Home Channels Disenchantment Part 3 Hits Netflix January 15

Disenchantment Part 3 Hits Netflix January 15


Looks like a month from now, we’ll be getting more of Matt Groening’s Disenchantment. A fresh trailer from Netflix appeared on IGN’s YouTube channel this morning.

Netflix is playing it vague with the description: “Bean continues to grow into her power and own her destiny. As the fearless friends venture out to discover new worlds, they might just find there really is no place like home.” We’ll just have to piece together what happens from the clips.

Bean’s mother is back, and she’s got an underground army of elves with Funko Pop eyes. Bean fears there’s a secret conspiracy within Dreamland Castle to assassinate her. But it looks like the biggest discovery this year will be the existence of Steamland, a country technologically advanced by centuries from what Bean is used to. The area is structured like a giant amusement park, and a poster for the new season suggests Elfo is captured here and turned into a sideshow attraction.

The mayor of Steamland is equally fascinated by the existence of Dreamland. He’s never seen anything like magic before and has to learn more. He proposes a kind of merger between the two kingdoms, “an alliance between magic and science.” We doubt his intentions are noble (I mean, the Elfo poster alone suggests this) but odds are pretty strong Bean won’t realize that until it’s too late.

There are lots of other shots without context: Bean’s father locked up in jail, Bean swimming with mermaids, Bean getting angry and somehow shooting out electricity from her fists that short-circuits a bunch of robots with light bulbs for heads…it’ll all make sense eventually, maybe.

Will Elfo continue to be a pathetic sidekick? Will Luci remain consistent as the Bender knockoff he was introduced as? Will there be lots of jokes about alcohol and the consumption thereof? Tune in next month to find out! Disenchantment Part 3 premieres January 15 only on Netflix. A fourth “part” is now in production.