Another CatScratch thread


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
There are others, but they're old...

Who loved CatScratch? I did. Some of my friends did, too, until some of my other friends pointed out how "G-rated" it was, and I was made fun of for liking it.

Nickelodeon hasn't treated it too well either. It only lasted one season (true, that one season was stretched out over two years, but still) of 20 episodes, and has only been featured on home video three times, DVD volumes of Nick Picks that only included one segment each (not even entire episodes).

It'd be nice if it could get a complete series DVD from Shout! Factory or something, but it's too new to e considered a "classic" Nicktoon and too old to be considered recent (I'm at in an awkward age group right now where most of the things I loved and grew up with are neither old enough for mass nostalgia nor new enough to be remembered by younger people. Late 90s/first half of 2000s stuff).

The chances of any kind of revival are low too. Not only do not many people remember it, but it was never SpongeBob-level popular, and as I understand it, Doug TenNapel isn't exactly the most well-liked Nicktoon creator right now (he's very right-wing/conservative, if that explains things).


Active Member
Jan 26, 2018
New Jersey, USA
I remember the show but I can only think of one specific episode- the one that the cats try to win some kind of contest and there was a old woman that kept saying "adequate" after each part of the competition.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
I remember the show but I can only think of one specific episode- the one that the cats try to win some kind of contest and there was a old woman that kept saying "adequate" after each part of the competition.

They were competing to become the king of the root beer parade, which actually meant being filled with helium and becoming the balloon.


Staff member
Oct 5, 2014
Austin, Texas
Up until a few years ago I never heard about the show. I've seen i've seen a few episodes and for the most part it was decent.


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