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Dan Da Dan: Episode 5 Recap


Well, it turns out that the show isn’t over even when the first four episodes seemingly wrapped up the main plot. This episode provided more down to earth relationship drama between our main characters along with the madcap wackiness and crude humor that’s come to be expected with this series. Without further ado, let’s recap this episode with a little bit of commentary about why this show is awesome. Again, a crude humor warning and that viewer and reader discretion is advised.

The episode begins with Okarun nervously thinking about his approach with meeting up with Momo. He accidentally bumps into her, but it turns out that it is time for school and there is no time to socialize. They both think about how much fun it would be to talk about ghosts and aliens together, but their schoolwork keeps them from doing that. Okarun thinks about how socially ostracized he is due to his interests, and pines for the one girl willing to socialize with him. Isekai often seems to have an audience stand in character that otaku can relate to, but it seems like Okarun is a battle shonen equivalent, which is rare when the genre usually has larger than life mega macho characters the audience can’t really relate with. Momo, is also becoming a shonen rarity as she has actually been the one to defeat the last two villains in battle and feels like a real fleshed out character rather than just a prize for Okarun to win.

During lunch, both characters frantically search for each other and can’t find each other. They both worry that the other party is avoiding them. Okarun can’t believe an alien obsessed geek like him could ever get attention from a pretty and popular girl and Momo thinks that Okarun is an antisocial guy who wants nothing to do with her. Eventually, they accidentally bump into each other and it seems like a heartwarming moment is imminent, but the other popular girls see them and Momo seems afraid of what they think. She denies that she likes Okarun and says some very nasty things to him which seem to be at least partially her venting her fears of him rejecting her.

A dejected Okarun goes to the boy’s bathroom and is shocked to see that he is still missing something anatomically and is clued in that Turbo Granny’s curse has not been lifted. Next, he runs into a seemingly sweet and kind pink haired girl in the hallway who taps him affectionately on the shoulder and acts nice towards him. It turns out this is an act as we cut to her talking about playing with his emotions and saying that this will be the first, and last, time a girl ever touches him. Karma strikes and a washbasin falls from the lockers to strike this pink haired girl. Momo offers to walk him home.

Momo gives a heartfelt apology and they go to Seiko to solve the current problem. Seiko teaches Momo how to use her aura to get a spirit out of Okarun. The spirit leaves him and becomes attached to a cat ornament, specifically the cool cat ornament that is prominently featured in the ending credits song bopping to jammin’ tunes. Momo confronts the spirit, who turns out to be Turbo Granny. The spirit offers to give Okarun his anatomy back if he takes revenge on Momo and Seiko on her behalf. Of course, he refuses, but in a surprising moment, he reveals that he can still transform into his ghost form. She is shocked how this is possible if she was exorcised from him, but Seiko explains that only her consciousness was exorcised. Her powers are still in Okarun’s body. They make a deal where Turbo Granny can get her powers back if she is able to give back Okarun’s anatomy, but it turns out that she doesn’t know how to undo the curse. Thus we have our major episode cliffhanger.

What a heart wrenching episode with realistic high school drama despite the wacky sci-fi/supernatural hijinks. Let’s hope these kids can be happy together.

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