"Dandadan" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Acro-Silky Aira's got some moves! She's as fast and as nimble as her predecessor, and with killer hair and legs to boot! Not to mention she's still got the same delusions of grandeur as regular Aira, complete with assuming buck-naked Okarun means they're heading straight to the altar and that the boxing shrimp abba guy is clearly into her, as all men must be because she's so attractive.

Momo in for the save! Who better to undo the Serpoains Awesome Zone? Just don't have her love rival talk about Ken Takakura-sama or have Okarun say the Ken Takakura line if you don't want her concentration to go down the drain.

I feel bad for shrimp mantis guy! He's just doing his best the Alien Serpoians keep denigrated him as a gig worker and cutting his pay! And then they anal probe him into ALIEN BALTAN who sings about Japanese businessmen.

Now the whole school is nothing but water! Perfect Shin Nessie and his Atomic Breath! And he's so simpleminded he's straight up vaporizing and tearing through the Serpoains who hired him! I guess he was too good at his job.

Alien Baltan is even more dangerous in the water! Even if he can't breathe underwater! Then again, Turbo Okarun can't swim so I guess that evens things out.

I'm glad Okarun and Momo could take the time out of everything trying to kill them to have a real heart-to-heart and Okarun could tell Momo how much he wants to be 100% honest with her.

So the solution was the best tag-team combination of all...Momo and Aira in their underwear riding buck-naked Okarun to face off against the Serpoians fused together with the Shrimp and Nessie. How very Dandadan.

Based Momo using the power of science to beat the Serpoians! Not to mention getting wrangled by Acro-Aira who gives Turbo Okarun a clear shot at finishing this! That's stellar teamwork!

I'm glad they got out of this and can laugh about surviving yet another dangerous encounter! We've even got Okarun and Momo embracing! Which just makes it look even more like they were banging in the hallway to all their classmates! And now we've got three kids running around school with no clothes on! They're never living this one down.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
From the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com:

"Dan Da Dan: “Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!” Episode 9 Recap"​


"As we can expect from Science Saru, they delivered again on amazing action set pieces, and we got more advancement on the Momo/Okarun/Aira love triangle. Without further ado, let’s recap this action packed episode. As usual, there is some sexual humor in this episode, but this episode also contains a significant amount of fanservice too. Viewer and reader discretion are advised.

As we left off last episode, we learn that Aira got a new form, and it turns out that it is indeed powers from Acrobatic Silky, the ghost that saved her life back in episode seven. We are treated to an awesome action scene of Aira delivering lots of parkour and acrobatics to provide a beatdown on the aliens. The aliens have the ability to shapeshift into “shrimp looking things” with super punching powers. We flashback to what seemed like a throwaway scene from last episode, when the class was learning about a mantis shrimp’s punching power. Meanwhile, Okarun is looking for spare articles of clothing as the aliens telepathic powers stripped him bare. To make matters worse, Aira, who has a huge crush on him, caught a peek, much to his embarrassment. Although Aira is clearly the better physical fighter than the aliens, the aliens use psychokinesis to immobilize both Aira and Okarun. Things seem hopeless, but Momo arrives just in time to come to their rescue.

The aliens then break out into a very strange musical number about a Japanese business man. Yes, I’m not making that up and things seem to be going off the rails even by anime standards. The school floods even more, putting our heroes, who can’t transform into giant shrimp, at a disadvantage. Aira sinks into the water and ends up in great peril. Trying their best to swim away, Okarun and Momo still have time to argue about what happened last episode, but fortunately, in a heartwarming scene, Okarun is finally able to get a heartfelt apology in that gets accepted."

Read the full episode recap here.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this week's episode was pretty good. Okarun spending the whole episode being completely naked was a bit unexpected, but it does fit with the humor of this series. Aira was calmer about having Silky's powers considering that she keeps thinking that Okarun is a demon, but I guess since she still believes that she's a chosen one, she sees this power as more signs of heaven blessing her or some other main character syndrome nonsense. At least Momo was able to save them.

