercut. Megas flies into the air and lands on the ground. Megas gets up. It is seen electrocuting. *The scene shifts to the diner. It shows Jenna and Racheal looking worried as they watch. The scene shifts back to where Megas is*

Kiva: Coop this is bad! We have to get out of here! There is no way we can stop him! Why won't you just listen to me once! Megas can barely stand up as it is and Megas used up all of its weapons!

Coop: That's enough! This godmoding chump on Steroids takes my title, beats me up all over Jersey, and made me destroy the only Gameshock in town! Now, I'm gonna rip him apart!

Kiva: Coop. *The sound of a car coming to a screeching halt is heard* Need I remind you that we have nothing left!? We lost!

Coop: You sure? Don't we get a missile or two?

Kiva: No! Nothing! *Coop mumbles. Berzerker slowly walks up to Megas and kicks him down. He then steps on Megas a bunch of times. The gang cringes as the screen shakes. Then Berzerker kicks Megas. Megas goes flying into another house. Megas slowly gets up and goes to Berzerker. Berzerker pushes Megas aside. Megas stumbles a bit. Then Megas falls on 1 knee. Megas electrocutes some more* Coop Megas is shutting down! Admit defeat!

Coop: No. My title! *Berzerker kicks Megas down one last time. Megas is unmoving. *

Kiva: We have to go now Coop! He's going to rip Megas apart!

Coop: I ain't leaving Megas! *Berzerker picks up Megas. Megas struggles to move. *

Berzerker: You can't even defend yourself anymore can you. I'll do the universe a favor and put you out of your misery. Heheh. *Megas slowly moves its arms. They go up to the tubes that are behind Berzerker. Megas grabs on. Then Megas rips them off. It does a triple screen of Megas ripping them off. Fluid sprays out* What!? No! *Berzerker's muscle mass decreases. He returns to normal. Megas falls down to the ground. A giant puddle appears underneath Megas. Megas absorbs it. On the monitor it shows power output going up. Megas slowly gets up. *

Coop: Kiva! What happened!?

Kiva: *Scans* You did it Coop! You cut off his power supply! And apparently, it's been transferred to Megas somehow! Megas is getting its energy back!

Coop: Nice! *Megas is back at full power. Megas makes a pose and the shing noise is made. * And now for some unfinished business! *Megas runs up to Berzerker and punches him rapidly. Megas picks him up and throws him down. Berzerker gets up and punches Megas. Megas goes flying into another house*

Berzerker: Even without my full strength I'm still more than a match for you! *Megas gets back punches Berzerker. Both Megas and Berzerker exchange blows. It shows a 4-way screen of the people at Times square, the alien bar, the diner where Jenna and Racheal are, and the Karajor with the Glorft watching the fight and cheering. Megas manages to headbutt Berzerker. Then Megas gives Berzerker a bulldog. *

Coop: Reeaaayyh! *Megas starts to stomp on Berzerker multiple times. Megas then picks him up and punches him rapidly like a boxer. Coop is using an arcade game where the player goes into special boxing gloves. On the monitor it shows the player punching the opponent. A split screen is shown of the game as well as Megas punching Berzerker. Berzerker gives Megas an uppercut. However, Megas lands on its feet and runs at Berzerker. Megas then spears Berzerker. He falls onto a house. Then Megas jumps into the air and gives Berzerker another elbow. * WAAAAAH!! *Megas comes down hard. It does a triple split screen of Megas landing. Megas gets up, turns Berzerker over and takes his title. * Look here chump! You go back and tell your boss or whoever's running the show that if they want the title, I'll take them on! Anytime, or anywhere! *Berzerker gets back up. He starts to laugh again. * You still want more!? Fine then! *He goes to punch Berzerker. But Berzerker collapses and faints for real this time. * Huh? *Kiva uses her computer*

Kiva: He's out cold for real! You did it Coop! You won! *Megas holds the belt in the air*

Coop: Yeah! Hahaha! *It shows the people at the alien bar cheer. Followed by the people at times square cheer. Then it shows Jenna and Racheal hugging each other and cheering at the diner. Lastly it shows the Glorft booing. Gorrath angerly slams his fist on his arm chair. It then shows the Chairmen of the GCCF look on in disbeleif. *

Chairman 1: Get Berzerker out of there! *They press a button. Back on Earth. It shows Berzerker teleport away. * You failed us Quagnanimous! The Eather still has the title!

Chairman 3: I wouldn't call it a total loss. Sure, we may not have retrieved the belt, but we did manage to generate huge ratings! And since mostly everyone was betting for Berzerker to win, we were able get back most of the revenue we lost!

Chairman 5: Perhaps, but we still need the belt!

Chairman 3: There will be more opportunities. For now, let the Earther enjoy his victory.

*Back in Jersey, it shows Megas still celebrating. *

Jamie: Hate to ruin your good Coop, but we still didn't get our Gamestation Z's.

Coop: Oh no! My Gamestation Z's! I forgot! *Megas runs over to the Gameshock and starts digging through the debris. * Come on! Where are they! There to be a few left! Oh man! Come on!

Jamie: Dude just let it go. You can come back in a few months when they restock.

Coop: Wait! I think I see a couple! *Megas manages to pull 2 out of the debris* Yeah! I found them! Hahahaha! *Megas holds them into the air. It pans out twice showing Jersey City completely destroyed. It does the shing noise as it does this. *

Kiva: And all you had to do was destroy the city to get them!

Coop: Hey it wasn't my fault! That guy wouldn't leave me alone. I didn't have a choice.

Kiva: Well, be that as it may, shouldn't we at least be worried that we haven't seen the last of Berzerker, or the GCCF for that matter.

Coop: Hey! If they want a shot at my title, I'll take them on! Anytime, anywhere!

Jamie: Hey Coop! I think I see a copy of Supermodel Cheerleader Volleyball down there! *Megas digs through the rubble. Megas gets one. *

Coop: Yep! Got it!

Jamie: Nice. *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose thing. *

Kiva: Some things will never change.

End Credits: It shows Coop, Jamie, Jenna, and Racheal playing video games together. Kiva watches. A giant finger pokes Coop. He looks up to see Supernova, T-Bot, and the two giant robot women. They want to play. Coop, Jamie, Jenna, and Racheal look at each other. Then it shows the giant robots playing while everyone watches. It shows T-Bot get up and flex his muscles as he wins.

The End.

Voice actors

Coop, Alien #3: David Deluise
Jamie, Yeti Alien, Kids, Chairman 5: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva, Kids, Female Robot# 2: Wendee Lee
Jenna, Kids, Female Robot# 1: Jennifer Hale
Racheal, Kids: Daniele Harris
Berzerker, Gorrath: Clancy Brown
Chairman 2, Bulldog Alien, Georgie, Glorft Commander: Kevin Michael Richardson
Chairman 1: Darran Norris
Chairman 3: Neil Ross
Chairman 4: Peter Cullen

Production Music:

Nightly (A) - Mega Trax
High Plains - Non-Stop Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
Meltdown* - Universal Production Music
Double Bomb - Extreme Music X Series
Cecil Percussion - Non-Stop Production Music
Harsh Life - Westar Music
Freestyle Hombre - Extreme Music X Series
Intrepid - Non-Stop Production Music
Berzerker - Extreme Music X Series
Darkside (B) - Universal Production Music
Air Check - Extreme Music X Series
Orchestral Horror - Non-Stop Production Music
They're Here - Non-Stop Production Music
Wrath of Bob - Non-Stop Production Music
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Triumphant Reunion - Non-Stop Production Music
Happy Husker - Mega Trax


Megas Fan
Apr 6, 2005
North Babylon
Hello everyone, here is a BRAND NEW EPISODE that I wrote. This is one of 2. The other one doesn't show up until season 6. This episode deals with the idea that Coop was responsible for creating the Glorft.


