Cartoon Networks future?.


Aug 4, 2019
What is going to happen to Cartoon Network, will they ever recover from being a lackluster channel. Sinse they are revisiting making live action shows and not learned from their past mistake with CN Real. Sinse HBO Max has a huge library of cartoons could that possibly hurt the channel as people can watch a huge variety of cartoons anytime.

So whats going to happen to Cartoon Network in the future?.


Aug 4, 2019
There is nothing wrong with Cartoon Network.


Let me amend that. There is NOTHING wrong with it that would cause its demise. This thread is ridiculous.

Has the channel even been popular when its been going through a slump?.

This is not the first time it happen to Cartoon Network.
Apr 17, 2017
Honestly, CN the linear channel is now the 2nd most important childrens brand to their HBO Max streaming service...

So remember when WB! still prioritized Kids WB! on Saturday mornings and CN! had it's Cartoon Cartoons slowly building a brand? Or when Disney prioritized One Saturday Morning over the Disney Channel and Toon Disney? Over time....they kept those blocks but they just became reruns for the cable channels until people just stopped watching. They were zombies.

That's kind of what CN! will become as all the cable channels will over the next 5 years...reruns and infomercials for their streaming counterparts. Cable is dead folks. Nick and Disney were #1 for years...they're sunk now. Because kids get older and stop watching...the gen that grew up on those channels are streaming. The new gen of kids stream everything with their cord-cutting parents.

The smart thing for Cable/Satellite to start doing is sell their packages for the OnDemand aspect being better than streaming and make those packages more enticing. My OnDemand package for my cable gives me access to way more content than one streaming service...and it's run through my box which is a better picture than streaming. Not to mention the live sports, news, and weather.

CN can survive as a brand. The brand that's the successor to the Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera era of cartoons. A big library of content....and make it ALL ABOUT TOONS. There won't be a need to worry about demographics anymore with streaming....they can just use the brand for what they want.
Jun 11, 2021
That’s a secret
CN isn’t going anywhere, at least short-term there’s still an audience on TV although it is shrinking it is still there, Time Warner makes enough money from HBO max and movies to support Cartoon Network as long as they deem worth it


Aug 4, 2019
Who knows how long it would take for Cartoon Network to even have a new golden age of cartoons again.


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