Aliens and ghosts combining together was pretty interesting and shows that there could be more connections between them. Turning the whole school to give them an advantage was pretty cool. I really liked the moment between Momo and Okaurn. Despite all of the dangers they were dealing with, Okarun still wanted to clear up the misunderstanding because he cares about what she thinks more than anyone else. It was a sweet moment that showed off their chemistry and blooming romance.

Momo came up with a good strategy that combined their powers together. It was obvious that the class on crabs was going to come back during this fight, but it was still pretty satisfying payoff, especially when they were struggling for most of the episode. Momo and Okarun coming back to the real school lying on top of each other in a suggesstive position for the whole school to see was pretty obvious the moment both Momo and Aira were wearing their underwear, but it was still funny and it will almost certainly fuel more rumors about Momo and Okarun's relationship.


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
The aliens' song in this episode comes from a series of late-80s/early-90s energy drink commercials:

Okay, that scene was a rare pop culture reference in a battle shonen. Those don't seem as common as in American animation. Also, cool to see you here on the anime forum talkbacks.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 10 "Have You Ever Seen a Cattle Mutilation?" - December 5, 2024
Momo, Okarun, and Aira make it through the alien assault by combining their powers. However, the alien that was supposedly defeated appears before them...


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
What's with this dominatrix nurse who works at the school? I mean, it's nice that she's looking out for the students, but then she just up and whips another teacher. Wait, can I work at this school now?

Well, the trio are pretty much destroyed socially, but maybe they should focus on the fact that they're caught up in a war between aliens and yokai for control of the Earth? That's why the aliens are so fixated on their yokai powers! Of course Momo and Aira don't exactly follow it entirely, either being testy around each over Okarun or in their own little world. Aira thinks she's suddenly a Sailor Guardian!

I love how Momo and Aira's gal pal pairs both show up for them...and Momo's go through a whole performance to reveal the love triangle that lead to the nude gladiatorial bout. I mean, that's not actually what happened, but it's also not that far off either?

Momo doesn't really care about her reputation, but she DOES care about Okarun and what he was doing with Aira...and Okarun obviously wants to be honest with Momo. He's just an awkward fellow trying to look cool in front of his crush, and Momo can't help but fall for that charm.

Even when Aira said she was going to throw Momo under the bus and keep up her facade as the unimpeachable Heroine, she couldn't go through with it and owned up to what she did to Momo. Not that she'll ever tell Momo, but Momo can tell Aira has some honor in her.

Oh snap, Shrimp Mantis is back! And he needs medical attention! And I love how Seiko would rather call him a kappa than admit he's an alien.

Shrimp Mantis guy has his own problems! He's just a single dad trying to provide for his kids' medical treatment after his wife passed away and struggling to find a good job! You can't help but feel for him! I mean, maybe they can't give him Okarun's balls, but can they at least give him something?

Screw political correctness, we've got milk! And cows getting abducted by UFO's! That's right, the gang saw a live abduction play out in front of them! And Seiko is STILL in denial about aliens!

Oh yeah, they go through school uniforms a lot, huh? But it'll take more than groveling for Momo to take advantage of her grandma's purse.

If you ask me, Momo nailed that Hiroshi Nanbe impression! Though now we've got Okarun dealing with the arrival of Jiji (Kaito Ishikawa), Momo's childhood friend AND first love. The love drama deepens!

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this week's episode was pretty good. Okarun's theory on the aliens and yokai fighting over the control of the Earth was interesting, but the main focus was still on the social fallout from the previous episode. I was glad that Okarun was able to clear up the misunderstanding with Momo. Their chemistry is still really cute and I thought that they were close to realizing their feelings before Momo's friends dropped in. The idea of Momo and Aira fighting over Okarun in a half naked gladiatorial combat was pretty funny though.

I'm still not a fan of Aira's stuck up fake nice popular girl persona. It just rubs me the wrong way and makes her unappealing. That being said, she did quickly admit that she spread lies about Momo instead of letting her take the fall. She still can't admit it to Momo, but there is still a good person deep down in her. I don't know how much that can come to the surface when they're going for a more frieiemies kind of dynamic between both her and Momo. Not to mention they'll certainly keep the love triangle going for awhile at least.