*The episode begins in outer space. It shows Earth and the moon. It pans over form left to right. It shows a giant machine shaped like a ball. It shows Glorft mechs flying and shooting at something. They get shot at. It then shows Megas with its hand smoking. *Inside, Coop and Jamie are smug while Kiva is working the controls in the back. Coop grabs a controller and presses buttons. This cause Megas to start punching mechs left and right. Megas then grabs a Glorft mech and swings it into another. 2 mechs go flying. The other mechs look at the 2 hurtling out, then back at Megas. *Coop cracks his knuckles which causes Megas to do the same. They fire upon Megas. Megas puts up an arm to buffer the attack. Coop just yawns. And press a button. Holes in the arms open up and out come missiles which fire at the Glorft. They hit the mechs and they explode.*

Coop: Hahah! Yeah! Any of you other punks want a piece of this!?

Kiva: *Scans* Coop, this is isn't the time to be fooling around! We need to hurry and stop the Glorft before they activate the sun incinerator!

Jamie: What does that do?

Kiva: If it activates, it will destroy the sun, plunging the Earth into an ice age and destroy all life in the process!

Coop: Don't worry! I can handle it! *Megas flies towards the sun incinerator. More glorft mechs fire at Megas. Megas fires back at the mech destroying them. Some mechs, that were working on the incinerator, see Megas coming. They go to engage Megas. Megas punches its fist in anticipation. A mech hits Megas from behind and Megas goes hurtling* Woah! *Megas manages to stabilize. It is surrounded by Glorft Mechs*

Jamie: This would be a lot easier if your girlfriend or your cousin Skippy was here to help us.

Coop: Hey! I've smashed the squids long before they got robots! This'll be no different! *Coop presses a button. This causes the hands of Megas to glow red. Megas then moves its arms around. This creates 2 energy whips on the hands of Megas. An energy whip wave hits several Glorft mechs, causing them to blow up.* Check it out! Pretty cool huh? Worked on it this morning! *More mechs fly at Megas. Megas moves its arm to generate another energy whip destroying more mechs.*

Jamie: Nice. *Meanwhile back at the sun incinerator, the commander is showing working on a hatch. He presses some buttons, then closes the hatch. Gorrath then appears on the monitor*

Glorft Commander: Sir! The sun incinerator is ready to deploy! *The scene shifts to the control deck of the Karajor where Gorrath is.*

Gorrath: Excellent! Activate the incinerator and have all units’ retreat!

Glorft Commander: Aye! *Back at the fight. Megas punches a mech in its face. It shows the face getting mangled. Megas then grabs another mech and has it aim its gun arm at other Glorft mechs and fire upon them. More mechs are destroyed. Megas throws that mech away. Soon, a bunch of mechs are seen coming at Megas*

Jamie: Here come more! *They fly towards Megas*

Coop: All right! Bring it on! *Megas gets ready to fight again, but the mechs just fly past Megas and go away. Coop is confused.* Huh!? *Megas turns around to see the mechs leaving.* Hey! Where you chumps going!? I'm right here! *The sun incinerator begins to activate. Kiva sees this*

Kiva: Oh no! They've activated the sun incinerator! We only have a few minutes before it destroys our sun! We can still shut it down! *Megas flies and lands on a platform. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva get out of Megas. Somehow, they can breathe in space. They run up to a control hatch.* Coop! I need you to lift up this hatch! Jamie! You....just stay out of the way!

Jamie: Hey! *Coop lifts up the hatch. Kiva begins working the controls.*

Kiva: Ok. Now I just need to input the shutdown code and *As she types, a red light beeps, some glorft alien language appears on a monitor.* Oh no!

Jamie: What's wrong!?

Kiva: The controls are being protected by a DNA encryption lock! It won't let us do anything unless we provide the proper DNA genome! That being Glorft DNA!

Coop: That's....bad. Right?

Kiva: Yes! Very! *Meanwhile, the Glorft are watching from Null Space aboard the Karajor. Gorrath is smiling.

Gorrath: HAHAHAHAH! Finally! Our victory is ensured! *As he talks the commander slithers towards him.* You did well Commander! Including a DNA Encryption lock was a stroke of genius! Now there is nothing the Earthers can do to stop their sun from being destroyed! *Holds his arms in the air* WE ARE FINALLY VICTORIOUS! *The Glorft Cheer. Meanwhile, back at the sun incinerator.*

Jamie: So, what do we do now!? That thing is gonna destroy our sun!

Kiva: Don't get too close! If your spit gets onto the console it will activate the genome sequencer! Once it recognizes it is invalid, the failsafe will kick in and automatically start up the incinerator! Our only hope right now is if the Glorft left any trace of DNA here! *As Kiva talks, we hear Coop has a sneeze coming on.*


Kiva: Coop No! Don't sneeze!

Coop: I'M..EHERHEHE! I don't think I EHAHSHEAH! *Jamie runs over to Coop and goes to put his finger under his nose, but it is too late.* AAACHOOOO! *It shows Coop's snot flying in slow motion*

Kiva: COOP! NOOOO!! *In slow motion it shows the snot headed for the console. Kiva, Jamie, and Coop get worried. Gorrath grins evilly as he is watching. The snot lands on the console and makes a splat sound. Random symbols appear on the monitor and start going fast. Speed returns to normal.* Coop! You activated the DNA Sequencer! Now there is nothing we can do!

Jamie: Let's get out of here then!

Kiva: It doesn't matter where we run too! We only have a few seconds before it completes the DNA Encryption check! We're Doomed! *The DNA sequencer continues running. Jamie is shivering and covering his head with his hat. Kiva and Coop look on in fear. After a while, a green light appears.* What!?

Gorrath: *With O.O Eyes* WHAT!?

Jamie: Are we dead yet? *Lifts his hat up to see.*

Coop: Kiva? What's going on?

Kiva: It......accepted your DNA.

Coop: It did? That's good right?

Kiva: Yes. But that also raises a lot of questions. I should be able to shut down the incinerator now! *Kiva works the controls and succeeds in shutting it down. She also programs it to safely self-destruct.* We should get out of here. I programmed the incinerator to self-destruct! *Kiva and Jamie run to the car. Coop let's go and joins them. They back the car up to the top of Megas which is level with the platform they were standing on. Megas then activates the thrusters and flies away. The sun incinerator then explodes causing no damage to anything. Back on the Karajor Gorrath sees this and is upset.*

Gorrath: NO! They destroyed the Sun incinerator! *Gorrath looks at the Commander angerly. The Commander gulps. Back at Megas, the gang is back towards Earth. Coop and Jamie are laughing. Kiva is just being her normal self.*

Coop: All right! Earthers 1, Squids Nothing! *Coop and Jamie do the rock on pose thing together.*

Jamie: I can only imagine the look on Gorrath's face when his plans failed once again!

Coop: Hahah! Yeah! I bet he'll be all mad and then blame the commander! He'll say *Mocking Gorrath!* "I'LL HAVE YOUR JORBLOCK FOR THIS!" *Laughs*

Jamie: *Laughs* Yeah! Then the Commander will be like *Mocking the Commander.* NOT THE FACE! *Coop and Jamie laugh more.*

Coop: Hey Kiva! Why you're so quiet back there!

