Marvel DVD's?


Savage Dragon
Jan 13, 2002
The Savage World
Is there any would on whether they will release the old 60's and 70's Marvel cartoons like Spider-Man, Hanna Barbera's Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Sub-Mariner, Captain America, and Thor?


It's Me
May 3, 2001
The only Spider Man animated DVDs on the horizon are the edited slapped together "movies." Ugh, I want all the episodes in season sets. Is that really too much to ask for?

Joe Wagner

The one, true Scarlet Spider!
Jan 18, 2002
Beacon of Freedom
Originally posted by Calhoun07
The only Spider Man animated DVDs on the horizon are the edited slapped together "movies." Ugh, I want all the episodes in season sets. Is that really too much to ask for?

In the eyes of a Disney executive - yes. It's way to hard to actually look in front of you and see what the people want - I mean it's much easier to complete destroy a great piece of entertainment like the Spidey animated series, aggrivate your fans in the process and than say that the property has no real value becuase of the lack of sales it presented Disney with. Besides I'm sure they're wondering - who would want a season set anyways? Our large market of 7 years and younger won't be able to afford those sets - even if we sold them both in sets and singles.

who wishes to thank Disney for their irresponsible handling of such a great property!


Active Member
Nov 21, 2001
Detroit, MI USA

What happened with FOX and their re-release of the old-school marvel toons? I guess that initiative tanked, and now Marvel is stuck with FOX having the license to distribute their stuff, but they're choosing to just sit on it instead--

But I dunno-- i've seen UNIVERSAL put out the X-MEN cartoon vhs and dvd--

But now that DISNEY owns SABAN (? somebody confirm) who produced X-MEN toon and were involved with Spidey toon, maybe they'll do that as well--

Look for SPidey and X-Men on the "ABC Family Network".. formerly the Fox Family Network...

Joe Wagner

The one, true Scarlet Spider!
Jan 18, 2002
Beacon of Freedom
Disney doesn't own Saban, but they own the license to all of the Saban shows that were aired on Fox Kids - that's why Spidey, X-Men, Fantastic Four and Iron Man will have their own block - this was all part of the deal for when Disney bought out Fox Family. That's why Disney can now destroy the awesome Spidey series in favor of a pieced together movie.



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