I thought that the shirmp was a spirit instead of an alien, but that would make more sense with Okarun's theory in mind. Maybe it was because he kept crying so hard or he seemed so genuine, but I felt really bad for him despite fighting Okarun and Momo for the past couple of episodes. The twist that his species' blood is milk was pretty funny. That basically solved his problem without having to struggle for more jobs. Going all that way for a classic cow alien abuction image was pretty funny. I suspect that having an alien alley will come in handy down the road.

I should have expected that Jiji's appearance would cause more love drama between Okarun and Momo. I have been curious about him since he's seemingly the last addition to the cast for now.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
From the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com:

"Dan Da Dan: “Have You Ever Seen A Cattle Mutilation” Episode 10 Recap"​


"This week’s Dan Da Dan was a bit of a changeup from previous episodes as the ghost/alien of the week was not hostile and the episode was mostly a light breather episode, with a focus on comedy and character development. Aira’s character growth was a particular highlight of this episode. Without further ado, let’s recap the events of this episode.

The episode begins with our leads being given school tracksuits after losing their clothes in the big battle last episode. We can check off the cliche of characters in anime tracksuits now. The school nurse happens to be a dominatrix, fitting with this show’s usual sense of humor. She comedically whips a coworker in a typical scene of Dan Da Dan humor. Okarun then explains his theory about why aliens are after those with those with ghost powers like Aira and him. His theory is that ghost, yokai, and other supernatural beings protect earth from alien invasion and that human/yokai hybrids are used as guinea pigs to figure out the weakness of these spirits.

The lead characters then discuss how they are going to go about explaining their humiliating exposure last episode. Their cover story was that Momo and Aira got into a fight, and Momo forcibly stripped Aira during their fight. Surprisingly, Momo is okay with this explanation, as she claims she doesn’t care about her reputation. Okarun finally explains the major misunderstanding of what happened two episodes ago and the two appear to be patching things up. Momo’s classmates show up in the nurse’s office to state their theory on what happened. They believe that Momo and Aira were doing a naked wrestling match over Okarun."

Read the full episode recap here.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 11 "First Love" - December 12, 2024
Momo's childhood friend Jiji begins living in Momo's house. Jiji has been worrying about apparitions in the house he moved into and had come seeking help from Seiko.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Welcome to the cast, Jiji! Okarun feels like he's facing off against a new challenger for Momo's heart, but in actuality...he's a total goofball and jokester whose always trying to stir up a laugh and acting like a complete dork. And Momo, rather than getting all flustered over her "first love," is more annoyed with him being back in her life. Though Jiji speaks Seiko's language (which is basically just complimenting her) so he gets the best treatment.

I see Aira is still convinced that Momo is a demon and as such any people associated with Momo (other than "Auntie" and Takakura-sama) must also be demons that she's shoring up for the final battle of RAGNAROK. But not on Aira's watch! once they've settled the score with the aliens, they will have their fated showdown! So Aira's just going to run off and try and get people on her side, delusional she is.

Ah yes, leaving the two young lovebirds alone in their awkward romance as they see each other off awkwardly with their true feelings left unsaid between them.

Jiji isn't just there to crack jokes or mess with Momo, he's actually there to apologize for making fun of her all those years ago now that he's experienced his own spiritual horror moment in his families' new home up in the mountains. So obviously he needs occultist help, but Seiko is useless outside the city so it's up to Momo to solve things and get an unlimited uniform budget.

I didn't know their school had people from the Science Patrol and Ultra Guard on the staff.

Oh OF COURSE Jiji transfers into their school and is immediately a hit with the ladies (and not the guys). He even manages to win over Momo's gal pals...though they're still committed to the MomoxOkarun ship!

Look at Okarun's sketches of his and Momo's adventures! And his jealous frustrations over how close he assumes Momo and Jiji are. His drawings are actually pretty nice though, especially Momo.