Jamie: Yeah! You should be celebrating that we stopped the Glorft once again.

Kiva: While I'm glad we were able to stop the Glorft from destroying the sun, aren't you the least bit concerned that you were able to somehow bypass the Glorft's DNA Security Protocol?

Coop: No. Should I be? *Small pause* Anyways, lemme drop you guys off at my house. I'm gonna swing by Jenna's. I promised her mother I'd help with installing the new plumbing.

Jamie: Dude! Today's the finals for the cheerleader volleyball tournament! We were gonna watch it together!

Coop: Sorry Jamie. it with Kiva.

Jamie: Ugh. No thanks.

Kiva: *To herself* There should be no way that Coop could bypass the DNA security lock. *Looks up* Unless...No. It couldn't be. Could it? Is it possible that Coop is somehow responsible for creating the Glorft? *Dramatic music plays*

*Title Screen*


*The scene shifts to the Karajor. It shows the Commander getting knocked down to the ground. He falls on his butt*

Commander: Ergh!!! *Several other Glorft back away as Gorrath walks towards him. He looks up in fear*

Gorrath: Fool! This is all your fault! I'll have your Jorblock for this!

Commander: *Flinches* NOT THE FACE! *Gorrath starts stomping on the Commander multiple times*

Gorrath: Once again you come up with nothing but failure after failure! *The screen shakes as the Commander cringes in pain.* You can't even capture a simple-minded monkey man! You are a disgrace to the Glorft! How!? How was the Earther able to bypass the security lock!? *Kicks the Commander for good measure. *The Commander slowly gets up*

Commander: I'm...I'm not sure! There should have been no way for the Earthers to be able to override the DNA encryption!

Gorrath: Hmmm...It is clearly obvious that the Earthers are far resourceful than I had given them credit for. *He looks out at Earth from Null space.* No matter. If they think this setback will deter us from conquering their planet, then they are mistaken! *He turns around and punches his fist* We will simply double our efforts and come up with an even more insidious plan to turn the apes into our slaves! And this time commander, there had better be no failures. OR ELSE! *Back at earth* Don't get too comfortable Earther. Your time will soon come. *Gorrath laughs. His laugh echoes throughout the Karajor.*

*The scene then shifts to Coop's basement. Jamie is on the couch watching television. The song "Rave Up" plays. It shows a beach where women are playing volley ball. There are 4 women. One woman is wearing a blue bikini with yellow pig tails (Bethany). Her voice is done by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, another woman is wearing short hair with a yellow bikini (Jessica). Her voice is done by Wendee Lee. On the other side, there is a woman in a red bikini with long brown hair (Sarah). Her voice is done by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, and lastly, there is a woman in a pink bikini with brown hair in a pony tail (Amy). Her voice is also done by Wendee Lee.*

Announcer: *Voice actor is Tom Kenny* And here comes the final serve of the match! Bethany sets up the ball! She hits it over the net. And here comes Sarah with the set up! *Amy jumps in the air and spikes the ball* And Amy with the spike to win the game!

Jamie: Yeah! Go Amy! *On TV it shows Amy and Sarah jumping up and down hugging each other.*

Announcer: And Amy & Sarah win the Cheerleader Volleyball tournament!

Jamie: Nice! Man. Coop doesn't know what he's missing. *To Kiva* Hey Kiva! Maybe you should become a professional volleyball player. *Kiva is busy working her scanner analyzing Glorft DNA not paying attention to Jamie.* I hear guys dig muscular chicks. *It shows Kiva working her scanner again.* Yo Kiva! Kiva? Earth to Kiva! *Jamie gets up and waves her arm to get Kiva's attention. Kiva stops and looks at Jamie angerly* You've been glued to your...scanner thingy or whatever it is ever since we got back. What gives? *She eases up.*

Kiva: I still find it odd that Coop was able to bypass the Glorft DNA encryption lock.

Jamie: So, what's the big deal. It helped us save the world. Again!

Kiva: Jamie, that was an intricate and highly sophisticated encryption lock! If that was any other person, it would have activated the failsafe and our sun would have been destroyed!

Jamie: And it wasn't! Stop worrying about it and relax.

Kiva: I don't think you understand the implications of this.

Jamie: Implications...of what? That the Glorft are a bunch of a snotty failures?

Kiva: *Sigh and shakes her head* Think about it Jamie! Since we've been together, we have never encountered the Glorft of the Present!

Jamie: Because we're not going out of our way to look for them?

Kiva: No because they don't exist! At least in the way they are from the future. The history of the Glorft wasn't documented until at least 150 years before the war began in the future. I have a theory, but I'll need more proof before I can confirm it. Jamie. I'm going to need a DNA sample from Coop!

Jamie: That shouldn't be too hard. Coop leaves his DNA around all the time. *Short pause. Kiva is weirded out by Jamie's comment.* Ok. That came out wrong. *Kiva shakes her head*

Kiva: Just help me find a hair sample or something. I want to analyze his DNA.

Jamie: Sure. *Jamie starts looking. The scene then shifts over to Jenna's house. Coop is in the basement. The basement is green in color. Like Coop's, there is a couch, and a TV with video game systems including one that looks like a Nintendo Switch. On the table, it shows several pictures. 1: Jenna & Racheal wearing graduation gowns when graduating the university of Maine. 2: Jenna carrying her sister Stephanie on her shoulders while she is laughing. 3: Coop and Jenna kissing. 4: Jenna, Kiva, and Racheal having fun at a concert and doing a selfie. It shifts over to the boiler where Coop is adjusting some of the pipes with a wrench.*

Coop: Ergh! Errgh! Errgh! Whew! *Wipes the sweat off his forehead, then grabs a big glug and drinks it.* That should do it for here. *Yelling* OK MRS. HALEY! YOU SHOULD BE GOOD TO USE THE WATER NOW! GO AHEAD AND TURN IT ON! *The sound of a faucet turning on is heard along with water running.*

Jenna's Mom: *Voice actress is Mary Elizabeth McGlynn* Oh! Finally! Warm water! Thank you so much Coop! You've been such a wonderful help!

Coop: *Yelling* DON'T MENTION IT!

Jenna's Mom: I'll let Jenna know you stopped by to install the new pipes! She'll really appreciate being able to take a nice hot shower! Oh! By the way! Jenna and I are going to be making Sausage Lasagna for dinner tonight! Would you and your mother like to come over!?


Jenna's Mom: Ok! We'll see you later tonight!

Coop: *Yelling* THANK YOU MRS. HALEY! *Licks his lips* Man. I really love her mother's cooking! *Back at Coop's house, it shows Kiva looking through the couch and on the table for any trace of DNA.*

Kiva: Jamie. Were you able to find anything yet?

Jamie: Yeah. I found um. Something. *Jamie comes out from the bathroom with a crumpled-up tissue. Kiva looks at it.*

Kiva: Ew...*small pause* Well. I suppose it will have to do. Let's hope it's a good sample. *Kiva uses her scanner thing on her wrist and analyzes the DNA. She then projects a hologram from her wrist showing a double helix and a silhouette of Coop's body.* Perfect. Now that I have a sample of Coop's DNA. I just need to compare it with the DNA of the Glorft.

Jamie: Wait. Does that mean we have to get Glorft DNA too!?

Kiva: Don't be ridiculous. I already have DNA samples of the Glorft from the future. We had captured some as prisoners of war so we could understand their physiology. *It shows 2 silhouettes. One of Coop, and one of a Glorft. Next to each to them is a double helix. It then starts separating the genomes from both helixes.* Now I just need to compare the samples and see if there is anything identical. This shouldn't take that long. *Some beeping noises are heard. It shows that over 80% of the genomes match.* No way! This can't be real can it?

