
New Member
Jul 31, 2016
Anyone Have any opinions on the best anime for beginners? I think..
  • FMA: Brotherhood
  • Sword Art Online
  • Angel Beats
  • Fairy Tail

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I think it really depends on what kind of shows you like already. There are a lot of shows that fit within different genres, so it's hard to say what specific anime would be the best for people trying to get into it for the first time.

I do like Brotherhood and I'd recommend it, but I don't know if I'd say it's the best anime for beginnings. The pacing for the first thirteen or so episode kind of assumes that you're already familiar with either the source material or the first series, so that might a bit strange for new comers. I'd avoid Sword Art Online like the plague. It is absolutely awful in every sense of the word and the writing goes from tolerably bad to insultingly bad extremely quickly. There are far better anime series to introduce beginners to than that series.

I haven't seen Angel Beats, so I can't comment on that one, but Fairy Tail might work for some people. While it certainly isn't the best long running shonen series out there, it can be fun to watch, there are some good fights and some surprisingly heartfelt moments too. Although, the fact that I haven't tried to finish watching the original series or start watching the second series after Funimation's On Demand section was taken off probably says how much I really like the show at this point. Still, in terms of a show for people starting off to watch anime, it could work.


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