But Okarun shouldn't worry, he's the one Momo wants to eat lunch with! She's even willing to feed him! Though too bad Jiji's known Momo long enough to know how to appeal to her with food.

Okarun doesn't have long to dwell on his jealousy though because we have a running anatomical model man voiced by Tomokazu Sugita on the loose! And I guess credit to Jiji for trying to protect Momo even if he just caused an even bigger mess by holding onto to her and holding her back!

You know it's good when the William Tell Overture returns for a chase sequence as Turbo Okarun chases running model man while Momo is holding on for dear life between them and Jiji is holding on to Momo!

Momo always gets her man! Even if she has to punch his heart to get to him. But she's got to get her BF's balls back by any means necessary.

But why did model man, who is named Taro, running so hard? So he could find his beloved Hana, voiced by frikkin' Fumi Hirano, who is a sentient anatomical model woman who was thrown out with the trash. And Taro's faithfulness and unabashed love for Hana seems to have inspired Okarun!


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Last week: Eh... what up with that nurse.

Interesting theory about there being a war between aliens and ghosts.

Oh, so Dover was an alien. That was a hilarious turn that their blood is cow milk on Earth. Funny nod to bovine kidnapping lore. It is a very interesting development that Dover is now an ally. So they're not all bad.

It was funny they focused more on the reps of the girls but nothing on Okarun's class reacting to him being in the middle of war for the affection for two hotties. Well... at least Aira admitted to starting that lie about Momo being a whore.

This week:
Of course they'd add on another obnoxious character. I'm feeling Jiji as much as I am Aira. Not very. But I guess it's gonna be a love quadrangle from now on. shrug.

Though the cursed house sounds like a fun threat to deal with. Classic supernatural yokai.

That was odd Jjji was confused why Momo calls Seiko "grandma" instead of "auntie." hmm.

Oh so it seems the animated model has the second ball (or it's a red herring)! Ha, and Momo again with the MVP quick thinking of snagging the heart to impair the model.

Though the only concern is I think next week is the season finale and in the manga this arc is way longer than past arcs so far. The previous ones only had 8-9 chapters per arc. This new arc is 22 chapters and this episode was about 3-4 chapters. So this season may end on a cliffhanger...


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
This week: Of course they'd add on another obnoxious character. I'm feeling Jiji as much as I am Aira. Not very. But I guess it's gonna be a love quadrangle from now on. shrug.
More like in Okarun's head. Jiji might know more about Momo from being her childhood friend but she seems completely over him and more annoyed with him now.
That was odd Jjji was confused why Momo calls Seiko "grandma" instead of "auntie." hmm.
I mean, would you call Seiko a "grandma" if you first saw her :p?


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
I actually find Aira and Jiji to be endearing doofuses. This is probably the most rounded main cast I've seen in a battle shonen in a long time.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
From the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com:

"Dan Da Dan: “First Love” Episode 11 Recap"​


"This week’s Dan Da Dan revealed the nature of Okarun’s romantic rival Jiji, and he was something else. We had our usual wacky comedy, romantic drama, and a big chase sequence in this episode. So without further ado, let’s recap what happened in this episode.

Turns out, Jiji is what today’s kids call “cringe.” He is very animated and over the top awkward when he greets Momo. Momo finds his behavior very embarrassing and does not seem attracted to him, much to the relief of those hoping Momo and Okarun would get together. Aira believes that Jiji’s awkward and bizarre behavior must be because he’s an evil demon, an accusation she seems to have toward every character in this show. It turns out that Jiji is moving in with Momo because something bad happened to his parents, something ghost related.

It turns out that he lived in a haunted house and everyone who attempted to exorcise the evil spirits met a grisly fate. He asks Seiko for help in fighting the ghosts, but it turns out that Seiko’s powers only work in the city she lives in and that only Momo can fight off the ghost. Okarun is ready to go home for the day, but Momo is upset that he doesn’t say goodbye and “see you tomorrow.” This scene suggests that Momo does have feelings for Okarun, despite his fears of a challenger taking her away from him."