Jamie: What is?

Kiva: *Looks at Jamie* Jamie! Coop's DNA is nearly identical to the Glorft's! Do you know what this means!?

Jamie: That Coop is part Glorft?

Kiva: No! It means that the Glorft were created by Coop!

Jamie: What!? Are you saying that Coop created those snot nose booger aliens somehow!?

Kiva: Yes! But how!? *To Jamie* Jamie! I need to know everything that Coop has ever done with Megas ever since he found it! NOW!

Jamie: Coop does lots of stuff with Megas! How should I know what he does all the time!? *The scene shifts to a wall. Kiva grabs Jamie and pushes him against the wall holding him up.* Errgh!


Jamie: *Choking* Kiva! Choking! Can't Breathe! GRERGACK! *The sound of a door opening up is heard. Both Jamie and Kiva look at where the sound is coming from.*

Coop: I'm back! Who won the volleyball tournament? *Coop looks worried. It then shows Kiva and Jamie looking at Coop while Kiva holds Jamie up against the wall. It shows Coop again. A small pause occurs* Ok....I can see you two are having a moment. So, I'm gonna go back to Jenna's house why you two sort this out. *Kiva drops Jamie*

Jamie: Ugh!

Kiva: *Turns to Coop* It was you!

Coop: Huh? *Kiva walks over to Coop and pushes him against the wall* Hey!

Kiva: This is all your fault!

Coop: For what!?

Kiva: For Everything! The Future! The War! Megas! The Glorft! You're responsible for all of it!

Coop: *To Jamie* Jamie. Why is Kiva acting crazy?

Jamie: *Gets up and dusts himself off* Apparently she thinks you created the Glorft.

Coop: You're joking right!? This has to be a joke! *It shows Kiva with an angry look on her face.* Ok. It's not a joke.

Kiva: ERRGHH! *Throws Coop onto the table. It breaks*

Coop: Ugh! *Coop slowly gets up and looks at Kiva who is pissed*

Kiva: I should have known that only a stupid primitive neanderthal like you could be responsible for the destruction of Earth in the future!

Coop: Man! That was a brand-new table! *Jamie tries to sneak up from behind and knock Kiva out with a bat, but she sees it out of the corner of her eye. She does a jump roundhouse kick knocking the bat out from Jamie's hands*

Jamie: AHH! *The sound of the bat hitting something is heard. Kiva goes after Jamie, but then Coop picks up Kiva and gives her a bear hug from behind*


Kiva: Ergh! Coop! Let go of me!

Coop: Not until you calm down! I don't know what I did to make you upset, but killing me ain't gonna make things better! *Kiva struggles, but then eventually gives up and sighs*

Kiva: As much as I hate to admit it. You're right. *Coop lets go.* I'm sorry I snapped at you.

Coop: *Dusts himself off* It's cool. It's cool. Now just calmly explain to me what this is all about.

Kiva: I compared your DNA sample to that of the Glorft. *Looks up at Coop* It was no coincidence that you were able to bypass the sun incinerator's DNA encryption lock. Your genome structure is nearly similar to the Glorft's. The Glorft are all derived from you! You're the progenitor.

Coop: You saying that I somehow create the Glorft? How is that even possible?

Kiva: I'm not sure. But I need to know everything that you have ever done with Megas up to this point!

Coop: I've done lots of stuff. I can't remember everything. *Kiva sighs* Sorry!

Jamie: So, what? Is Coop like some kind of mad scientist creating alien monsters or something?


*It is black and white. It shows a castle. Thunder and lightning occur. Inside, Coop is dressed up as a mad scientist.*

Coop: Jamie! Bring me my experiment! *Jamie with a hunched back brings over something in a sheet*

Jamie: *Impersonating Igor* Heheh. Yes Master! *Coop flips a switch. Lightning strikes the castle. Electricity flows through and goes to the sheet. The sheet comes off revealing Gorrath was under it. He sits up and opens his eyes. Coop laughs like Evil Coop*

Coop: It's alive! It's alive! *Laughs more*

*Back to Reality*

Kiva: Whatever you did to create the Glorft was obviously an accident. But what I want to know is how exactly.

Jamie: Hey wait a minute! Maybe Coop hasn't created the Glorft yet. I mean if you know about it now, maybe you can prevent Coop from doing it.

Kiva: Jamie, the fact that I'm still here, and that Coop still has Megas, means that whatever Coop did to create the Glorft has already happened.

Coop: Didjhahda. Kiva this is crazy! There is no way I could create the Glorft! And even if I did, how come we haven't fought them yet!?

Kiva: Because the Glorft at this point of time would be primitive. However, they evolve at a much faster rate than humans. What took us millions of years only took them hundreds. And in 1000 years, they become the warmongering race you know of now.

Jamie: That's kinda cool actually. *Kiva looks upset* Sorry.

Coop: All right look! This is nonsense! I'm gonna prove that I didn't create nothing!

Jamie/Kiva: How?

Coop: By going straight to the source!

Kiva: What!?

Jamie: Are you crazy Coop!? You're just gonna go to the Karajor and just like "Hey Squids! Did I create you or not!"

Coop: Huh? No! Who said anything about the Karajor? *Kiva and Jamie look at each other. Then at Coop. Kiva comes to a realization*

Kiva: You want to go to the Glorft home planet!

Coop: Exactly!

Jamie: That's even worse!

Kiva: Actually, that's not a bad idea. If the Glorft of the present exist, they won't be the highly advanced race as they are from the future. They shouldn't pose too much of a threat.

Coop: Nice!

Jamie: Wait. You're actually going to go through with this!?

Coop: Hey! If it's the only way that I'm gonna clear my name, then we gotta do this! Besides, we ain't gonna be that long. I've already made dinner plans tonight!

Jamie: *Sighs* Let's get this over with then. *The scene shifts to the outside of Coop's house. The gang are in the car. The car backs up into the garage. Megas then emerges from the garage and flies into space. Meanwhile, back in Null space, it shows the Karajor. Inside it shows the Commander and Gorrath arguing*

Gorrath: Commander! Haven't you come up with a new plan to destroy Earthers yet!?

Commander: No! I'm still trying to understand what when wrong from our previous plan so we don't make the same mis-

Gorrath: No excuses! My patience is wearing thin! I want the Apes destroyed now! *Warning klaxons go off. Both the Commander and Gorrath get O.O eyes. Another Glorft slithers in*

Glorft Solder: *Voice actor is Kevin Michael Richardson* Sir! We have a situation! *The scene shifts to the main control center. Both Gorrath and the Commander come in and look at a monitor. It shows Megas*

Gorrath: It's the prototype! Just where exactly is it heading!?

The Commander: *Types at the controls* Based on its projected flight path, *It shows the Glorft home world* It appears the Earther are headed for our home planet!

Gorrath: WHAT!? NO! *Slams his fist on the console* So! The Earther plans to destroy us all does he! Heheheh. I never would have expected the Earther to come up with something smart as this. Too bad he won't even get the chance. *To his men* HAVE ALL TROOPS READY FOR COMBAT AND GET US TO OUR PLANET! We finish this fight today! *Back in space. Megas is flying towards the home planet of the Glorft*

Jamie: So, what's the glorft planet like?

Coop: I bet it's probably all green and slimy! Just like the squids!

