Aug 16, 2018
So yesterday i may have made the quote on quote "worst miatake of my life"...By helping out a friend -__- ( smh ).
He's no Stan Lee , but with a lot more practice & maybe with a different approach on his art making choices...He just might.
Today I feel like we live in a cold world where people would only help you out if you did something for them in the past :(

Postivity behind th3 mSG : BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU DO !

P.s checc out another oneI managed to snatch off his laptop :) !


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I have to lay low for awhile. I need to take a break from this for right now, but I'll be back soon.
Bought Cat City (1986) on Prime today. Never seen it before, looking forward to watching it!
Super Metroid on the SNES turns 30 today in North America.
The sub-only anime releases in North America are the invention of the 2010s.
Not all of Family Guy has aged well (and he knows this - hell, he's friends with the PTC president now) but I genuinely think Seth MacFarlane is a really good guy.

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