Read the full episode recap here.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this week's episode was pretty good. I certainly wasn't expecting Jiji's personality to be like that. I thought that he'd be more of the straight man of the group given his reaction to Momo when he opened the door, but he's the exact opposite. He's such an over the top idiot that it does become pretty funny. The notion that he was Momo's first crush does seem rather questionable to me, partly because it came from her grandmother and also because from Momo's brief memories of their time together, she doesn't seem that fond of Jiji even back then. If she had a crush, it's obviously well over, but I wouldn't put it past her grandmother to say nonsense just to mess with Okarun too.

It was refreshing that the only impact Jiji will seemingly play in the love triangle is in Okarun's mind. He was so focused on the childhood first crush that he didn't really think things through. While I'm sure that Momo denied it, I do like that we didn't see her correct her friends that Okarun is her boyfriend. I can kind of understand why Okarun would think of wanting to spend less time with Momo when he thought that she and Jiji were getting closer, but given that they have to work together to fight off aliens and ghosts, it was a rather impractical notion.

A walking talking animated model of a human body was unexpected. Jiji is way too stupid, but he does care about Momo when his first reaction was to protect her. That does make him more endearingly stupid, which is the best kind of stupid. The whole romantic confession between two medical human bodies was really weird, but at least it did inspire Okarun to not give up on his feelings for Momo.


This is Kyokugen Karate... 2016 Style
Jul 11, 2003
A little late on my reviews, but I have been keeping up with this show and continue to be impressed.

Episode 8-10 formed another story arc, with the Serpoians coming back to menace our heroes again. It is a major issue if these monsters can attack in the middle of a busy day by summoning Momo, Okarun, and Aira to a mini-dimension where the laws of normal physics do not apply. The perspective in that fight was really impressive, alternating between the claustrophobia inducing hallways alternating with 'floors' of water that but the good guys at a massive disadvantage. It was no big surprise to me that Aira developed powers from absorbing Acro-Silky's aura, it is typical comic book logic. Plus if she is going to be a main character she needs to fight to be useful. I did laugh because Aira's Japanese VA is Ayane Sakura and when she goes into Silky mode her voice drops a whole octave and sounds exactly like Kodachi Kuno from Ranma 1/2, another role Sakura recently portrayed. Thankfully Aira is still a good young woman at heart despite her delusions about love.

In terms of quality this arc was somewhat of a drop from the previous one, but it was hard to maintain the emotional high that the Acro-Silky arc built up. I think it shows in a very fantastical way how volatile young love can be even if you remove the love interests being hunted by yokai and aliens. At least Momo and Okarun are trying to work through their hang-ups and understand each other better. Mr. Shrimp explaining his backstory was surprisingly touching. He was just a hired hand trying to do the best for his son, but it is a shame he attacked our heroes when he could have just gone down to a local supermarket and figure out cow's milk is replacement blood for his species. Then again, we would never have gotten that amazing (and funny) cow abduction sequence. I'm sure we will see our 'kappa' friend again somewhere down the line.

Now for Jiji's intro, I had been spoiled about his real nature before the episode premiered but the scale of his wackiness still caught me off guard. Boy, is he lucky that he is so tall and handsome because otherwise he would be getting clowned at school harder than Okarun ever was. I'm guessing it is a defense mechanism to cover up that his life is not as great as it looks at first glance, even taking into account his parents are being cursed by an evil spirit possessing their house. That was a shockingly dark sequence where the photos of the mystics who committed suicide flashed on the screen. I had to rewind to catch it but one of the mystics was cut clean in half by a train.