Kiva: Actually, the glorft planet is completely devoid of organic material. It's nothing more than a giant technological base of operations. The Glorft completely stripped the world of all its natural resources and converted it to a fortress. Then they go to other worlds and do the same thing. And all of it is overseen by the supreme Glorft Highmaster. *Coop and Jamie look at Kiva*

Jamie: Supreme...Glorft Highmaster?

Coop: Wait. There is someone, even higher than Gorrath!?

Kiva: Yes.

*Flashback, or flashforward in this case*

*It shows the Glorft Highmaster who looks like this: He is sitting on a throne. He stands up and raises his scepter. Many Glorft of different colors are seen cheering. One of them is Gorrath. It then shows multiple ships leaving the Glorft home world and head to other planets. It shows a planet being invaded by the Glorft. It then shows the humanoids of the planet being used as slaves.*

Kiva: The Glorft Highmaster is the true leader of the Glorft. His plan is to spread his control throughout the entire universe. He sends entire squadrons to other worlds to conquer and enslave or destroy the inhabitants. Gorrath is considered his best warrior and was personally tasked with taking over the Earth!

*Back to reality*

Jamie: So, even if you defeated Gorrath, what's to stop this Glorft...Highmaster guy from sending someone else?

Kiva: Exactly. That's why in order to truly defeat the Glorft once and for all is to destroy every last one of them. Including the Glorft Highmaster.

Jamie: Great.

Coop: Hey wait a minute! Why don't we just destroy the Glorft of the present now! Then they can't invade Earth in the future!

Kiva: Because as tempting as it sounds, you could end up severely altering the timeline, possibly making things even worse.

Jamie: Can't be any worse than being invaded by snot nose booger aliens.

Kiva: Let's just put it this way. By altering the timeline, Coop could become skinny. *Coop is mortified at this*

Coop: *Shudders* That is one future I don't want any part of! *As they fly, a green planet comes in view. Kiva points*

Kiva: That should be the Glorft Home world over there!

Coop: Nice! *They fly towards the Glorft home planet. The planet itself has greenish sky and looks similar to the phlegm planet from "Earthworm Jim". The planet looks swampish with bubbling pools of slime. Megas lands in what appears to be some slimy snotty forest.* Hahahah! I was right! It was a green and slimy planet!

Kiva: The planet looks nothing like how it does in the future. It's hard to believe that in 1000 years’ time, the planet is completely eviscerated of all nature.

Jamie: So, what are we looking for exactly.

Kiva: Any alien life form that shares a similar biosignature to the Glorft. If they're here, this should detect them.

Jamie: And if they are here, then that proves that Coop didn't create the Glorft?

Kiva: That would appear to be the case. But I'd like to gather DNA samples just to be sure.

Coop: Guess we'd better start looking! *Megas starts to walk. It is walking on a path that is surrounded by slimy water on both sides. On the left side, a giant eyeball is spying on Megas. The gang turn to see the giant eye, but it quickly retreats into the water so they don't actually see it. Megas keeps walking. Megas is seen walking along the shore of a swampy lake of some kind. Coop, Jamie, and Kiva look around. As they pass an area, another eyeball emerges from the water and looks at them.*

Jamie: You guys get the feeling we're being watched?

Coop: No.

Kiva: Not really. *Megas keeps walking, the eyeball goes back into the water. Megas continues to walk some more and look around.*

Jamie: So, this...Glorft highmastery guy. What do you think he's doing now in the future?

Kiva: No doubt trying to send another unit to invade Earth. We'll never be able to rest as long as the Glorft exist. *Kiva picks up something with her scanner* I've got a reading! *Kiva looks at a lake and points* There! *Megas walks up to some water. It is bubbling.* The reading is weak, but it is around here.

Coop: Looks like something is coming up from the water! *As the gang see the water bubble some more. A giant tentacle comes up and hits Megas in the upper chest part. Megas goes flying*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: AAAAAAHHH! *Megas lands on the ground. It slowly gets up. From the lake a giant monster emerges. It has a giant maw with teeth. In the center is a giant eyeball. The monster has a similar appearance to "Mucus Phlegm Brain" from "Earthworm Jim". It lets out a roar*

Coop: Woah!

Jamie: aaaaAAAAAaaahhh! *The monster swipes its tentacle at Megas. Megas gets hit and trips. It then wraps its tentacle around the leg of Megas and pulls it in* IS THAT THE GLORFT!?

Kiva: I'm not sure! *Megas kicks it with its other leg. The monster lets go. Megas gets back up and flies over to the monster. Megas punches it in the eye. It then roars at Megas. It bashes Megas with another tentacle. Megas lands in the water. Megas gets up to fight it, but from behind another monster emerges and ensnares Megas with its tentacles*

Jamie: Ahhh! Another one! *It tries to pull Megas in 2, but Megas is stronger and manages to break free. Megas then turns around and fires a missile at the monster behind it. It dodges the missile and blows up in what appears to be some trees and bushes*

Kiva: Coop be careful! You could irrevocably alter the timeline if you accidently destroy the Glorft!

Coop: Oh, so it's ok for the Glorft to destroy us!

Kiva: These aren't the Glorft. They appear to be a completely unrelated species native to the planet. Just...try not to miss.

Coop: Got it! *Coop presses a button. On the monitor it shows "Targeting System: Engaged" With engaged flashing. Out drops a helmet with a scouter eye. Coop puts it on. It shows a green tint. Coop presses buttons. Targeting reticles home in on the slime monsters. On the screen it shows "Target Locked" With Locked blinking. Coop starts firing missiles. Each time they are fired they hit their mark dead on. It shows Megas firing a standard missile. It hits one of the monsters. Then Megas fires a shot from behind. It hits another monster. Then Megas fires a shot from under its legs. It hits another monster. The 2 monsters screech in pain. They then retaliate by firing acid globs from their maws. Megas gets hit and white smoke is seen where Megas got hit* DEHJJAA!!! Dude! Watch the Chrome! *A bunch of tentacle-like vines then come out from one of the monster's maw and ensnares Megas.* Hey! Let go! *The monster pulls Megas into its maw. The eyeball opens up more to show more teeth*

Jamie: It's gonna eat me! *Screams like a girl*

Coop: Ain't no one eatin nothin! *Coop presses several buttons in a row. This causes openings to appear from the chest of Megas. It fires several blasts at the monster hitting it in the eye. It lets go of Megas. Megas then goes to the base of the monster and picks it up. Megas holds it in the air* waaaaaaahhhh!! *Megas throws the monster on to the other monster. Then Megas jumps in the air and gives both an elbow drop. Both monsters appear to be down and out. Megas moves its arms to signal a job well done* Well. That takes care of that.

Jamie: Can we go home now? The last thing I want is to be eaten but some giant alien monster.

Coop: Not until we find the Glorft! *Pause* I mean the Glorft of the present.

Kiva: We know what you mean! *Kiva uses her scanner again to pick up any signature* I'm getting another reading, but I don't know if it is Glorft or not. Maybe I should use another DNA sample.

Jamie: Why not use Coop's? *Jamie looks at Kiva*

Kiva: That's actually a good idea. *Changes the source to Coop's DNA.* Now all I need to do is isolate Coop's actual DNA reading so it doesn't detect him and *A stronger beep is heard* I've got something! It's close by! *She points ahead* That way! *Megas walks to the source*

Coop: This don't make any sense! How can the Glorft share my DNA if I've never even been to this planet!? *Jamie sees something*

Jamie: Coop. You sure you haven't been on this planet before?

