Cartoons Dammit Art Evolution


New Member
Nov 24, 2016
Let's start off with Adventure Time, the shows art style didn't go though as much of a drastic change as other shows. But there is an obvious difference, the earlier seasons have thicker outlines, brighter colors, and more cartoony animation. The designs in earlier seasons were more streamlined and less prone to go off model.


Here's how Finn looks like in the earlier seasons, notice how his skin his paler. The lines are more bold. His head is very flat and rectangular. But his design is simplier, which is prone to rarely going off-model.


Here's what he looks like now, not much of a change. However the colors are more shaded. He's also wobblier and chubbier. This causes his design to be very prone to going off-model. The lines are also thinner, and Finn's head is longer. Finn also has more of a tan.


In early seasons, only are the lines thicker but the tint is different. Jake is more yellow-ish in early seasons, starting in Season 3 he's more bronze. Plus, in early season Jake is skinner and his jow is much much bigger. His ears are also larger. His design is also prone not never going off model. The old animation looks very odd after watching an episode from a later season, since I'm so used to the bulgier animation used in subsequent seasons.


Jake's life is changing. Jake is chubbier his skin is bronze. His outlines are thinner. His jow is smaller. His desigined is less streamlined. And is very prone to going off-model. Jake also is much smoother. No jagged lines, everything is round.


New Member
Nov 24, 2016
Next is Spongebob, the show with the most drastic change:


Season 1: ugly cel animation. Dim colors, wobbly lines, unsteady animation. Grainy picture


Season 2: The transition to digital ink and paint, Spongebob is a little pale, since the animators are still getting the kinks out from the new computer coloring. Outlines are bolder and thicker, animation is completely steady, sharper picture, and no wobbliness.


Season 3: Not as dull as Season 2. But still retains an organic look. The colors are also more vivid. It looks like a refined version of Season 2.


Season 4: The art style becomes sketchy and rough. It no longer retains the organic look that the pre-movie seasons have. The colors are cooler and more sterlie. Outlines are bolder. Everything is also blockier. The animation is also not as fluent as the 2nd and 3rd season.


Season 5: Outilines are thinner, looks more realistic than S4. Nothing much to say, just looks like a refined version of S4, it's S4's twin, just like Season 2-3.


Season 6: Gruseme close-ups, overly detailed designed, ugly animation. Rubber stiff, least favorite style in the series. At least Season 1's ugliness had charm, this doesn't.


Season 7: The first half looks like S6, except smoother and less grusome closeups. The second half looks cooler and stiffer, the designs also start to have the more streamlined look of the eighth season as it moves along.


Season 8: The final season to be animated in standard-definition, excluding the stop-motion christmas specail "It's a Spongebob Christmas!"
The animation Is cooler. And not as bright as S4-S7. The animation is also stiffer than S6, but is no longer ugly, and actually looks decent.


Season 9.1: The transition to HD. Although very stiff, looks very crisp and sharp in HD. Colors really pop out, and background detail is more visible, such as paint strokes. But still the animation is unexpressive and stiff


Season 9.2 and Season 10: The animation is prone to going off-model, characters are drawn smaller. Animation becomes very smooth.


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