And it was sad to see how beaten down Okarun felt even after he saw how annoyed Momo was by Jiji. He practically withered up and died inside thinking that Momo was going to abandon him even when it was obvious she trying to engage him in very way she reasonably could, but given what we know about Okarun's past it is not shocking he has abysmal self-confidence. Jiji actually seems to like Okarun from what little we have of seen them interacting so I doubt these two will have the frenemies dynamic of Momo and Aira. Watching Taro do everything he could to find his true love Hana seems to have lit a fire in Okarun, and hopefully we see that start play out more next episode. If next week is the season finale then I hope the wait for next episodes is reasonable. It would be brutal to wait another year to find out what happens next.
Last edited:


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 12 "Let's Go to the Cursed House" - December 19, 2024 (Season Finale)
Momo and Okarun head to Jiji's house to investigate the case of Jiji's family. There are several shadows watching them…


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Augh. Had a feeling it was going to be a cliffhanger. But at least they already announced a season 2 for July next year.

Wonder if any of the things mentioned on the train ride are relevant or just red herrings. The specific timeline of 200 years ago comes up then and when Jiji talks about his town's volcano's history. Coincidence? I think not. Perhaps the villain or secondary villain of this arc is the tsuchinoko cryptid which turns out to be a giant snake or something or a kappa.

Jiji is being haunted by an entity even when he's far away from home. Hmm, is it attached to the house or to him? An extra addition to the house that shouldn't be there. A bunch of talismans in the wall. Smells like a curse or a hex.

And the town has a bunch of creepo pervs and once again Momo is in a precarious situation. Are they connected to Jiji's supernatural problem? Hmm. The way their character designs are so stylized compared to the main cast makes me think yeah. Maybe it's a cult thing and there's some local god or spirit that turns out to be the tsuchinoko. Feels there's going to be multiple threats in this arc. And feels like a given Jiji will get supernatural powers, too. 7 month wait initiate. >_<


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
It's time to bow your heads to the greatness that is Seiko-sama for the sake of true love! I mean, someone HAS to keep Hana so she and Taro can be together as lovers right? All the while Turbo Granny is trying to kill Jiji.

Okarun still obviously doesn't care for how chummy and close Momo and Jiji are, so he'll take his newfound and inspired by Taro assertiveness and put himself out there! And try to out-goofy Jiji!

Oh yeah, no WAY Okarun is letting Momo go on an overnight trip with Jiji alone! Good thing Momo planned to take him anyways!

Nothing will get in the way of Taro being with Hana! Not students staying overnight at school to get spooked, the train (which he actually rides normally), or even getting hit by Truck-kun.

It's really nice of Momo to stay up late with Hana and reassure her that Taro will show up. Not that she really liked falling asleep and waking up to two anatomical models making out.

Okay, so Jiji seems to have more going on what with those dreams of a creepy dude in tightie-whites preventing him from sleeping.

Okarun is struggling with Momo and Jiji's natural childhood friend banter. If only he had both nuts he could feel more assured of himself as a man! Even though now Jiji thinks he can start making dirty jokes! Don't give up, Okarun.

But hey, Jiji is actually into the stuff Okarun is into and thinks Okarun is cool, and any friend of Momo's is a friend of Jiji! Why not just be pals? Okarun could use a cool and dumb guy friend! Meanwhile wind suddenly erupts around Momo's face the moment Okarun quotes Ken Takakura.

Nothing strange in this town! What with its legendary snake shrine, volcano, or all the pale-faced smiling people and old lady packing a gun.

You can't beat Jiji in enthusiasm! Especially when climbing the steps to his family home.

There aren't any spiritual presences that Momo can detect but that's not going to stop her from sitting in Jiji's house like she owns the place, get close-ups of her amazing legs, order Jiji around like a boss, and try to get cozy with Okarun...before ditching him to go enjoy some hot springs.

While Momo is away, the boys will play! That's right, Dandadan is now a soccer anime! Complete with Jiji confronting Okarun about his feelings for Momo and the boys getting in a competition over who loves Momo more all the while reassuring their friendship. That's what Momo wanted for Okarun after all!

Okay, so nothing strange is going on...other than a new foyer in the house made of talismans and Momo getting creeped on by a bunch of "gators" in the hot springs (why does this always happen to Momo when she doesn't have clothes?). Guess there's more battle shonen romcom supernatural horror adventures to come in 2025.


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