Coop: Positive! Kiva can even check the navigation logs to confirm that! *Pause* Megas has one of those right? *Kiva nods*

Jamie: Then what do you call those? *Jamie points. Everyone looks*

Coop: No way? Are those? *It shows 2 hands from Megas, covered in moss and clasping together by the fingers*

Kiva: *Scanning using her computer* Those came from Megas! *Looks at Coop* Coop! What did you do!?

Coop: How should I know! I told you ain't never been here! *By the hands, some rustling in the bushes are heard and seen.*

Jamie: There's something in the bushes! *Kiva uses her scanner; it picks up the same reading*

Kiva: This has to be it! *Kiva unbuckles her seat belt and gets out of the car.*

Coop: Kiva where are you going?

Kiva: To get a closer look. *She gets out and goes down from Megas. She slowly approaches the bushes. Coop and Jamie look on from the car. More rustling is seen. Suddenly several small slime monsters that look like the "Protozoid Slimer" from "Duke Nukem" Leap out and try to latch onto Kiva. They make high-pitched sounds. Their voices are done either by Steven Jay Blum, Tom Kenny, Clancy Brown, and Kevin Michael Richardson Kiva dodges* Woah!

Coop/Jamie: AHHH! *The slime monsters lunge at Kiva. Kiva gives a roundhouse kick to one knocking it into a tree. Then she punches one as it lunges at her. Another one tries to lunge at Kiva. She does a jumping backflip. One manages to latch onto her.*

Kiva: Ergh! *Kiva rips it off of her armor and throws it away. It gets up and makes a hissing sound. It's It has red eyes on the side of its mouth filled with teeth. It once again tries to pounce on Kiva. But she gives it a good kick in the face. It goes flying and lands. Kiva then goes up to one and grabs a surgical knife and cuts some skin samples. She then gets back into Megas. The snot monsters then scurry away as she walks away.*

Jamie: What the heck were those things!? *Kiva uses her scanner to compare the samples of that of the Glorft.*

Kiva: That would be the Glorft *Smiles*.

Coop: Those little snot goblin things are the Glorft!?

Kiva: Yes. Now I just need to compare their DNA with Coop's and we'll finally have our answer. *As she analyzes the DNA it finishes and says "100% Match" Kiva has a smug grin on her face.* Well there you have it Coop! Irrefutable evidence! Now, do you want to tell me what happened?

Coop: *Thinking.* Sorry Kiva. I'm drawing a blank here.

Jamie: Hey wait a minute! I think I remember! *To Coop* Coop! This was right after Kiva and the Glorft showed up! You were just finishing giving me a tour of Megas!

Coop: *Pings* Ok! Ok! Yeah! Ok! Now I remember! So, all right! It was like this! I had just finished showing Jamie the rest of Megas!


*Coop and Jamie are in the car of Megas. Kiva is not with them at the moment.*

Coop: Ok. So, I think I pretty much went through everything!

Jamie: Nice. *Small pause* So what are we gonna do about the chick?

Coop: You mean Kiva? Not sure. I guess she can stay at my place. Where's she now?

Jamie: Trying to contact the future or something. *Looks at a button* Hey Coop what's this....Matrix Acellerthingy?

Coop: Oh, that's cool! Check this out! *Coop presses a button. It opens up Megas’s chest revealing the Matrix Accelerator. Coop and Jamie go to the chest area to inspect it.*

Jamie: That's it? It's not really that cool. I mean it looks nice. *He goes up to inspect it* It feels warm. Hey Coop! At night, we could get a couple of lawn chairs and sit up here with some drinks when it's cold. It will be like our very own personal fire pit!

Coop: Nice! I like the way you think Jamie! *Does the rock on pose with Jamie. Jamie then goes to look inside the core.*

Jamie: Hey Coop. What's that glowly stuff inside?

Coop: I'm not sure. *Coop looks inside.* HEHGHGH! HEHGUGHGHAH! GHEHEHAHA! ACHOO!!! *Coop sneezes into the matrix accelerator* Man. I should probably clean the inside of that thing. It's kinda dusty. *As Coop walks away, the screen shakes. Coop and Jamie stumble and fall.* Woah! *They get back up.*

Jamie: Coop what's going on!?

Coop: Don't know! *From the core, a giant snot bubble emerges and grows. Coop and Jamie back away* Uh...*A blast of slime is shot out from the Matrix Accelerator. It gets all over Coop* EREGGHGGHAH! Da Dude! *Jamie points and laughs* Man! I just had these clothes washed! *Jamie's face turns from amusement to horror*

Jamie: Uh Coop? Is that normally supposed to happen!? *Points to the slime on the platform. From it, tiny snot creatures emerge with teeth and red eyes. Like before their growls and sounds are done by Steve Blum, Tom Kenny, Clancy Brown, and Kevin Michael Richardson* Ahh! Snot goblins! *They lunge at Jamie and start attacking him.* GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF! *Jamie rolls around trying to get them off. Coop grabs one and throws it off Jamie. Then Jamie and Coop get the rest off. They look at Coop and Jamie and growl.*

Coop: Hurry! Back inside Megas! *Coop and Jamie get back into Megas and get to the car. It shows the proto-glorft climbing up Megas and go up on top of the platform.*

Jamie: Ahh! They're gonna eat me! The snot monsters jump onto the car. Coop uses the windshield to wipe them off. Then Megas grabs the monsters from the top of the car. Megas claps its hands together and Coop presses a button. Megas aims to the sky and fires the fists carrying the glorft away from space. A sparkle is seen when the firsts disappear from view*

Coop: I think I got them all! *Small pause. Coop and Jamie look at each other*

Jamie: We should probably not tell Kiva about what happened.

Coop: Good idea.

*Back to reality*

Kiva: You sneezed into the Matrix Accelerator and that's what created the Glorft!? *Shakes her head* Unbelievable!

Coop: How was I supposed to know that was gonna happen!

Jamie: this entire time we really were fighting a bunch of snot-nosed booger aliens!

Coop: *Hysterical* You think that's bad! This entire time I've been fighting my own snot! ERRGAGAGHAHHAHHA! *Jamie laughs*

Jamie: Kiva was right! Everything is your fault!

Coop: Ugh! Don't remind me! *Coop is upset. Kiva rubs his back*

Kiva: If it makes you feel any better, you're not entirely at fault when you think about it.

Coop: How do you figure?

Kiva: If I never sent Megas into the past, you would never find it, and thus you would never create the glorft causing them to invade in the future, which in turn would never cause me to send Megas in the past in the first place. *Kiva works her computer. It shows a circle with arrows pointing to some objects.* It appears that all of the events are part of a stable time loop with no beginning or end. Each event starts the next cycle, eventually circling back where it all happens again.

Jamie: So, if Gorrath actually succeeded in killing your ancestor, then the Glorft wouldn't exist either?

Kiva: Unless the Glorft were equipped with anti-time disruptors, then yes.

Coop: Man. Time is weird.

Kiva: It's best you don't think too much about it.

Jamie: So...are we done here?

Kiva: Yes. We should probably go now before something else happens *As Kiva talks Jamie looks scared and points up*

Jamie: TOO LATE FOR THAT! AHHH! *Megas gets shot from above. Megas falls on its butt. Everyone looks up.* What was that! *It shows the Karajor flying above them*

Kiva: It's the Karajor! *Glorft mechs descend for the Karajor, including giant dog like mechs. They all aim their weapons at Megas. It pans out showing the mechs aiming. As it does this, it makes the shing noise. In Gorrath's mech, Coop appears on the monitor*

Coop: You know. I had feeling you guys were gonna show up.

