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Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Box Office Numbers Updated

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is the latest movie in the Dragon Ball line, and it was one that was daring to take a few risks in terms of both story and visual. Because unlike the previous three movies, the focus was not going to be on Goku and Vegeta, but rather, Gohan and Piccolo, as well as the return of the Red Ribbon Army. Given that many fans were hoping this film would respark interest in the anime in terms of continuing the franchise, the box office results are going to matter here.

The good news is that according to new reports, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has earned about $1.6 billion yen in its three weeks in Japan. That’s about $12 million dollars, and for Japan, that’s not a bad haul. However, though the film started out strong in its opening weekend, at this point in time with previous films, the total was usually about a billion yen more.

To be clear, this doesn’t mean that the movie is a failure, far from it. It does mean though that we can’t clearly say what is going on and what the future will be for Dragon Ball just yet.

It’s also important to note that while it may be doing “lesser” in Japan, it might just do better in places like the United States when it releases in August in the West. Because US fans (along with other nations in the west) are very much excited for this new film and might just help spike things back up in terms of profits, only time will tell of course.

Japan was also one of the nations hit hardest by the global pandemic which is still going on, and as a result of that, many might be nervous about going to theaters still. Either way, the movie is doing fine, and hopefully it’ll be doing better later on.