Home Channels Animated Video Game Anthology “Secret Level” Ordered By Amazon Prime

Animated Video Game Anthology “Secret Level” Ordered By Amazon Prime

secret level

Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots was created by Tim Miller and Blur Studio, an animation company that has worked on commercials, video game cutscenes, and special sequences of feature films since 1995. They’re skilled at producing many different styles at the same time, which prepared them for a project like Love, Death & Robots and should equally prep them for the series Amazon Prime Video just ordered.

It’s called Secret Level, and like Love, Death & Robots, it will be an anthology series with a different story and art style in each episode. The difference is while LD&R stuck to the genres of sci-fi and horror, the sequences in Secret Level could be anything…as long as that something is based on a video game.

These won’t be made-up games that happen to resemble popular ones. Secret Level will consist of legit adaptions of real video game worlds. Spelunky has been confirmed to be getting its own episode, as well as New World, a game you’ve never heard of but Amazon happens to own (convenient, that). Also, Amazon has entered a deal with Sony to base some episodes around Playstation IPs.

We can only speculate what the other episodes are about until more info comes out, but we wouldn’t bet on any major property huge enough to potentially get its own series, or especially one that has one already. Even though Sony is involved, both The Last Of Us and Twisted Metal are probably off-limits. FORGET about anything Nintendo; Amazon would never scale that wall. The only major IP we wouldn’t rule out is Sonic, because even though he has a show on Netflix right now, Sonic will appear anywhere in anything. He was on the Game.com for cryin’ out loud.

But it’s probably for the best if Secret Level sticks to indie and indie-sized games, giving them a chance they otherwise would never have had. More about Secret Level will be revealed in the months ahead. Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio are producing, with Dave Wilson serving as executive producer and supervising director.

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