Gorrath: Did you honestly believe that you would come here and wipe us all out, and that we wouldn't notice!? Fool!

Coop: Hey pal! I didn't come here to wipe out nobody! And even if I did it wouldn't be in such a cowardly way like you chumps did!

Gorrath: *To the Commander* Commander! Locate our proto-lifeforms!

Commander: *Looking at something on his monitor* Proto-Lifeforms have been detected! They appear to have retreated within the safety of the planet!

Gorrath: *Smiling evilly* Good! Then that means we don't have to hold back!

Coop: Hey fine with me! *Both the Glorft and Megas get ready to fight.*

Gorrath: *Laughs* I'm actually glad you came here. Now I get the pleasure of destroying you on our own home planet! *Coop starts laughing*

Coop: Hey pal! I got some bad news for you! If you kill me then you guys don't exist either! *Laughs some more*

Kiva: Coop. That only would have worked BEFORE you create the Glorft. *Coop stops laughing*

Coop: Oh. *Megas gets shot at by Gorrath's Mech. Megas crashes into a mountain. Megas then gets back up and faces Gorrath's Mech*

Gorrath: Enough of this! Today will be our battle of the last stand! You will not survive this.

Coop: Look squid, we've done this song and dance already. You know what's gonna happen so let's get this over with. I've got a dinner date with my girlfriend!.

Gorrath: Destroy them! *Coop pulls the lever and steps on the gas. Megas flies into the air. Glorft mechs fire at Megas. Megas comes down with an elbow. Megas then punches a mech. Megas then kicks another mech. Megas picks up a mech and throws it into other mechs. Megas then fires several missiles from its arm at mechs. They blow up. A dog mech tries to ram into Megas, but Megas jumps in the air and lands on top of the mech. The dog mech bucks wildly while Megas is holding on.*

Coop: Yeehaw!!! *Jamie has a stop watch. The dog mech manages to get Megas off of it. Megas crashes into a cliffside. Megas then gets back up.*

Jamie: 20 seconds! New record!

Coop: Nice! *Megas flies back into the air. Glorft mechs fire at Megas. Megas keeps dodging and shooting at Mechs. A few mechs blow up. The glorft mechs then take to the air and surround Megas. Megas punches its fists together. This causes the hands to glow. This generates the energy whips from the beginning of the episode. Megas does the bring it on pose. Mechs fly at Megas and fire. Megas moves its arms making the energy whips attack Glorft mechs. Many mechs get hit and are destroyed.*

Coop: REEEHAHAYAAAAA!!! Megas spins around really fast creating a giant buzzsaw. Megas flies into various mechs causing them to blow up. It does a triple screen of mechs being cut in half by Megas. Inside the car. Jamie is getting sick and his cheeks puff out. He goes to the car window. The sound of throwing up is heard. Megas stops spinning. Megas is still surrounded by mechs. Megas punches its fists again, the energy from its hands disappear. Megas then punches a mech. Then bases one with an elbow. Megas aims at mechs. The hands go inside. Megas starts firing blasts at mechs. They get hit and blow up. From the Karajor, more mechs come out. Another giant dog like mech runs out and jumps off the Karajor. The sound effect for "The Bionic Woman" and "The Six Million Dollar Man" is heard as it jumps off. It then shows Megas. A huge shadow looms over Megas. Megas looks up*

Coop: Huh!? *The giant dog mech bites Megas and has it in its jaws. It lands on the ground. Everyone is yelling as the dog mech thrashes about with Megas in mouth. It then throws Megas to the ground. Megas slowly gets up and looks at the mechs aiming at it. Coop looks and sees the hands that it had fired and picks them up and holds it in the air*

Coop: That's the best you chumps got!? *Megas throws the fists hitting a dog mech bashing it in its face. Megas then grabs the dog mech and rips open its jaws destroying it. Megas then gives a mech a suplex.*

Coop: WAAAHHHH! *Megas then runs and does a sliding kick at another mech knocking it down. Megas picks up that mech and throws it into other mechs causing them to blow up. A mech punches Megas causing it to stagger. Megas regains balance and fires a fist at the mech that shot it blowing it up. Megas then turns its arms into gatling guns. It fires machine gun blasts at Mechs destroying them.*

Kiva Coop! *Points to a dog like mech running at Megas*

Coop: Woah! *Megas gets down as the dog mech pounces on it and kicks up using the dog mech's momentum against it. The mech lands upside down. The mech slowly moves its legs, but can't do anything. Megas then turns around and faces more mechs*

Coop: Come on! Anyone else want a shot. *A mech tackles Megas and grapples with it. It's Gorrath's mech.*

Gorrath: You will regret ever coming here Earther.

Coop: Believe me. Like I even wanted to visit here in the first place! *Both Coop and Gorrath grr. Megas manages to throw Gorrath's mech away. It lands on the ground. Megas stands proudly. A dog mech hits Megas from behind.* Erghh! *Megas goes sliding along the ground and stops near a lake. As Megas tries to get up, Gorrath's Mech grabs Megas and dunks the car part into the lake. The gang is underwater. Jamie looks to see one of those slime monsters from before look at it and try to eat it.*

Jamie: Look out! *Megas fires a missile at the slime monster hitting it in the eye. Then fires a missile at Gorrath's Mech causing it to go flying. Megas then gets up and runs at another mech and gives it a clothesline. A dog mech opens up and tries to fire a blast at Megas. But Megas jumps out of the way then lands on the mech. Megas then punches it and rips out wires. It explodes. After this. The Karajor starts firing at Megas More.

Kiva: Coop incoming! *Coop sees this and dodges the blasts from the Karajor. As this happens, glorft mechs fire upon Megas. Megas is caught in the crossfire.*

Coop/Jamie/Kiva: AAAAHHHH!!! A mech bashes Megas into the cliffside. Rocks from above fall and land on Megas. Glorft mechs approach the pile*

Gorrath: Finally! Victory is ours! *Light emits from the pile of rocks. Megas does the mosh pit freeing itself from the rocks. Megas then grabs Gorrath's mech and pushes it away* Just give up Earther! You are severely outnumbered! *Evil grin* And outgunned. *Megas gets up and gets into a fighting stance*

Coop: Listen up you ugly intergalactic snot goblin! First you try to blow up MY sun! Then you nearly have Kiva choke me to death! And now you're gonna make me late for dinner with my girlfriend’s family! *As Coop talks the sound of the engine vrooming is heard* You chumps might got the home field advantage, but now the ball is in My court! *Coop presses a button labeled "Battle music playlist" On the monitor it shows "Blues Saraceno: Air Check" As Coop spins a dial it shows the following: "Ross Hardy: Harsh Life", "Dweezil Zappa: Chopping Spree", "Dweezil Zappa: Losing My Hi", "Eric Cunningham, Chris Lang: Midnight Rodeo", "Blues Saraceno: Blood Shot", "Dick McNazzi: Coma Dose", "Kent Buchanan: Freestyle Hombre", "Rolf Kruger: The Grinder", "Dweezil Zappa: Hot Konga", "Todd King: Punk Montage", "Galileo Seven: X Head (B)", "Dennis Winslow, Robert J. Walsh: Short Hair". Coop then slams the button down. Megas cracks its knuckles. "Short Hair" plays. Megas pulls its fist back and punches Gorrath's mech away. Megas then grabs another mech and throws it away. Megas then gives another mech a pile driver. A dog mech tries to bite Megas, but Megas dodges. When it goes to open its mouth again. Megas fires a grenade into its mouth. Smoke is seen coming out from the mech. It then explodes.*

Jamie: Yeah! *Megas then fires machine gun blasts at more mechs destroying them. A mech hits Megas from behind. Megas turns around to face the mech. Coop presses buttons. Atari sounds are heard. Megas grabs the mech and crushes it up into a ball. Megas then bashes the mech away towards a slimy lake. One of the tentacle monsters from before emerges and bashes the mech back. Megas and the giant lake monster comically have a volleyball match between each other hitting the mech back and forth. The lake monster hits the mech high up into the air. Megas then jumps and spikes the mech hard. It catches fire and goes down hard creating a huge explosion seen from space. The music stops. It shows destroyed mechs all over the place. Gorrath's mech is still standing.*

Gorrath: Don't think you've won yet Earther! We still have the upper hand! *The Karajor aims at Megas and starts firing at Megas. Megas flies into the air and dodges the blasts*

Kiva: Look out! *Megas keeps dodging blasts. From the deck. Mechs fire at Megas.* Coop! Try to take out the primary laser cannon!

