I don't think this will affect the DTVs at all, they seem to be off in their own little corner. It was my impression that not only are Timm and Tucker gone, Sam Register has been long gone for over a decade, along with that Greg Novack fellow who kept inserting himself in all the special features and then vanished. I have no idea who runs it now.
And this may be an unpopular opinion, but I find the quality of them now to be consistently horrible, so any change whatsoever could only be an improvement. I would assume that any new blood would look at them and say "this animation is unwatchable, we need to do something," the only other alternative would be canceling the line. Which honestly, it's lasted 15 years, it's gone on so long it's time for some kind of change lest they run it completely into the ground.
And this may be an unpopular opinion, but I find the quality of them now to be consistently horrible, so any change whatsoever could only be an improvement. I would assume that any new blood would look at them and say "this animation is unwatchable, we need to do something," the only other alternative would be canceling the line. Which honestly, it's lasted 15 years, it's gone on so long it's time for some kind of change lest they run it completely into the ground.