Home News Another Livestream From Destiny’s House Of Wolves

Another Livestream From Destiny’s House Of Wolves


Tomorrow Bungie will launch its second in a planned series of Livestreams relating to Destiny DLC content. Bungie’s community manager Deej will host a livestream straight from the studio, with design leads Lars Bakken and Derek Carroll (Bungie design leads) on hand, as well as community member tripleWRECK.

Bungie has already presented one Livestream for the second DLC pack, Destiny Expansion II: House of Wolves, but it focused mainly on The Reef, Destiny‘s new social area. This Livestream will be all about battle!

Specifically, a new multiplayer event called Trials of Osiris. Trials of Osiris will be a 3×3 elimination event. The higher your team gets in the competition, the greater the in-game prizes they can win, which include exclusive Osiris-themed gear.

To promote the event, Bungie has released one new screenshot (seen above) and a teaser video (seen below). The new Destiny livestream for Trials of Osiris will broadcast exclusively on Twitch Wednesday, April 29th at 11 AM Pacific (2 PM Eastern). Destiny Expansion II: House of Wolves will be available on Tuesday, May 19th, for the individual price of $20 or as part of the Expansion Pass, which is $35.