Home News Allspark.com 2012 Charity Drive for Hasbro Children’s Hospital

Allspark.com 2012 Charity Drive for Hasbro Children’s Hospital


The Transformers fansite Allspark.com is hosting their third annual charity drive for the Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Originally started in 2010 in order to win a rare Toy Fair brochure for the reference of all fans, donations to the effort exceeded the needed amount and led to the start of the charity drive with the brochure in turn being scanned and then resold to raise even more money for the hospital. Since then the event has existed exclusively for this purpose, with members of the site’s forums donating. The second year saw the event raise $6400, an amount personally matched by Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner.

This year the site has a target amount of $8000 but hopes to exceed it. More information on the charity drive and how to donate can be found here.