Coop: *Looks at it.* I can do you one better Kiva! *Megas goes to the primary laser cannon of the Karajor. It fires a blast at Megas. Megas flies around the laser blast. Megas makes its way to the cannon itself. Megas then rips the cannon out from where it is.*

Commander: *To Gorrath* Sir! The Earther has taken out our primary cannon!

Gorrath: Stop stating the obvious and destroy him! *Mechs fire at Megas, but Megas just dodges*

Jamie: Now what are you going to do?

Coop: Check this out! *Megas presses a button. The chest of Megas opens up. Out comes a giant metal thing with 2 prongs that open up. The Prongs latch onto the cannon. A wire then comes out of Megas's back and connects to the cannon. Megas is then shown holding the giant cannon. Megas makes a pose. The shing noise is heard.*

Jamie: Nice. *Megas then aims at Gorrath's mech who is flying at it. Megas fires a powerful blast at Gorrath's mech hitting it. His mech goes crashing back down onto the planet and hits a rocky wall. His mech is nearly incapacitated.*

Coop: And now to finish this up! *Megas flies back down to the planet and aims at the Karajor. Coop flips up some switches. This charges the cannon up to full power. Megas fires a blast directly at the Karajor. It gets hit. Multiple explosions are seen. The Karajor slowly crash lands onto the planet. Explosions are seen in the distance. Megas then releases the giant cannon and drops it to the ground. Megas moves its arms to signal a job well done.* Ok. Now I think we are done here. *Megas walks away, but is shot again from behind* Woah! *Megas turns around to see Gorrath's mech down but still able to attack.*

Gorrath: No! I will not allow you to leave! As long as I draw breath, you will never destroy us! *Megas then turns around and walks towards Gorrath's mech. Gorrath looks up and gulps.*

Coop: Chill out squid! I ain't here to blow up your planet or beat up on your great grandparents or nothing like that! But just remember this! The next time we rumble, know that I was able to kick your butt on your own home turf! Oh! And if it weren't for me! You wouldn't even exist! So, I think a little gratitude is in order! *Gorrath grrs at Coop* Now, as much as I'd like to mop the floor with you in your own backyard, I've got a dinner date with my girlfriend and her mother. So we’re gonna have to pick this up later! *Megas walks away. Megas turns around and does a 2-finger salute* Sayonara! *Megas powers up and flies away*

Gorrath: This isn't over Earther! We will destroy you! We will destroy all of you! *The scene then shifts to Megas flying in space*

Kiva: Shouldn't we go back and finish him off?

Jamie: Nah. Let him wallow in his own despair.

Coop: Well. I gotta say! Today was a pretty revelating experience! *A small pause. Coop looks at Kiva who looks upset* Sorry Kiva. About creating the Glorft and all.

Kiva: That doesn't matter anymore. All that matters now is that we stop the Glorft of the future. The ones that came back here, and the ones in the future!

Coop: Don't worry. You can count on me! *Kiva smiles and puts her hand on Coop's shoulder*

Kiva: Thanks. *Coop smiles at Kiva*

Jamie: So, Coop, if you and Jenna were to get married, does that make the Glorft like your kids or something?

Coop: Jamie. Knock it off!

Jamie: Wait! I've got another! So, if the Megas of the future was sent to the past, then what happens to the Megas we have when it's the future again? Does it also exist?

Kiva: *Holding her head* Jamie please! I already have a big enough headache trying to process everything that's happened. We don't need you to complicate things even more. *The scene shifts to Megas flying toward Earth*

Jamie: Just one more! So how does Jenna's Megas fit into all this? Oh and Gigas! Skippy's mech! Will they be in the future as well?

Kiva: Coop. Do you think you have time to go back and leave Jamie on the Glorft home world?

Jamie: Hey!

*End Credits: It shows Gorrath looking disgruntled back on the Glorft home world. Then, some of the proto-life forms emerge. One of them looks like Gorrath. It squabbles as it angerly shakes its fist at another proto Glorft. It looks similar to the Commander. It flinches in fear and squabbles something that sounds similar to "NOT THE FACE!" Gorrath looks at this and finds this adorable and smiles*

The End


Voice Actors:

Coop: David Deluise
Jamie/Proto-Glorft: Steven Jay Blum
Kiva/Jessica/Amy: Wendee Lee
Gorrath/Proto-Glorft: Clancy Brown
Commander/Proto-Glorft: Kevin Michael Richardson
Jenna's Mom/Bethany/Sarah: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Announcer/Proto-Glorft: Tom Kenny

Production Music Used:

Life Flight - Non-Stop Production Music
Ultimate Menace - Non-Stop Production Music
Drama Sting 1 - Unknown
Collison Course - Non-Stop Production Music
Rave Up - JW Media Music
Smooth And Cool - De Wolfe Music
Hammer of the Witches (B) - KPM Music
Code Red* Non-Stop Production Music
Into The Laboratory* - Universal Production Music
Web of Evil (B) - KPM Music
The Dark (B) - KPM Music
Revolt - De Wolfe Music
Darkside (A) - Universal Production Music
Slip Away - Universal Production Music
Cylinder Head - Universal Production Music
Darkside (B) - Universal Production Music
Psychomanix - Extreme Music Directors Cut
Cecil Percussion - Non-Stop Production Music
Freestyle Hombre - Extreme Music X Series
Blood Shot - Extreme Music X Series
Short Hair - Universal Production Music
Galaxy Troopers - Universal Production Music
Viper Room Rumble - Universal Production Music
VERY FUNNY - CPM Music (Carlin)


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Spongybobchum wrote on Spacething7474's profile.
You do not know your Toy Story.
You cannot tell apart Jessie and Bo Peep even though they look nothing alike. Watch the movies more before posting on a topic about them!
Please never talk to me again until HBO Max in Europe announces the addition of classic Cartoon Network content,

Welcome back Toonami 2007-2008
zakawer2 wrote on Artan1528's profile.
Come back! I'd like to see you cover Cartoon Network and other Nordic channels too, especially from a Scandinavian (and Danish) perspective!
A childhood staple of mine (or atleast very early on) was Cartoon Network Too, it was a network that introduced me to alot of the Cartoon Cartoons staples that formed the early days of CN, although it's schedule did get sour till the end (I remember the Cartoon Cartoons block having Skatoony, Billy and Mandy and Ben 10) by the end, it was still a network I watched.
Good Ol' Charlie Brown, from the DC and Marvel Universes.

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